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  1. Decades of Darkness

    A much more brutal war on drugs unlikely to be more effective. But how much of the activity is sanctioned/facilitated by the *US?
  2. "Images of 1984" - Stories from Oceania

    What I mean is 8 states shifting Republican on account of black voters in '56 seems odd
  3. Decades of Darkness

    The 19th century cartography is on the retcon list.
  4. This must be satire?

    My favorite: This "Islamic Republic" names aircraft carriers after Osama but names the Baltimore airport after Khomeini (hint; Shiite does not=Sunni).
  5. Plausibility Exercise: Warsaw Pact Attacks NATO Nukes in Europe Conventionally?

    In my view the invariably result of large-scale war in Europe would be at the very least a limited nuclear war, and most likely a full scale exchange.
  6. Lands of Red and Gold

    Very well done and as these things go, plausible. Also an excellent source of many, many, many PhD theses, some of which might even be as well written as that installment.
  7. Challenge: Prime Minister of Canada, Sarah Palin

    With an expected PoD after November 4, 2008 this is clearly radically implausible.
  8. AH Challenge: Communist Israel

    Politically though it seems unlikely. Israel was fairly left, as these things go (as was the Yishuv), but it is difficult to imagine it being plausibly Stalinist, particularly given its self-appointed mandate regarding Aliyah, something that doesn't mesh well with turning towards the Soviets...
  9. Quebec secedes in 1983

    The problem is not so much Quebec sovereignty, it's that Quebec sovereignty (by the sovereigntists) was expected to include: Retention of Canadian Passports Retention of the Canadian dollar Not accounting for Quebec's share of the national debt Retention of the benefit of Canadian treaty...
  10. which novel should i read first?

    Hunt down his short stories and old school fantasy. Harry can write when he feels like it.
  11. Lands of Red and Gold

    Interesting stuff. A tantalizing mix of things other cultures have done (without so much detail that the construction is too obvious). Did you just select and blend?
  12. DBWI: A Utopian Star Trek

    OOC: AFAIK OTL canon has a WWIII thrown in somewhere.
  13. New OTL Maps project: Political parties

    Are all the democracies on that map really democratic? I mean Russia? There was an excellent map in the online Atlas of the 20th century that showed the post-WWII Western Europe cycle of Conservative vs. Social Democratic governments. There is some merit in having a true UCS reflecting party...
  14. Israel defeated

    In OTL there were various massacres on both sides (the nature of which are debated). If Israel doesn't pull through in '48 I sincerely doubt there'd be an organized genocide as such (a lot of dead sure; I suspect eliminationalist anti-Semitism filtered through into elements of Arab nationalism)...
  15. Israel defeated

    ...butterflies right there. Whether Jews in the Arab world would tend to emigrate is an intriguing question. How badly run a Palestinian state would be (or is there workable *UAR...nah) also could be interesting. I'd assume that Palestine would be more Poland then Lebanon in terms of ethnic...
  16. "Images of 1984" - Stories from Oceania

    I'm not convinced that this TL is plausible (though I enjoy it). I'm fairly convinced that 1984 is not particularly reflective of reality (in that any U.S dictatorship would have a strikingly different basis then suggested). And the premise itself is neat. Again though I can't see the U.S...
  17. AH Challenge: Canada joins the USA

    The U.S invading Canada for electing the NDP is somewhat like invading Britain for electing the Labour Party, or perhaps like invading Germany for electing the SDP. As you know under left-wing governments are apt to withdraw from NATO and then give away defence information willy-nilly to the...
  18. Lands of Red and Gold

    I assume contact with Australia is OTL? My knowledge of Oceania's history is scanty.
  19. How would George W Bush handle Cold War?

    I have some doubts that Bush II would be electable in a TL with a Cold War that continued after '96.
  20. Annoying Thing About Crosstime Traffic

    See that's why I prefer H Beam Piper's Paratime stories--better constructed. That being said perhaps the technology is limited to relatively small "conveyors" meaning that it is only feasible to use a "cross-time merchant" approach to resource extraction. This is in fact hinted at in the series...