what if the republicans only focus on Monica's employment during impeachment

a sidebar from the other thread and from Monica's baby

The whitehouse in 1996 transferred Monica (who was then actively engaged in her affair with Bill) from Panetta's office to the pentagon where she got a substantial salary and benefit increase. The more or less consensus opinion is that this was orchestrated by Panetta himself because he thought Monica and Bill were ~too close~

What if instead of focusing on the perjury which Bill was able to parse out of; the Republicans focused on Monica's transfer and increased salary. The missuse of public funds to support a politician's mistress has been a deathblow to seemingly invulnerable politicians like Elliot Spitzer and Jim McGreavy and John Ensign; and I'm wondering if attacking along that line would hit home with more people and seem less petty than what the republicans ultimately did
Even if Panetta is the guilty party, this still bad news for Clinton. People would not be easy to dismiss as just about sex.