Union of Soviet Stalinist Republics

De-Stalinization never happens in the Soviet Union because Nikita Khrushchev remained loyal to Joseph Stalin even after his death. POD would be Khrushchev's son Leonid not being killed under mysterious circumstances in 1943 like he was in OTL. So Stalingrad is never renamed, the reforms Khrushchev made in OTL never happen, and Stalin is revered in the Soviet Union similarly to North Korea's Kim Il Sung to the point Stalinist replaces Socialist in the country's name.
The report on the Cult of Personality was supported by everyone - including Molotov. The condemnation of the cult of personality was inevitable, since it met the interests of the bureaucracy - namely, guaranteed its safety.
The report on the Cult of Personality was supported by everyone - including Molotov. The condemnation of the cult of personality was inevitable, since it met the interests of the bureaucracy - namely, guaranteed its safety.
Permanently Stalinist Soviet Union probably would've been more suitable in a timeline set after the events of the film version of "Fatherland" given that Stalin was still alive in 1964 and leading a very effective rebellion against the Nazis given the aftermath revealed the Reich eventually collapsed?
Stalin was still alive in 1964 and leading a very effective rebellion against the Nazis given the aftermath revealed the Reich eventually collapsed
He lived for over 80 years! Where more? And will it be needed if the USSR loses the war? More like him
bear all responsibility.
He lived for over 80 years! Where more? And will it be needed if the USSR loses the war? More like him
bear all responsibility.
Or he lived long enough to see the Soviet Union reestablished and would've been remembered for refusing to back down even when Germany won the Second World War.
Wasn’t “Stalinism” never an officially sanctioned term, and later became solely a pejorative used by critiques of Stalin to describe the system he presided over and differentiate it from the “normal” Soviet system under Lenin or after Stalin? The state-sanctioned term was Marxist-Leninist.

I agree with @WotanArgead in that the post-Stalin period is going to be difficult to navigate without some type of reform or thaw. At least in the post ‘45 Union. The collective leadership (team) was almost unanimous in its willingness to seek reform, and the cult of personality was one of the first things to go, at least in minor forms. You would need to find a far-reaching PoD to keep successors toeing the line faithfully for one reason or another. Preventing de-Stalinization is one thing, but further enshrining Stalin’s cult in the state after his death is difficult.