Yellow Eyes (Ringo & Kratman)

I finished the book yesterday and have a half-finished review/rant coming up. But first I'd ask what others who've read it thought of it?
Yellow Eyes

It was ok at best
Thank God I was able to get it at the Library. I would not have wanted to pay $15-$20 for a hardcover.


Monthly Donor
Very, VERY disappointing.

It might be that Ringo ceeded too much story plotting or he might just be tired of the series and is letting it die slowly, but it really damaged the Posleenverse "myth".

Too bad. WotR was okay.
My main beef was with the characterisation of the aliens; is that what you mean?

The "Daisy" arc also irritated me; it was interesting at first, but then it kind of got out of hand...


Monthly Donor
My main beef was with the characterisation of the aliens; is that what you mean?

The "Daisy" arc also irritated me; it was interesting at first, but then it kind of got out of hand...

Pretty much both. The whole tone was "off".
The 'flavor' of the book was off for me too, even if the concept-the terrain making a defense of the Canal, which is absolutely vital-is plausible. The Posleen were part of that, the weird spirit of the ship thing was another.
I thought it was great, and I particularily enjoyed the Daisy sub-plot.

Best part; the two Posleen buddies (The god -King and the Philosopher) drunk on Hootch and stumbling through the jungle looking for food and sex.


Monthly Donor
How did it do compared to mine?


I thought both of yours were closer in tone to the original books. This might be, in part, because you were working inside some fairly tight borders (IIRC) or because your work was more an expansion of the Posleenverse and not an extension to a different period.

I rather enjoyed Yeoman in particular.
I'll quote from what I said in the last thread:

This post includes spoilers for Watch on the Rhine and Yellow Eyes. Highlight to read.

Just read WotR and Yellow Eyes. The Darhel subplots stunk; while the Yellow Eyes Darhel & Posleen characters are reasonable, in both books it's been proven that the Darhel are working against humanity by 2005. In WotR they tell and recruit half the German parliament, subsequently arrested, and in Yellow Eyes they recruit the president of Panama! It's just an incredibly poorly written subplot, like they were incapable of any subtlety or comprehension of the timeline. And the stuff with the sentient warship and AID in Yellow Eyes is even worse...what the heck were they thinking? An AID gone insane; nice idea, has potential...when it is sentient instead of a tool, teams up with the sentient 'spirit' of a warship, clones a body for itself, gets human emotions from nowhere, gets baptised, etc, it's obvious I'm no longer reading anything that fits with the rest of the canon (the Galactics do not make sentient AIs - last time they tried the AIs revolted and almost took over!), or even into the category of science fiction.

The rest of the two books aren't too bad. But the subplots suck.
I haven't read Yellow Eyes, and don't intend to. I thought that what I did read of Watch on the Rhine was enough for me (couldn't get into it, thought it was not that good, and too politically biased).

I went off the posleen books around about 'Hell's Faire', although I completed it, I found it sort of jumped from place to place and didn't seem to go anyway until the abrupt ending.

The inital concept of the Posleen books was a very good one- an alien race that just wants to eat everyone ravaging a peaceful galatic civilisation, resulting in humans getting all sorts of awsome technology to fight them off and eventually save Earth. But it was ruined IMO by the last two books just dragging on, unnecessary politicalization and characters that just got more and more simplistic (ok, so everyone is a hardcase, who loves guns and can't to blow more stuff up). I would of liked to see more international characters (WotR doesn't count), like when it had a brief perspective from an Iranian and Vietnamese soldier in Gust Front. Maybe some perspectives from fleeing refugees as well, or a person who isn't a complete gun-nut or has big breasts (what is with that...?).