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  1. AHC: Stronger Italy in World War II

    Search isn't working for me, so apologies if I missed a recent thread/TL discussing this. So, after making a few attempts at winning World War II as Italy, and generally managing to do quite a bit better than OTL Italy, my curiosity on the matter has been roused. So, how could Italy go from...
  2. Nazi Germany Holds out Long Enough to be Nuked

    Fairly simple premise; Germany does a few more things right, and Allies do a few more things wrong, so Germany is still fighting by the time the US has nuclear weapons ready to use. Would Berlin be the first target for a nuclear attack, or would it be some other city, or would it be a location...
  3. Conciliarism Triumphant

    For people who need a refresher. So, what happens if the Conciliarists manage to win their power struggle with the Papacy? Judging from the Council of Basel we could see church councils take the form of something resembling a Papal Parliament, which could have all kinds of interesting...
  4. More Successful Frankfurt Assembly

    Reference for those who need it. Presumably, this results in a unified Germany in 1848 rather than 1871, as well as a much more liberal German state than OTL. How do the other powers of Europe react to a peaceful, liberal unification of Germany? Would this Germany also harbor irredentist...
  5. Wilhelm II dies of the Spanish Flu

    I was looking up death figures for the Spanish Flu when this idea occured to me; according to The Armenian Genocide he actually did catch the Spanish Flu, and if they're wrong it's not too hard to make a PoD for it. What effect would Wilhelm's death right at the end of World War I have...
  6. Unified Scandinavia as a Colonial Power

    Assuming that the Kalmar Union managed to remain relatively stable instead of breaking up, how effective of a colonial power would a united Scandinavia be? Denmark and Sweden both tried their hands at colonial expansion in OTL, but from what I recall lack of resources and concerns closer to...
  7. No Battle of Britain

    Not sure if this specific PoD has been tossed out before, but it seems like an intriguing idea since it's a tactic I've adopted when I do WWII games; suppose the Nazis decide not to launch the Battle of Britain as part of the preparations for "Operation Unmentionable Marine Mammal." I'd assume...
  8. DBWI: Western Roman Empire Falls, East Survives

    While I was studying for my history midterms (including a course on Imperial History) I started musing about what would have happened if history were reversed and the Eastern Roman Empire survived while Rome itself fell to the barbarian hordes. Any thoughts?
  9. Random Idea: French Monarchy Restored Post World War II

    Just had a semi-random idea earlier; what if after the Fall of France one of the various claimants to the French throne (Legitimist, Orleanist, or Bonapartist, pick you favorite) plays some sort of significant role in the Free French/French Resistance. I could see that being possible if one of...
  10. DBWI: Burr wins duel with Hamilton

    What if Vice President Burr was not killed in his famous duel with Alexander Hamilton?
  11. Assault Guns vs. Tanks

    Just so there's no confusion, I'm referring to the armored fighting vehicle known as an assault gun. Assault guns do seem to offer a number of advantages when compared to tanks: they are easier and cheaper to build and maintain, have a lower target profile, and need less weight for a...
  12. Ottoman Conversion?

    Does anyone know when/if the Ottomans ever seriously considered converting from Islam to Orthodox Christianity? I have a vague recollection of some Ottoman ruler having considered it at some point, but I can't recall any details and I'm not completely certain I remember correctly. To make a...
  13. World in Conflict

    I suppose this qualifies as an alternate history game since it involves the Soviet Union deciding to lauch World War 3 in 1989 in a bid to save their tottering empire. Seems like a fun RTS game so far, though the scenario of the Soviets managing to launch a sneak-invasion of the US is a bit...
  14. AH Challenge: US-Iranian Rapproachment

    Using any reasonable PoD after the Iran Hostage Crisis, restore good relations between the United States and Iran. Bonus points for moving up from friendship to alliance.
  15. A Protestant HRE

    How would the rest of Europe react if the protestants managed to take control of a majority of the electorates? Which state would most likely end up holding the Imperial title?
  16. Lusitania PoDs I submit the following questions for consideration by the forum; depending on one's interpretation of the existing evidence and historical accounts, certain of the following PoDs might require varying levels of change to OTL, from major chages to...
  17. No Brusilov Offensive STAVKA was strongly oppossed to Brusilov's plan, only accepting it because the Tsar supported it and even then doing it's best undermine the attack. Suppose the senior commanders were able to convince the Tsar that Brusilov's attack plan should...
  18. Gas used in WWII

    During WWII the warring powers all had substantial poison gas stockpiles, but also had a "no first use" policy. Under what circumstances would any of the powers have used gas, and how would it effect the outcome of the war? A few ideas... 1: In the event of Operation...
  19. Bush-Saddam Duel

    I stumbled across this old news story the other day, and I could not help wondering about the AH possibilities... So, would anyone care to speculate on what would have happened had Bush accepted the challenge? Would the fight...