WHAT another Norway 1940 thread!!!

Even if we have had a number of these lately here's another take:

WI no Altmark incident?
Lets assume Altmark is encountered someplace else than Norwegian waters or the Brits are able to intercept it outside Norwegian waters!
Will this change anything in regard to Plan R4/Operation Wilfred and Operation Weserübung?

Could this lead to the Allies still carry out Wilfred mining Norwegian waters but the Germans not having been fueled by the Altmark incident defers of invasion instead offering Norway minesweepers to help keeping its internal waterways safe - and thus keeping traffic of iron ore safe from allied interference!
Of course diplomatic action would be hectic in and around Norway to get a solution to the situation; the Norwegians wouldn't like to get German crewed minesweepers into their territorial waters but perhaps the Germans may supply the boats for the Norwegians to crew them?
Is it possible at all?

The snag is of course that this may buy Scandinavia especially Norway time to rearm her Airforce becoming better prepared to fend off an airborne German invasion.
Post Fall of France the possibility of British reinforcements may vanish in the air but still???
Without the incident Hitler is less likely to order the invasion of Norway.Whether the government would use the additional time to rearm is another question. It seemed that the government just did not believe that there was a threat and that the would be safe. By the time France fell it would be too late to rearm as no one, except possibly Sweden would be able to supply Norway with equipment it might need.
Thing is that Norwegian airforces had the following aircraft in the pipeline:
Hawk 75 fighters: 19 delivered but not operational, 5 enroute and another 36 for delivery.
Caproni light bombers: 15 for delivery.
He 115 torpedobombers: 6 for delivery.
Douglas 8A light bombers: 36 for delivery.
Northrop N-3 reconnaisance: 24 for delivery.

Already at hand was 12 Gladiator fighters, 4 Caproni and 6 He 115.

Taking the performance of the Hawk 75 in French use into consideration the Norwegians would be quite well off given some extra time for preparation.