WI: More sporting Berwicks

This is in after 1900 but it is really more of a late victorian period onwards question, no 1900 limit needed.

Berwick Rangers are a rather insignificant football team from a small town which have never really amounted to anything.
They are however fairly famous down to one odd fact about them- they are based in England, however play in the Scottish league. Despite the fact that both countries have always had full professional leagues (something which Wales doesn't quite have to the same degree, thus making Swansea et al less remarkable).

So. As a wee challenge put out there for you.
Create more sports teams in this kind of situation.
Not just sports teams that happen to be based in other countries, there are quite a few of those. But teams that play in the league of a different country to their own despite there being decent calibre professional leagues on both sides of the border.


I could see somebody like Monmouth Town FC playing in the English rather than the Welsh league for whatever reason when it started out and the status of Monmouthshire was a tad ambiguous, and still doing it now even though nearly everyone accepts that Monmouthshire is Welsh, maybe?
There was an idea floated a couple of years ago about Celtic and Rangers joining the English Football League/Premier League. Perhaps if Rangers has managed to stay in a relatively stable financial situation, and the dominance of the two clubs in Scottish was cemented, or somehow even stronger, then this idea could easily, I think, have happened.