What if Morocco is Not Conquered by France in 1911-1912?

What if Morocco is somehow able to successfully avoid ever being conquered by France during the Age of Imperialism?

Frankly, this might not be that hard to achieve considering that Morocco was only conquered by France in 1911-1912; thus, if Morocco delays French conquest even for a couple of/several years, then Morocco might never get conquered by France due to World War I breaking out and due to some post-World War I changes in imperialist attitudes.

Would Morocco have been better off, worse off, or about the same if it would have remained independent in the early 20th century?

Any thoughts on this?
Has anybody considered the possibility of Morocco entering WW1 and bringing Spain into the Entente or threatening French North and West Africa besides Gibraltar and shipping through the Mediterranean and West Africa [with German and the Central Powers' assistance and pressure]? Or Moroccan soldiers in the Entente flying their independent national flag? Anyway, your question is slightly short, though.
Why exactly would Morocco join this Entente in this TL's World War I, though?
Maybe because of Entente pressure or German violations of Moroccan neutrality?
I'll also like to see why you have a habit of posting more than 100 posts on a single day.

Actually see it as probably the over way around, Morocco would probably join the Alliance to take French and Spanish territory.
Morocco at that time had probably the worst king in morocco's history. He basicaly handed the country over to the french for some fancy gifts. If it was another more capable king than it would have been possible to resist the french with german help.

I thought Morocco was historically closer to the United States than Germany?
Two the point that they are have been one of our closest allies since at least President Jefferson.
Actually see it as probably the over way around, Morocco would probably join the Alliance to take French and Spanish territory.

General: "We want to attack people who have previously expressed interests in carving us up, who have huge armies, and the intervention of which would probably bring in at least one uncommitted nation (Spain), the people we are attacking nave navies that can blockade and and prevent any meaningful assistance to us, and we want to do this with a poorly trained, unmodernized, and ill equipped army that cannot stand up against foreign powers in an even confrontation. How does this sound? I mean what can go wrong right?"
*Officer is quietly led outside and shot*
For Morocco to be better off than now you need a much earlier PoD. Let's say after the battle of three kings.
I thought Morocco was historically closer to the United States than Germany?
Two the point that they are have been one of our closest allies since at least President Jefferson.

The US has periodically kept a naval squadron off Morroco, both in the 19th & 20th Century. A habit that made the movie 'The Wind and The Lion' plausible. Which might lead to a PoD; US intervention in Morrocan politics shuts out French intervention?

Which leads to another WI. Morroco strengthens its ties to the US to keep the French & others out post 1912. When the Germans run amok in 1939-41 Roosevelt leverages the ties to Morroco into construction of major US air & naval bases & the deployment of a small 'advanced force' of US Marines and Army combat units. Given the US occupation of Iceland in April 1941 this is not at all ASB, indeed it could lead to the Morrocans joining the western hemisphere neutrality group & the extension of the Exclusion Zone for Axis warships to Morrocan shores.
Um... people are ignoring the fact that if Morocco had not gone to France, it would have gone to Germany. They almost went to war over it, Franco-German Agadir Crisis in 1911. And the PoD of 1911-12 is too late, French dominance in Morocco was recognized in 1906. If no France, it is Germany. The US would NEVER have been interested in "colonies" or such, especially at that time period and in northern Africa.
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The US has periodically kept a naval squadron off Morroco, both in the 19th & 20th Century. A habit that made the movie 'The Wind and The Lion' plausible. Which might lead to a PoD; US intervention in Morrocan politics shuts out French intervention?

Which leads to another WI. Morroco strengthens its ties to the US to keep the French & others out post 1912. When the Germans run amok in 1939-41 Roosevelt leverages the ties to Morroco into construction of major US air & naval bases & the deployment of a small 'advanced force' of US Marines and Army combat units. Given the US occupation of Iceland in April 1941 this is not at all ASB, indeed it could lead to the Morrocans joining the western hemisphere neutrality group & the extension of the Exclusion Zone for Axis warships to Morrocan shores.

While the king of Morocco had an infatuation with the new US and wanted to be one of the first to recognize it and receive a consul, the US snubbed him and it made him bitter. During the Barbary Wars of the early 19th century under Pres. Thomas Jefferson there were several times the US had to attack or seize Moroccan vessels or was merchant vessels attacked by Moroccan vessels. The US failing to adequately issue passports to Moroccan vessels wanting to trade with Tripoli during the US blockade of that port led to several of those fights (the US required nations to get passports from the local US consulates in order to trade with Tripoli while the US was blockading Tripoli).