US presidencies without 22th Amendment

I think Theodore White wrote that Eisenhower probably would have run for President again in 1960 if he could have. Ike loved being President and despite what the popular history claimed in the 60s/70s he was quite good at being President. Hmmm, I think there is potential for a timeline here.
Dwight D. Eisenhowner (1953-61)
John F. Kennedy (1961-1977)
Ronald Reagan (1977-1993)
Bill Clinton: (1993-present day)
now THERE is an interesting timeline!
agreed. But on the other hand, Clinton 4 terms would be a near utopia.

Um, I'm not saying 4-term Reagan would be a great thing (especially with his fourth term probably dealing with full blown Alzheimer's) but 4-term Clinton wouldn't be that great either.

The only real stuff Clinton passed was in 1993-4 (aside from the dubious quality of welfare reform) and he spent the next six years just doing whatever it took to keep himself in power as the Democratic Party collapsed (House, Senate, Governors, state legislatures) among vast amounts of his own self (or Hillary) inflicted scandals that gave Republicans a chance to blow them way out of proportion.

Going from 6 to 14 years of of Clinton being in survival mode with consequent lack of morals and mostly co-opted Republican legislation being passed doesn't sound like much of a utopia to me.
I believe that if there had be no constitutional limit Bill Clinton would have kept on running for President until the voters said enough. It would be possible that if he had run in 2000 he would have lost as the American people were tied of the scandals and his behavior.
Still, regardless of your political veiws, you must admit that three presidents in a row serving for such a long time would be interesting (at least form an AH prespective) to say the least.


It was a shame for the World and the US that the 22nd wasn't passed to stop idiotic FDR running the country in WWII.
It was a shame for the World and the US that the 22nd wasn't passed to stop idiotic FDR running the country in WWII.
Umm, just what planet are you from? FDR was one of the best presidents the USA ever had! I'd like to see anyone else do as well durring the great depression! If regan where in charge, the USA would be a third world country, and the nazis would be ruling most of europe.
Actually, FDR stayed in power too long. His health was giving out even as he ran for a fourth term. He was all to trusting of Stalin(it wasn't until 1944 that he began to realize that Stalin was not America's Friend and was as bad as Hitler). Also FDR failed to bring Truman into the decision making process and to make sure that he was briefed on everything that was going on.