Worlds Collided

mr noob

What would happen if some how around 200 ad some tribes from west Africa maybe like around 150 men women and children were exiled from there homeland and went to (with out realizing it) Brazil and around 1500 ad when after nearly 1300 years of growing they have developed technology that is from our tl 1650 or so when everyone in Europe, and the rest of the world start's sending ships to the "new world" after Christopher Columbus "discovered it" how would the world turn out and do you think this is a good idea for a timeline?


Dude, there was an old timeline that was kind of like this where the Empire of Mali discovered Brazil and colonized the northeast. The Europeans find the New World a bit sooner because of rumors from the south and discover to their dismay a large Muslim African colony already well-established in the New World. Very cool stuff, if quite implausible.