What would become of the Internet in a nuclear war?

Something I've been wondering about recently. I know it was originally designed by the military to withstand a nuclear attack, but considering how it's 95% civilian nowadays. . .


It’s toast; you are reduced to the secure military networks only. The nuclear attack at the end of Terminator III would be the computer equivalent of blowing its own brains out.


Most of those servers are in the middle of cities, most phone hubs are near city centres and well within the blast radius of nuclear weapons…


Shit, I forgot about the electromagnetic pulses. I suppose they would toast any unhardened server.
There are ways to get around some of those problems given sufficient warning. However Cook is quite correct: Aside from authorised military/government use, fuggedaboudit.

Besides, i rather doubt that too many people will be interested in checking up on their Facebook pages under that type of situation.

Basic survival does tend to put a crimp into leisure activities.;)
Shit, I forgot about the electromagnetic pulses. I suppose they would toast any unhardened server.

Not so much EMP (which is seriously overrated) as power failures (due to the evisceration of the power grid and hits on major generating stations), destruction of servers, destruction of things like phone and fiber-optic lines, and the death or displacement of large numbers of the technicians and repairmen who keep all of the hardware that underlies the internet functional. Core military and government networks were designed to survive a nuclear war, but for everyone else? Poof. Gone. Probably be decades to bring it back to how it was. And that is because a lot of the equipment would have to be replace, and the manufacturers either can't produce due to no electricity and a shortage of components and/or raw materials or went up in a mushroom cloud.