What if Hitler declares the Ukrainians an Aryan people?

Croats, though? They managed to sell the story of being descended from Goths, and the Nazis accepted it without asking. I'm sure the Nazi ideology as it was would have been flexible enough to accept the Ukrainians as well, but in that regard Hitler would still have to be eliminated in order for Lebensraum to be put on the backburner with his successor.
It was actually Himmler who sold this story to Hitler, but yeah. Also Rosenberg was into considering some Slavs Aryan.


The Ukrainians won't be very impressed when Germany takes all their food regardless of whatever meaningless label they've been given.

And this is the big issue. The Nazi's were adamant that everyone else should go hungry first before Germans did and food shortages were a real issue, not only because of the impact on morale but because a lack of calories directly affected industrial output. Add to this that the conquered territories in the East were a prime source for slave labour, which was needed given how large a percentage of German men were under arms. Warm words about Ukrainians being Aryan would have cut little ice when people were being starved and worked to death.
Croats, though? They managed to sell the story of being descended from Goths, and the Nazis accepted it without asking. I'm sure the Nazi ideology as it was would have been flexible enough to accept the Ukrainians as well, but in that regard Hitler would still have to be eliminated in order for Lebensraum to be put on the backburner with his successor.

The idea of Lebensraum would not have to be eliminated. The Ukrainians could help people it. More than enough land in the Soviet Union for the inclusion of the Ukrainians. The persecution of the Ukrainians by Stalin could be sold as a Communist/Jewish conspiracy to eliminate Aryans.
If Hitler was told my his advisors that the Ukrainians were Aryans descended from the Goths and Varangians as shown by their welcoming of the Germans in the early part of the 41 Invasion would this provide Germany with the needed manpower and resources to win in the East?

No, it wouldn't. The Nazis would not care.
OTL the SS did fund Ukrainian Nationalist groups before WW2.
Nachtigall and Roland Battalions of the Brandenburger Kommandos were all Ukrainian.
Nazi ideology was made up as time past.
So Nazis deeming Ukrainians to be Aryan is equally like as its unlikely
Doesn't matter, the Germans needs food and couldn't care less about the Ukrainians, they'll loot and confiscate Ukrainian grain and breed resistance against them all the same, the only difference is that they might do so with a few more local collaborators
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