What alternate history ideas you wish they were used more often?

But nobody wants to be Portugal :(
I really would like to see any of the Cold War gone Hot escenarios or even WI, but on either centering or including the WP Non Soviet Nations Armies and/or rest of the fronts like eventual Balkans One (with the Greeks and Turkish Air forces/Armies being de jure allies and de facto co-belligerents... Also, in the context of a full NATO- WP war, perhaps. (IINW ) the Soviet/WP Polish planned/projected land and amphibious invasion of Denmark, may be interesting to, at least, see it discussed.
Finally, as such escenario could have affected or started/spilled over the Middle East. like, as way of example, the Clancy (& Bond) Red Storm Rising left unexplored, plot trigger for the Soviet decision makers to greenlighting a full war against the NATO...
I’d like to see even a summary of a 1783-borders USA with the Floridas (for completeness sake) still become a genuine great power and prosperous haven for its citizens as it more or less did in OTL, but to the present day and explore butterflies otherwise. So in a way as much of the USA of reality as possible… merely within just those borders. You’re definitely going to see the Tenn-Tom Canal and Mobile become a great American port and city whatever else, though.

To a lesser extent a post-1821 (Louisiana, Floridas, Red River Cession) USA under the same conditions though over that has a better chance of existing already.