WI: Chamberlain Dies Before Munich

Okay, a quick WI, but maybe an important one: WI Chamberlain's plane crashes on the way to the Munich conference, and he dies? What are the likely outcomes of such a PoD? Who becomes PM afterwards, and can they avert WW2?
Viscount Halifax probably becomes PM and appeasement continues. Maybe even accelerates.
What about the effects on the Munich Conference? Will there even be a conference now? And if it's called off, what will that mean for events going forward?
Chamberlain would go down as a hero who sacrifice his life in the pursuit of peace. Whatever agreement comes out of Munich would have the imperator of the dead hero. This makes it less likely that the alliance with Poland would be signed,
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Well Chamberlain was dead in two years and currently 69, which is a lot 'older' in 1938 than now. So it's possible the cancer claims him early, or is felled by a stroke like his father. As for successors...

Hoare is 'the obvious candidate'. We have to remember appeasement was popular at this point, and he is an arch-appeaser. However, some folks won't like what he did with the French over Ethiopia, and he was noted to be a poor public 'performer'.

Simon is 'most unlikely'. He's a National Liberal so won't have any really power-base within the Conservatives [who will ultimately decide]. If he's elevated to PM, it will be from the desires of the Tory 'Grandees' [who are the electorate here]. They will not do so, as Simon is cold in manner, disliked and distrusted. At 65, is approaching the 'too old' stage. Plus, he is a Nonconformist.

Eden is 'the Young Turk'. Only 41, but charming, photogenic and hardworking. Officer in the Great War, popular in the country. Main minuses; is anti-appeasement, is somewhat erratic and is generally viewed as the 'idealist with no convictions'.

Hore-Belisha is 'impossible'. Charismatic, quick-witted, driven and a good innovative problem-solver. At 45, is also part of the 'new generation'. But carries three crippling defects. One, is a National Liberal. Two, is anti-appeasement [though less than Eden]. Three, and a big three - is a Jew. Anti-semitism had also attached the air of him not 'really being one of the chaps'.

Cooper is 'the dark horse'. Rather like Eden, but has more substance behind him and is more 'one of the chaps'. Noted natural leader, is a war hero etc. Unfortunately, is also seen as dissolute, indiscreet and a bit of a firebrand. Despite these minuses, the grandees may select him if Munich goes all sour and they'd like someone kinda like Churchill, but not Churchill.

Inskip is the 'emergency placeholder'. Staunchly religious, lawyer of long experience. Acceptable to the party in general terms, doesn't offend anybone due to being a well-known nonentity.
Ok, the plane crash at the last minute. Stalls thing more than a few days on the Brit side, until the new PM/ government is set & determines policy. The French were reluctant to act unilaterally. The government of the moment favored opposing Germany, but was unwilling to start war with out complete British support.

So, one likely scenario is ever impatient Hitler sees a opportunity & occupies the Sudentland while the Brits & French seem paralyzed. That can lead to 1. Cezch acceptance, or 2. Cezch resistance. In either case the imeadite crises cannot be influenced by the new PM. He can only deal with the new situation.

If Hitler waits a week til the Brits regroup, then a appeasement PM changes little from OTL. If it's a anti appeaser the the French warhawks are strengthed & there is firm support for the Cezchs, and the French may take the first steps in Mobilization. The Cezch prepare to resist.


Ok, the plane crash at the last minute. Stalls thing more than a few days on the Brit side, until the new PM/ government is set & determines policy. The French were reluctant to act unilaterally. The government of the moment favored opposing Germany, but was unwilling to start war with out complete British support.

So, one likely scenario is ever impatient Hitler sees a opportunity & occupies the Sudentland while the Brits & French seem paralyzed. That can lead to 1. Cezch acceptance, or 2. Cezch resistance. In either case the imeadite crises cannot be influenced by the new PM. He can only deal with the new situation.

If Hitler waits a week til the Brits regroup, then a appeasement PM changes little from OTL. If it's a anti appeaser the the French warhawks are strengthed & there is firm support for the Cezchs, and the French may take the first steps in Mobilization. The Cezch prepare to resist.
We had a similar discussion a few months back and if you go for the air crash option there's almost bound to be some questions if it really was an accident. I can certainly see a delay, even a modest one, tipping Hitler over the edge.
What about the effects on the Munich Conference? Will there even be a conference now? And if it's called off, what will that mean for events going forward?
The conference is likely called off and the invasion of Czechoslovakia goes ahead as planned.
The conference is likely called off and the invasion of Czechoslovakia goes ahead as planned.
Hm, how good were the Czechoslovakian defences? If Germany performs poorly here, will it's other, future enemies (particularly Britain and France) be emboldened enough to declare war?