Xerxes I killed at the Battle of Thermopylae


So, in the movie 300, Persian King Xerxes I nearly got his head taken off by a Spartan spear. Of course, this is not historically correct, however, what if during the Last Stand of the Spartans and the Thespains during the Battle of Thermopylae, someone was able to kill King Xerxes I. That, or he accidentally dies somehow. Whatever happens, he is made dead. How would that affect the Greco-Persian Wars?

Grey Wolf

I've just realised this isn't a quote saying
"Xerxes, I killed at the Battle of Thermopylae"
which is how I've been saying/reading it in my head...

Unfortunately I have to admit near complete ignorance on this one, eek...

Best Regards
Grey Wolf
So, in the movie 300, Persian King Xerxes I nearly got his head taken off by a Spartan spear. Of course, this is not historically correct, however, what if during the Last Stand of the Spartans and the Thespains during the Battle of Thermopylae, someone was able to kill King Xerxes I. That, or he accidentally dies somehow. Whatever happens, he is made dead. How would that affect the Greco-Persian Wars?

IIRC in OTL Xerxes was murdered by his own courtiers, and replaced by Artaxerxes. I should imagine that on his death there would be a power struggle, and thus the Persian army would return home. Whether they would return would really depend on the successor, and of course the Greeks might think they had won, making them complacent...
If memory serves, in the original movie The Three Hundred Spartans Leonidas gives extactly that order! Thus we get the last charge of the 300.

Whether such an order was actually given, however, we'll never know but such a last defiant gesture does work well into the historical story that we know via Herodotus. So I think it's safe to say it probably was given.

Whether such as a last change would have been successful, well history has say pronounced otherwise. But one never knows as there's always Murphy's Law in such circumstances (even though Ireland was far from known at this point of time).

Now, if Xerxes had been killed at Thermopylae, I think you can kiss good-bye to any further attacks upon Greece at that point in time. If so, then there would be no Battle of Salamis nor the great Greek victory at Plataea.

Consequentially, and detrimental to the Greeks in the end, the Persians may have tried a third time: and this time the Persians win via direct intervention whilst the Athenians & Spartans are slugging it out with each other. Needless to say, the world is very different place as a result... ;)


Big Al proved that imperial Persian armies were vulnerable to decpatiation, at the very least the Persian army would shit itself on the spot of the King was obviously killed.
killing Xerxes would not have changed anything, he had replacements ready,the wars continued after his death anyway,sooo...
Most importantly, Xerses was much more civilised and reasonable than Big Al, the dumb Mac. He was never ever close to the actual battle line. So, no deal guys.