Victoria II

Ahahahah, ohmygod guys. So ISIS - that terrorist group you've probably been hearing a lot about on the news - just released a map of what the world's going to look like soon. Look familiar?

Ahahahah, ohmygod guys. So ISIS - that terrorist group you've probably been hearing a lot about on the news - just released a map of what the world's going to look like soon. Look familiar?

...Is it just me, but did they not trouble editing the basemap except for future ISIS at all?

(And Western Tibet but not Xinjiang? Wat?)
Here's ISIS right now:


So I guess their next step is to become a Great Power, probably by prestige whoring. From there, they can sphere a neighboring country - maybe Syria, can't imagine their score is that stellar right now - and form Arabia, getting cores on a whole lot of that land they want. From there, the sky's the limit.