Why not more assassinations instead of wars?

I just read a book where instead of going to war a government send an assassin.
So, instead of millions who would have got maimed, murdered, or worse, only two people die. The ruler and the assassin.

On the one hand I can understand it. The ruler is in his bunker while millions die.
Go back a few centuries and it was demanded, that for instance a captain marched in front of his unit and when they made the firing line, he stood in line with his men. So he had the same chance to die as his men. And in some instances the ruler (Napoleon, Frederick the Great, Gustav of Sweden etc, were not only marching in front of the men, in some instances they attacked the enemy with their men.)

So, just a few ideas: (I mention a few possible reasons for doing so. There may be others so feel free to think of alternative reasons.)

1902: While their families die, the Boers decide to send assassins to London. Target: The british prime minister and Queen Victoria. As they are in the chain of command they are legitimate military targets.
(Yes, I know that because of marriages GB was connected to Germany, Russia, etc and the Boers would have shot themselves in the foot - to put it mildly - if they went after Queen Victoria, but if the British dont care about dying Boer women and children - then they want to end the war as fast as possible. Take the Queen as hostage or kidnap her to force her to sign a message ending the war and force GB to withdraw from Boer territory, but if this is not feasible, kill her in revenge for the dead and dying relatives.)

1914: The various rulers sent assassins after each other. Germany after certain russian nobles who pressured Russia to go against Germany, Britain against Austo-Hungarys Emperor because he started it all etc.

1919: According to articles in the german magazine SPIEGEL about Versailles, the Germans saw the behaviour of US President Woodrow Wilson as betrayal of the 14 Points. And Clemenceau was known for his hatred against everything german. So, the German delegation tells Wilson he is a betrayer and shoot him and Clemenceau.
Or if they are not killed and Germany signs the Treaty, instead of killing Matthias Erzberger, Walther Rathenau and the attempt on Philipp Scheidemann, Organization Consul tries to kill the three allied leaders later on the reasons mentioned above. (In case of Lloyd George, the british were always about balance and by supporting France they broke the rule of balance.)

1939: Instead of WWII Winston Churchill reacts favourable to Mussolinis attempt at a second Munich summit.
As soon as he is close to Hitler he blows himself up with the pounds of explosives hidden in his clothes.

1939-1945: Each sides sends assassins after the enemy leadership. (GB does send assassins not only after Heydrich but all the other Nazis too.)
All the other states do it too. For instance the Japanese send assassins after the US President instead Pearl Harbour. (Just imagine they would revive the Ninja to do so. Yes, all officers of Japan were or considered themselves samurai but samurai did hire ninjas. And yes, I know that we today have a very overblown opinion about ninjas.)

Angered at the Navicert system a country which lost a ship to it sends an assassin (maybe disguised as a diplomat) to London to voice their displeasure.
The same is done when GB occupies Iceland.
1902: While their families die, the Boers decide to send assassins to London. Target: The british prime minister and Queen Victoria. As they are in the chain of command they are legitimate military targets.
(Yes, I know that because of marriages GB was connected to Germany, Russia, etc and the Boers would have shot themselves in the foot - to put it mildly - if they went after Queen Victoria, but if the British dont care about dying Boer women and children - then they want to end the war as fast as possible. Take the Queen as hostage or kidnap her to force her to sign a message ending the war and force GB to withdraw from Boer territory, but if this is not feasible, kill her in revenge for the dead and dying relatives.)
Ok, so lots to unpack here.

1. Let's address the root issues here. The Boers (or the British) would NOT view the Queen as 'part of the chain of command'. It would be entirely outside their worldview. It just isn't going to make sense to them to kill Queen Victoria.
2. How on Earth does this help them? Killing the PM would just turn public opinion totally against them, making any peace talks harsher and get them labeled as 'anarchists'. There would be even less quarter given and more UK support for the war.
3. Yeah, sorry to tell you, but kidnapping the Queen is not only impossible but also not going to end the war. You thought the British people disliked the Boers before? If they do this, they are being wiped off the face of the Earth.

The whole idea is a non-starter and really misses how people in this time thought, acted and considered the world.
Because killing the ruler even in an absolutist monarchy doesn't stop his successor to continue the war.

What kind of question is that?
I just read a book where instead of going to war a government send an assassin.
So, instead of millions who would have got maimed, murdered, or worse, only two people die. The ruler and the assassin.

Because the premise assumes that "things" are set up to allow the desired outcome which is really not very plausible given how easy it would be to "protect" one person against another single person. Otherwise no "real world" situation allows that outcome because simply assassinating "one person" will not end or prevent a war, it's just not that simple.

It's like assuming that nations can "fight it out with chosen champions in single combat, it just doesn't make sense unless everyone, everywhere agrees to fight by the same rules and abide by the outcome. (And what incentive does a nation with more resources, money and population have to even consider such a system?)

Otherwise as others have noted killing just one person is not likely to prevent (and in fact in most cases would encourage) a war. It just does not realistically represent any real-world situation.


Grey Wolf

It was quite a good laugh, but I cannot deal with this topic seriously, especially not with suicide bomber Winston Churchill in the mix!
The most obvious issue is that no head of state likes the precedent.

In some of the specific cases, killing FDR leaves our ability to project power intact. So now they have a VERY pissed off United States that can hit back immediately. The whole reason for Pearl Harbor was to reduce our capabilities in the Pacific.

Morally, the Ryan Doctrine is superior to the standard practice of sending 18 year old conscripts to die. It just doesn't work strategically.
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I just read a book where instead of going to war a government send an assassin.
So, instead of millions who would have got maimed, murdered, or worse, only two people die. The ruler and the assassin.

Which only works if you are talking about some sort of warlord in some sort of clan/feudal situation. In any sort of nation with a functional government structure killing off leaders is just going to make them angry and someone else will just step up to fill the role. In fact history has plenty of examples where killing off some leader would have benefitted the enemy, basically why the British dropped plans to assassinate Hitler.