Vikings of Vinland

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]One oft discussed issue is how to get a greater migration from Norway to the North Atlantic isles - Greenland and ultimately secure a surviving Vinland.[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]As the population basis never was present and the real impetus was the Norwegian kings turning christian thus forcing their pagan nobility exodus across the Pond this is something hard to achive and WE usually boil the discussion down to "if only Charlemagne and the British would do something about naval defences to deter Viking raids" or "if Charlemagne never massacre the Saxons" thing. And even I have taken this approach. :eek:[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Now a short while ago I saw something on the majority - some 68 % of Icelandic females descending from Celtic women - don't remember where but that doesn't matter really.[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Then only yesterday read in a Danish archeaological/culturalhistory mag "Skalk" - written by scientists, that the population of the Faeroe women of Celtic descend is 83 %.[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Now the question should be:[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Without the Norse entry into the British isles would we ever see a migration into the North Atlantic.[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]At least pre Olaf the Holy 1015! Thus delaying this two hundred years.[/FONT]
Another interesting fact - at least to those Irish wankers!
Biological findings reveal grain pollen C-14 dated to 600 AD.

So - were those Papar living in seclusion just using agriculture to sustain themselves or did they have a supporting community and did that community supply the women or was they brought there by the Norse?

This last is interesting as it could lead to some kind of Irish settlements growing before the Norwegians go on their exodus, but would they then go into the North Atlantic?

OR would we in a no west going Vikings see an Irish Vinland (don't know the name for that in Gaelic)?
whoever they were, the pre viking icelanders and greenlanders were trading walrus and narwhal ivory, white bear fur, whale oil, eider down etc... which is what attracted the loot hungry vikings. Ill also plug Farley Mowats "Alban Quest" again. It has an interesting take on the issue even if it is alternate history
ive never inserted a link hope it works...

And were duly raided - of course. But then I don't and I doubt any know if this was before going to the British Isles.

If no Vikings go to Britannia we just might let the Irish have the North Atlantic to themselves. :D