The Star Wars Story: how George Lucas and Steven Spielberg held Hollywood hostage for 20 years

Not what I was expecting but this was a interesting post
Thank you! I hope it remains to be interesting, at the very least lol

Just a slight update on my plans: I decided to not combine the next two updates as my writing progress on the treatment hasn't gone as well as I would've liked, partially because we've been getting work done on the house and it made it impossible to write during the day. However, if the next few days go smoothly, I will be releasing the treatment on Monday ahead of the ROTJ chapter to get some feedback on the story. I would hate to write that it was critically successful and then have everyone reading dislike the direction I took things. Next update will be released tomorrow afternoon.
Chapter III

Raiders of the Lost Ark release

As it were, David Lynch was able to have his cake and eat it too. His agent was able to strike a deal with both Brooksfilm to direct the Frances Farmer biopic, as well as with Lucasfilm to direct the third film in the Star Wars franchise, Return of the Jedi. In fact, his agent had been more than delighted to do so. Negotiating for 10% of gross profits and a small but respectable salary for the Farmer biopic, and a large but fair salary for Jedi, they were due for some rather significant paydays. Lynch would sign a three picture deal with Lucasfilm, the deal including a written allowance for the project at Brooksfilm, as long as it didn’t interfere with his work for Lucasfilm, which seemed unlikely as the studio entered into production of First Blood and focused their efforts there for the time being.

Filming for the Farmer biopic, which Lynch would name “Will There Really Be a Morning?” after Farmer’s autobiography, went very well but for one colossal hitch. Throughout the course of shooting, director and leading actress Susan Dey went from coworkers, to fast friends, to lovers in a matter of weeks. This would have been perfectly fine, even if it were perhaps unethical, except for the fact that Lynch was married, so it was in fact undeniably unethical. As it often goes in such circumstances, that did nothing to stop the pair.

Nothing was going particularly wrong in Lynch’s and second wife Mary Frisk’s marriage, they had actually been trying for a baby. Eventually the guilt got to be too much, and he told her what had been going on. When Lynch told her he had no intention of breaking things off with Dey, she immediately started packing bags. The only fight was over who should leave the house, but eventually he conceded and left.

The relationship with Dey was not to last, however. It was serendipitous while they were shooting, a romance like he had never had before, but when the production was over, things started to fall apart. Perhaps worse than arguing, the passion they had for one another proved to be fleeting, and they simply saw less and less of each other. The only respites came when Lynch and Anne V. Coates were busy compiling the final edit of Will There Really Be a Morning?, and later during the premiere and a small press tour. But that was it, and when all was said and done, Lynch was left wondering whether he had fallen in love with Susan Dey, or if he had somehow fallen in love with Frances Farmer.

Meanwhile, from before Lynch and his wife had split up even, he and Marcia Lucas began a steady telephone correspondence, ostensibly to discuss the upcoming production of Return of the Jedi. Lynch used these talks to get to know George as much as possible, and as she told him about George’s grand vision for Star Wars, the then untold stories of Willow and Radioland Murders, and what he was like in day-to-day life. In the end, Lynch almost felt as if George had been a friend, but nothing could get rid of the dark pit in his stomach, gnawing at him everlasting, keeping him awake at night.


The summer of ‘81 was huge for Lucasfilm, as fans came out in droves upon droves to see Raiders of the Lost Ark. It was by no means guaranteed success, with industry insiders and experts predicting that Superman II would dominate the box office. For over a year the film industry had been in decline, with bomb after bomb at the box office, coupled with rising production costs. There were 30 films released the summer of 1980, and a year later there were 60 films slated for release during the summer, as studios were desperate to be the one to burst the bubble of failures.

Superman II would ultimately have great box office returns, but its numbers would pale in comparison to Raiders. The film would bring in just over $400 million worldwide, taking the #1 spot for over nearly 3 months and remaining in the top 10 for 44 weeks, with some theaters still showing the picture in June 1982. A local San Francisco news station ran a story about filmgoers attending three or four showings, often groups of friends. By all metrics, the film was a massive success for Lucasfilm and Paramount.

As greed is wont to do in men, even massive success only breeds desire for more, more, and more. When George and director of Raiders, Steven Spielberg made their deal with Paramount, it was decided they would each be due 5% of the gross profits. For reasons that are not entirely clear to this day, an unnamed executive at Paramount decided that Marcia wasn’t due George’s cut of the profits. After a conversation with Spielberg, she hired a top notch legal team and sued Paramount for the lack of payments as well as damages after several attempts at correspondence went unanswered.

News of the case made national headlines, the story being carried by national newspapers and featured on the networks. Virtually every late night television host took the opportunity to lambast Paramount executives for their greed, especially in the face of Marcia being such a fresh widow. It was a huge boon for Lucasfilm’s and especially Marcia’s personal popularity, with apt comparisons equating Paramount to the evil empire, and Marcia to the rebel alliance. Yet, the events threatened to derail Raiders success, as concerned citizens began a letter writing campaign and apparently there were even discussions about a boycott not only against Raiders but all releases from Paramount, which was itself a story carried nationally.

Marcia was overwhelmed by the public’s show of support, and in response she made a rare public appearance on The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson. On the show she asked for fans not to boycott Raiders, as doing so would not honor George’s death. When Johnny asked her about other Paramount releases, she laughed, winked, and said she “plead[ed] the fifth.” It was later suggested this could have been a contributing factor to First Monday in October bombing at the box office, as it was released the week after the interview. However, the film had been rushed to market after President Bush’s nomination of Amalya Kearse to the Supreme Court, which many reviewers noted hurt the film considerably worse than the unorganized boycott.

Ultimately, the case was settled out of court. Marcia was awarded an undisclosed sum, but rumor had it that the sum was relatively small with all things considered, but Paramount didn’t leave the negotiating table unscathed, as sequel rights were reverted back to Lucasfilm…

- Excerpt from Squirrels to the Nuts: The Star Wars Story (2022)
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Wonder what happens to The Legend of the Lone Ranger in TTL? In OTL, it had several factors that doomed it: the distributor's suing Clayton Moore to stop wearing the Lone Ranger mask (which really pissed off the Lone Ranger fanbase, and likely doomed the movie before it even began filming), picking Klinton Spilsbury to play the Ranger (he wasn't very good and also developed an ego), and it premiered the week before Raiders of the Lost Ark...

Good update, BTW...
Wonder what happens to The Legend of the Lone Ranger in TTL? In OTL, it had several factors that doomed it: the distributor's suing Clayton Moore to stop wearing the Lone Ranger mask (which really pissed off the Lone Ranger fanbase, and likely doomed the movie before it even began filming), picking Klinton Spilsbury to play the Ranger (he wasn't very good and also developed an ego), and it premiered the week before Raiders of the Lost Ark...

Good update, BTW...
Due to the reasons you mentioned, and with Raiders being slightly more successful, i would say it falters in TTL as well. And thank you!

“President Bush” I take it Hinkley was successful then?
Indeed. I debated back and forth on this, but imo having Bush in office will lead to a stronger economy, which will of course help the movie business. Keeping the curse alive can have interesting ramifications as well. I'm not sure how much I will delve into the alt-politics, I had considered some things but ultimately I think I will keep this squarely in the pop culture arena.
I wrote through the night to finish the treatment, so please excuse any obvious mistakes. I would really like to get some feedback on what everyone thinks, and where it could be improved. I‘m also open to casting suggestions.

Return of the Jedi

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away…

The REBEL ALLIANCE swells as more and more planets join the epic war against the GALACTIC EMPIRE, thanks to the diplomatic efforts of PRINCESS LEIA ORGANA

As the princess courts the ruthless trader baron BETO THULE to the rebel cause, LUKE SKYWALKER completes his training with MASTER JEDI YODA on DAGOBAH

Unknown to them all, deep in imperial territory, a fleet of DEATH STARS are being constructed, spelling their certain doom if allowed to be completed….

We open in the swamps of Dagobah, Luke is preparing supper for Master Yoda and himself. The pair argue back and forth as Yoda refuses to eat Luke’s cooking, evidently Yoda hasn’t eaten much at all lately. Luke reminds Yoda that he has to take his X-wing into orbit to see if Leia has sent him any messages, Yoda grumbles his consent.

Up in orbit, Luke pulls out a device while reassuring R2 that their friends haven’t forgotten about them. To both of their surprise, they’ve received a message from Lando Calrissian, who informs them that he has found Han Solo on the smugger’s moon, Nar’Shada. Jabba the Hutt has put him on display there, as a warning to all who might cross him. R2 is delighted, but Luke isn’t so sure about leaving Yoda.

Suddenly, out in the distance, an Imperial Star Destroyer arrives out of a hyperspace jump. Perplexed at their arrival, Luke hurries back down to the surface, telling R2 they can’t just leave Yoda despite the droids protests. Once there, he rushes into Yoda’s hut, who then promptly refuses to leave. Luke pleads, but Yoda tells him his training is finished.

“I don’t think I can defeat Vader alone! I don’t even have a lightsaber.”

“There is one like me. Help, he can.”

“Who? Who is he?”

“Mace Windu, great Jedi. Hmm, yes, go to him.”

“How do I find him, Yoda?”

“Feel through the force. You shall find him.”

As Luke walks through the hut door, he looks back and sees Yoda’s robes collapsing into itself, Yoda having become one with the force. Luke rushes to his X-wing fighter and lifts off just in time to enter a ferocious dogfight against several Imperial TIE fighters. As he and R2 speeds away, we momentarily move into the Star Destroyer. Darth Vader paces on the bridge of the ship. A lieutenant asks him if they should pursue, but Vader says no. They found him once, they shall find him again.

We then transition onto Raad Samaa, where Leia is deep in negotiations with the trader baron named Beto Thule. He’s threatening to walk out of the negotiations, saying they keep going around in circles. The team surrounding Leia says they’ve already increased their offer by 100,000 credits, but Thule says it isn’t just about the credits. He is already more wealthy than most men could even imagine, and if he just in it for the credits, he could always turn in the princess and her merry band to the Empire. After all, there are massive bounties on all the rebels heads. Leia, angry, lays into Thule, saying he has no good in him, and they are not asking him to join the rebellion and risk his own head, they just need the use of his trade ships and routes. C3PO enters, pardoning for his interruption, and informs Leia that Luke is arriving.

She rushes to the space dock and the two embrace warmly. C3PO is delighted to see R2. Luke asks her if she’s heard from Lando, but she says no, she couldn’t take the transponder with her for fear the Empire could intercept the transmission and locate her, worse still realize what mission she was on. Luke says the transmissions are encrypted, but Leia counters that the Empire can get past such obstacles easily, the only hope was that they didn’t look in the right place. He finally admits it was his fault the Empire found him, that he should have flown to another system, and blames himself for Yoda’s death.

Leia says there’s it is no time for guilt, that they must focus on rescuing Han. They plan to leave first thing in the morning. That night, Luke tosses and turns in bed, his dreams haunted with visions of great destruction, worlds on fire and the death screams of countless people.

The four of them travel to Nar’Shada and meet up with Lando and Chewbacca. Imagine the Mos Eisley cantina on steroids and acid, then you have the smugglers moon. It is filled with nasty monsters and hedonistic characters. Han is being held on display outside of Jabba’s headquarters on the moon, as message for all who travel by. Do not cross Jabba the Hutt. Lando explains all the major crime lords have some kind of operation on Nar’Shada. He also explains the problem isn’t necessarily getting to Han, but escaping with him. Jabba’s thugs guard the entrance, there are countless others inside, and who knows who else could be watching.

Indeed, the infamous bounty hunter Boba Fett is set up in a building across the thoroughfare. The group agrees they will need assistance, so Leia contacts the rebellion and requests a squadron of rebel commandos. In the meantime, Luke continues to be haunted in his dreams. We are then introduced to Captain Jaa Harand and his crew, who says they are honored to be working for Commander Skywalker and the princess. They all plan Han’s rescue.

As the rescue commences, everything is going to plan, albeit with a couple of Harand’s commandos falling, as R2 releases Han from the carbonite and they begin to pull him to safety. Han tells them he can’t see, so he’s entirely defenseless. Suddenly, Boba Fett comes flying to the attack, so Luke tells Leia and Chewie to get Han to safety. Fett takes out the remaining commandos save Captain Harand himself, but he is gravely injured. Lando is keeping Jabba’s thugs at bay, so it falls on Luke to take down Fett.

In order to allow Lando and Harand to escape, Luke leads the bounty hunter away, jumping miraculous heights to higher platforms, evading Fett. They exchange blaster fire, until finally Fett shouts to him that he grows tired of this cat and mouse game, and the Empire will have to take the bounty dead. He deploys the missile atop his jet pack, only to have Luke use the force to turn it back onto the bounty hunter, who evaporates in the explosion.

Han and Harand spends some time in a bacta tank, and after they are as good as new. Luke informs the crew that he must find the Jedi Master Mace Windy, although he isn’t sure quite how. Leia and the rest of them will return to Raad Samaa, to continue to woo Beto Thule to their side.

Sitting in his X-wing, he argues with R2 about where to go. Finally, he hears Obi-Wan Kenobi’s voice, telling him to still himself, to reach out with the force. Luke says he feels several feint sources, and one that is incredibly strong. Obi-Wan tells him to follow. It leads him to the planet Zoiphell, right to the doorstep of Mace Windu. The planet is densely forested, with a temperate climate and huge trees, although unlike Dagobah (which is much more a swamp) it is populated. The people reside up in homes built around the trees, walkways connecting the various villages.

Mace meets him at the door, telling Luke he felt his presence through the force from systems away.

“I need your help, Master Windu. Obi-Wan Kenobi and Yoda trained me before, but I’m not ready to face Darth Vader. I know it’s coming soon, but I’m not ready.”

“I know, they have been visiting me in my dreams. I have promised them I would help.”

“My lightsaber was lost, and Yoda said he didn’t have the necessary materials.”

“That is a good place to start.”

We transition back to Nar’Shada, where Darth Vader is interrogating Jabba the Hutt. The hutt tells him it isn’t his fault as he was on Tatooine at the time. Vader doesn’t particularly like that answer, and demonstrates his anger by force choking Jabba to death.

Then back on Raad Samaa, a refreshed Han Solo joins the negotiating table. He mocks the trader baron Thule, which to everyone’s surprise, Thule delights in. Taking a liking to Han, Thule asks him why he thinks he should contribute his vast resources to the rebel cause. The one time scoundrel tells him simply, because it is the right thing to do. The trader baron has no hope to thrive under the empire, not really. One can only survive. Even with all the credits to his name, there’s nothing stopping the Empire from yanking it all away in a heartbeat. Leia is shocked, especially so when Thule agrees.

“First things first, I guess there’s something I should probably share with you all…”

Back on Zoiphell, Luke is assembling his lightsaber, all the pieces floating in the air in front of him. In the middle is a green crystal. He uses the force to bring them all together. A montage of Luke and Windu training commences, with Windu, despite his much greater age, whipping Luke’s butt. As the montage progresses, Luke gets better and better, holding his own against the wizened Jedi master, until finally winning a duel.

Luke takes the Jedi oath, Mace Windu and the Force Ghosts of Obi-Wan and Yoda watch on:
“I swear on my honor, and on the faith of the brotherhood of knights, to use the Force only for good; denying, always turning from the Dark Side; to dedicate my life to the cause of freedom, and justice. If I should fail of this vow, my life shall be forfeit, here and hereafter.”

A wipe transition to back on Raad Samaa, Leia is furious, screaming at Thule for not informing them about the Death Stars earlier. Han asks how he knows, and he says he has seen them with his own eyes. The Rebel Alliance team of negotiators are scrambling. Them? Them!? How many? Four, in various states of construction, one probably operational by now.

Perhaps the most critical information was that they were being constructed in orbit of the Empire’s capital planet, Had Abbadon. However, the Death Stars and the capital were protected were by a shield generator on one of the planets moons. Quickly a plan formulated for a strike team to destroy the shield generator, for the rebels to commandeer the functional Death Star, and then use it to destroy the capital, and indeed the beating heart, of the Empire.

On Had Abbadon, the Emperor sits atop his throne surrounded by rivers of lava, and tears into Darth Vader for his failure in capturing Luke Skywalker, failing him the greatest disappointment of his reign.

Then back on Zoiphell, Mace tells Luke that the training is complete. Luke begins talking as if Mace will be joining him, making plans for the two of them to hunt down Vader, but Mace stops him. He tells Luke that that this isn’t his journey to go down, but Luke’s alone. As well as that the goal can’t be to destroy Vader, but to save him. If Luke doesn’t see that, he didn’t teach Luke anything at all.

That night, his nightmares return. In the morning, he tells Mace that it is time for him to return to his friends. He asks once more for Mace to join him, but is declined.

Luke and R2 travel to Zoiphell, but Luke isn’t shocked to learn about the Death Stars. It explains his dreams, he says. He wants to be part of the strike team, but Han says no, he is already leading that. Luke should lead the team onto the Death Star, he says, alongside Captain Harand. Luke agrees.

The fateful battle comes.

Entering into the Imperial Core with Thule’s trader fleet, who himself has a small navy at hand, bolstered by Rebel Alliance forces, they immediately begin their attack. Unprepared for such a daring betrayal, the Empire’s response isn’t good enough. Han leads his team down to the moon, the only land to speak of being an archipelago. The fighting is fierce, and their comrades all fall, leaving only Han and Chewie.

<Wookiee noises>

“No, you will not sacrifice yourself for me!”

<Wookiee noises>

“I know we can’t both make it out alive, dammit.”

<Wookiee noises>

“Just give me the explosives… Take good care of the Falcon, Chewie.”

Han makes his way into the shield generator facilities, and a moment later they explode. Luke, Leia, and the rest of them are in Thule’s flagship in disbelief. Leia crumbles to the floor in despair. Lando tells Luke it’s their turn.

The assault on the functional Death Star goes just as planned, although Lando is injured on the way, nothing left threatening but he tells the group to go on. Once in the control room, R2 connects to the computer. Obi-Wan’s voice is heard, telling him that his vision of doom need not come true. He can face Vader. He can save him. All those millions innocents do not have to die. There doesn’t need to be another Alderaan.

Luke asks R2 is there’s some way to get directly to the Emperor, and the droid informs him that there is a shuttle to goes directly to his palace. Luke then tells R2 to target the other Death Stars, and then set this one to self destruct. Harand is flabbergasted, but Luke tells him it isn’t the Jedi way to simply destroy the capital. Every soul on the surface should have a chance at redemption.

Luke travels down, alone. He finds the Emperor and Vader in the throne room. He and Vader enter into a duel, sparring back and forth. All the while the Emperor is shouting insults, belittling Vader and Skywalker both. Use your anger, he tells them. The Emperor laughs as they struggle. Finally, Luke beats Vader down. The Emperor shouting, finish him, finish him, join me. But Luke turns off his lightsaber, saying he will not strike down his father. That he can feel the goodness still within him. Buried deep but there.

The Emperor unleashes lightning from his finder tips onto him, wave after wave. The age old adage: if you don’t join me, you are my enemy. Walking down from his throne, his shoots wave upon wave. Luke pleads to his father to help him. The Emperor says his pet won’t bite its master. Seeing Luke crumble, Vader stands and puts his lightsaber between Luke and the lightning, causing some of it redirect back onto the Emperor, and the rest to right up the lightsaber and into Vader. The pair hold this until the Emperor collapses from exhaustion.

Vader lumbers over to him, his steps slow but steady. He lifts the Emperor atop his head, screaming, and throws him into the rivers of lava. Vader then collapses to the floor. Luke rushes to his side.

“Remove my helmet.”

“But you’ll die, won’t you?”

“I’m dying already, son.”

So Luke does, and holds Vader in his arms as he expires.

Sometime later, a shirtless Luke is looking out on the capital square at night, where Rebel Alliance banners have replaced Imperial ones. What are you going to do next, he asks Leia. She tells him she will stay here a for a while and help the rebellion, but survivors from Alderaan have gathered on Dantooine, and soon she will join them. She asks him the same question. He says that there are others out there like him, and that he’s going to go out and find them.

Cut to a very pregnant Leia being crowned queen.

Cut to Luke, back on Tatooine, walking off into the sunset, his mission only just begun…

Roll credits.
This is really great except for the fleet of Death Stars and the fact that Luke doesn’t get a scene with Obi Wan asking why he lied about his father and Lando and Han don’t get a scene to hash out their issues.
Also what does Jabba the Hut look like in this timeline and how does the planet Rad Samaa look? Most importantly who is the other? Is it Mace?
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I wrote through the night to finish the treatment, so please excuse any obvious mistakes. I would really like to get some feedback on what everyone thinks, and where it could be improved. I‘m also open to casting suggestions.

Return of the Jedi

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away…

The REBEL ALLIANCE swells as more and more planets join the epic war against the GALACTIC EMPIRE, thanks to the diplomatic efforts of PRINCESS LEIA ORGANA

As the princess courts the ruthless trader baron BETO THULE to the rebel cause, LUKE SKYWALKER completes his training with MASTER JEDI YODA on DAGOBAH

Unknown to them all, deep in imperial territory, a fleet of DEATH STARS are being constructed, spelling their certain doom if allowed to be completed….

We open in the swamps of Dagobah, Luke is preparing supper for Master Yoda and himself. The pair argue back and forth as Yoda refuses to eat Luke’s cooking, evidently Yoda hasn’t eaten much at all lately. Luke reminds Yoda that he has to take his X-wing into orbit to see if Leia has sent him any messages, Yoda grumbles his consent.

Up in orbit, Luke pulls out a device while reassuring R2 that their friends haven’t forgotten about them. To both of their surprise, they’ve received a message from Lando Calrissian, who informs them that he has found Han Solo on the smugger’s moon, Nar’Shada. Jabba the Hutt has put him on display there, as a warning to all who might cross him. R2 is delighted, but Luke isn’t so sure about leaving Yoda.

Suddenly, out in the distance, an Imperial Star Destroyer arrives out of a hyperspace jump. Perplexed at their arrival, Luke hurries back down to the surface, telling R2 they can’t just leave Yoda despite the droids protests. Once there, he rushes into Yoda’s hut, who then promptly refuses to leave. Luke pleads, but Yoda tells him his training is finished.

“I don’t think I can defeat Vader alone! I don’t even have a lightsaber.”

“There is one like me. Help, he can.”

“Who? Who is he?”

“Mace Windu, great Jedi. Hmm, yes, go to him.”

“How do I find him, Yoda?”

“Feel through the force. You shall find him.”

As Luke walks through the hut door, he looks back and sees Yoda’s robes collapsing into itself, Yoda having become one with the force. Luke rushes to his X-wing fighter and lifts off just in time to enter a ferocious dogfight against several Imperial TIE fighters. As he and R2 speeds away, we momentarily move into the Star Destroyer. Darth Vader paces on the bridge of the ship. A lieutenant asks him if they should pursue, but Vader says no. They found him once, they shall find him again.

We then transition onto Raad Samaa, where Leia is deep in negotiations with the trader baron named Beto Thule. He’s threatening to walk out of the negotiations, saying they keep going around in circles. The team surrounding Leia says they’ve already increased their offer by 100,000 credits, but Thule says it isn’t just about the credits. He is already more wealthy than most men could even imagine, and if he just in it for the credits, he could always turn in the princess and her merry band to the Empire. After all, there are massive bounties on all the rebels heads. Leia, angry, lays into Thule, saying he has no good in him, and they are not asking him to join the rebellion and risk his own head, they just need the use of his trade ships and routes. C3PO enters, pardoning for his interruption, and informs Leia that Luke is arriving.

She rushes to the space dock and the two embrace warmly. C3PO is delighted to see R2. Luke asks her if she’s heard from Lando, but she says no, she couldn’t take the transponder with her for fear the Empire could intercept the transmission and locate her, worse still realize what mission she was on. Luke says the transmissions are encrypted, but Leia counters that the Empire can get past such obstacles easily, the only hope was that they didn’t look in the right place. He finally admits it was his fault the Empire found him, that he should have flown to another system, and blames himself for Yoda’s death.

Leia says there’s it is no time for guilt, that they must focus on rescuing Han. They plan to leave first thing in the morning. That night, Luke tosses and turns in bed, his dreams haunted with visions of great destruction, worlds on fire and the death screams of countless people.

The four of them travel to Nar’Shada and meet up with Lando and Chewbacca. Imagine the Mos Eisley cantina on steroids and acid, then you have the smugglers moon. It is filled with nasty monsters and hedonistic characters. Han is being held on display outside of Jabba’s headquarters on the moon, as message for all who travel by. Do not cross Jabba the Hutt. Lando explains all the major crime lords have some kind of operation on Nar’Shada. He also explains the problem isn’t necessarily getting to Han, but escaping with him. Jabba’s thugs guard the entrance, there are countless others inside, and who knows who else could be watching.

Indeed, the infamous bounty hunter Boba Fett is set up in a building across the thoroughfare. The group agrees they will need assistance, so Leia contacts the rebellion and requests a squadron of rebel commandos. In the meantime, Luke continues to be haunted in his dreams. We are then introduced to Captain Jaa Harand and his crew, who says they are honored to be working for Commander Skywalker and the princess. They all plan Han’s rescue.

As the rescue commences, everything is going to plan, albeit with a couple of Harand’s commandos falling, as R2 releases Han from the carbonite and they begin to pull him to safety. Han tells them he can’t see, so he’s entirely defenseless. Suddenly, Boba Fett comes flying to the attack, so Luke tells Leia and Chewie to get Han to safety. Fett takes out the remaining commandos save Captain Harand himself, but he is gravely injured. Lando is keeping Jabba’s thugs at bay, so it falls on Luke to take down Fett.

In order to allow Lando and Harand to escape, Luke leads the bounty hunter away, jumping miraculous heights to higher platforms, evading Fett. They exchange blaster fire, until finally Fett shouts to him that he grows tired of this cat and mouse game, and the Empire will have to take the bounty dead. He deploys the missile atop his jet pack, only to have Luke use the force to turn it back onto the bounty hunter, who evaporates in the explosion.

Han and Harand spends some time in a bacta tank, and after they are as good as new. Luke informs the crew that he must find the Jedi Master Mace Windy, although he isn’t sure quite how. Leia and the rest of them will return to Raad Samaa, to continue to woo Beto Thule to their side.

Sitting in his X-wing, he argues with R2 about where to go. Finally, he hears Obi-Wan Kenobi’s voice, telling him to still himself, to reach out with the force. Luke says he feels several feint sources, and one that is incredibly strong. Obi-Wan tells him to follow. It leads him to the planet Zoiphell, right to the doorstep of Mace Windu. The planet is densely forested, with a temperate climate and huge trees, although unlike Dagobah (which is much more a swamp) it is populated. The people reside up in homes built around the trees, walkways connecting the various villages.

Mace meets him at the door, telling Luke he felt his presence through the force from systems away.

“I need your help, Master Windu. Obi-Wan Kenobi and Yoda trained me before, but I’m not ready to face Darth Vader. I know it’s coming soon, but I’m not ready.”

“I know, they have been visiting me in my dreams. I have promised them I would help.”

“My lightsaber was lost, and Yoda said he didn’t have the necessary materials.”

“That is a good place to start.”

We transition back to Nar’Shada, where Darth Vader is interrogating Jabba the Hutt. The hutt tells him it isn’t his fault as he was on Tatooine at the time. Vader doesn’t particularly like that answer, and demonstrates his anger by force choking Jabba to death.

Then back on Raad Samaa, a refreshed Han Solo joins the negotiating table. He mocks the trader baron Thule, which to everyone’s surprise, Thule delights in. Taking a liking to Han, Thule asks him why he thinks he should contribute his vast resources to the rebel cause. The one time scoundrel tells him simply, because it is the right thing to do. The trader baron has no hope to thrive under the empire, not really. One can only survive. Even with all the credits to his name, there’s nothing stopping the Empire from yanking it all away in a heartbeat. Leia is shocked, especially so when Thule agrees.

“First things first, I guess there’s something I should probably share with you all…”

Back on Zoiphell, Luke is assembling his lightsaber, all the pieces floating in the air in front of him. In the middle is a green crystal. He uses the force to bring them all together. A montage of Luke and Windu training commences, with Windu, despite his much greater age, whipping Luke’s butt. As the montage progresses, Luke gets better and better, holding his own against the wizened Jedi master, until finally winning a duel.

Luke takes the Jedi oath, Mace Windu and the Force Ghosts of Obi-Wan and Yoda watch on:
“I swear on my honor, and on the faith of the brotherhood of knights, to use the Force only for good; denying, always turning from the Dark Side; to dedicate my life to the cause of freedom, and justice. If I should fail of this vow, my life shall be forfeit, here and hereafter.”

A wipe transition to back on Raad Samaa, Leia is furious, screaming at Thule for not informing them about the Death Stars earlier. Han asks how he knows, and he says he has seen them with his own eyes. The Rebel Alliance team of negotiators are scrambling. Them? Them!? How many? Four, in various states of construction, one probably operational by now.

Perhaps the most critical information was that they were being constructed in orbit of the Empire’s capital planet, Had Abbadon. However, the Death Stars and the capital were protected were by a shield generator on one of the planets moons. Quickly a plan formulated for a strike team to destroy the shield generator, for the rebels to commandeer the functional Death Star, and then use it to destroy the capital, and indeed the beating heart, of the Empire.

On Had Abbadon, the Emperor sits atop his throne surrounded by rivers of lava, and tears into Darth Vader for his failure in capturing Luke Skywalker, failing him the greatest disappointment of his reign.

Then back on Zoiphell, Mace tells Luke that the training is complete. Luke begins talking as if Mace will be joining him, making plans for the two of them to hunt down Vader, but Mace stops him. He tells Luke that that this isn’t his journey to go down, but Luke’s alone. As well as that the goal can’t be to destroy Vader, but to save him. If Luke doesn’t see that, he didn’t teach Luke anything at all.

That night, his nightmares return. In the morning, he tells Mace that it is time for him to return to his friends. He asks once more for Mace to join him, but is declined.

Luke and R2 travel to Zoiphell, but Luke isn’t shocked to learn about the Death Stars. It explains his dreams, he says. He wants to be part of the strike team, but Han says no, he is already leading that. Luke should lead the team onto the Death Star, he says, alongside Captain Harand. Luke agrees.

The fateful battle comes.

Entering into the Imperial Core with Thule’s trader fleet, who himself has a small navy at hand, bolstered by Rebel Alliance forces, they immediately begin their attack. Unprepared for such a daring betrayal, the Empire’s response isn’t good enough. Han leads his team down to the moon, the only land to speak of being an archipelago. The fighting is fierce, and their comrades all fall, leaving only Han and Chewie.

<Wookiee noises>

“No, you will not sacrifice yourself for me!”

<Wookiee noises>

“I know we can’t both make it out alive, dammit.”

<Wookiee noises>

“Just give me the explosives… Take good care of the Falcon, Chewie.”

Han makes his way into the shield generator facilities, and a moment later they explode. Luke, Leia, and the rest of them are in Thule’s flagship in disbelief. Leia crumbles to the floor in despair. Lando tells Luke it’s their turn.

The assault on the functional Death Star goes just as planned, although Lando is injured on the way, nothing left threatening but he tells the group to go on. Once in the control room, R2 connects to the computer. Obi-Wan’s voice is heard, telling him that his vision of doom need not come true. He can face Vader. He can save him. All those millions innocents do not have to die. There doesn’t need to be another Alderaan.

Luke asks R2 is there’s some way to get directly to the Emperor, and the droid informs him that there is a shuttle to goes directly to his palace. Luke then tells R2 to target the other Death Stars, and then set this one to self destruct. Harand is flabbergasted, but Luke tells him it isn’t the Jedi way to simply destroy the capital. Every soul on the surface should have a chance at redemption.

Luke travels down, alone. He finds the Emperor and Vader in the throne room. He and Vader enter into a duel, sparring back and forth. All the while the Emperor is shouting insults, belittling Vader and Skywalker both. Use your anger, he tells them. The Emperor laughs as they struggle. Finally, Luke beats Vader down. The Emperor shouting, finish him, finish him, join me. But Luke turns off his lightsaber, saying he will not strike down his father. That he can feel the goodness still within him. Buried deep but there.

The Emperor unleashes lightning from his finder tips onto him, wave after wave. The age old adage: if you don’t join me, you are my enemy. Walking down from his throne, his shoots wave upon wave. Luke pleads to his father to help him. The Emperor says his pet won’t bite its master. Seeing Luke crumble, Vader stands and puts his lightsaber between Luke and the lightning, causing some of it redirect back onto the Emperor, and the rest to right up the lightsaber and into Vader. The pair hold this until the Emperor collapses from exhaustion.

Vader lumbers over to him, his steps slow but steady. He lifts the Emperor atop his head, screaming, and throws him into the rivers of lava. Vader then collapses to the floor. Luke rushes to his side.

“Remove my helmet.”

“But you’ll die, won’t you?”

“I’m dying already, son.”

So Luke does, and holds Vader in his arms as he expires.

Sometime later, a shirtless Luke is looking out on the capital square at night, where Rebel Alliance banners have replaced Imperial ones. What are you going to do next, he asks Leia. She tells him she will stay here a for a while and help the rebellion, but survivors from Alderaan have gathered on Dantooine, and soon she will join them. She asks him the same question. He says that there are others out there like him, and that he’s going to go out and find them.

Cut to a very pregnant Leia being crowned queen.

Cut to Luke, back on Tatooine, walking off into the sunset, his mission only just begun…

Roll credits.

More comments later when I am at a computer, but a couple of items:

Okay four death stars being built near or above the imperial capital? And the Rebels had no idea? That just doesn't make sense to me, as in don't they have any spies or sympathizers? Not against the idea just the location. Something to consider however is the "Oh Death Stars again" from the audience. Hate to borrow from the sequels, trash they are, but maybe instead consider intelligence the Empire is developing a smaller scale death star laser to fit on a super star destroyer instead of a full blow death star. Then have the Alliance show up and it not only be true, but has been finished and installed on the Executor, this why Vader couldn't pursue Like further as his ship was due to return for the refit. Thus we get a huge fleet battle. The shield and Han's mission is still in play as they need it down to destroy the research facility and shipyard that is was done at.

Also the whole Mace Windu thing I feel would get cut for length in world. It also kind of takes away that Ben and Yoda were like the last of the Jedi when oh hey there is this other guy we have never mentioned before. Maybe take a little leap and have Yoda send Like to Ilum (or whatever you want to call it in TTL) to retrieve a kyber crystal.
This is really great except for the fleet of Death Stars and the fact that Luke doesn’t get a scene with Obi Wan asking why he lied about his father and Lando and Han don’t get a scene to hash out their issues.
Also what does Jabba the Hut look like in this timeline and how does the planet Rad Samaa look? Most importantly who is the other? Is it Mace?
Those two scenes can definitely be added. I didnt rewatch ROTJ, just the Hope and Empire, before writing so those scenes didnt necessarily occur to me. The first did, as ive read that George added it specifically because a child psychologist told him it would be good to have so there wasnt any confusion, and this conversation wouldn't happen TTL.

I'm going to look through some concept art for Jabba, as for Raad Samaa Im not totally sure, some input on that would be helpful but im considering changing it to just a space station, which probably makes more sense as a HQ for a trade union.

And yes, Mace is the alt-ROTJ answer to "the other." It isn't a perfect answer but ultimately the decision to drop the sister plotline is made.

More comments later when I am at a computer, but a couple of items:

Okay four death stars being built near or above the imperial capital? And the Rebels had no idea? That just doesn't make sense to me, as in don't they have any spies or sympathizers? Not against the idea just the location. Something to consider however is the "Oh Death Stars again" from the audience. Hate to borrow from the sequels, trash they are, but maybe instead consider intelligence the Empire is developing a smaller scale death star laser to fit on a super star destroyer instead of a full blow death star. Then have the Alliance show up and it not only be true, but has been finished and installed on the Executor, this why Vader couldn't pursue Like further as his ship was due to return for the refit. Thus we get a huge fleet battle. The shield and Han's mission is still in play as they need it down to destroy the research facility and shipyard that is was done at.

Also the whole Mace Windu thing I feel would get cut for length in world. It also kind of takes away that Ben and Yoda were like the last of the Jedi when oh hey there is this other guy we have never mentioned before. Maybe take a little leap and have Yoda send Like to Ilum (or whatever you want to call it in TTL) to retrieve a kyber crystal.
I understand the initial response to the Death Stars is "not this again" but honestly the Empire going back to that playbook makes sense to me. It was a success as far as Alderaan is concerned. My reasoning for putting it by the capital, besides the story elements at play, is to me, the Imperial Core is the most secure place, with extremely tight security. Perhaps rumors would still escape, or a scene explaining despite the rebel attempts they could never penetrate the core, and that can be added to the treatment. Ultimately i dont want to get rid of Luke making the decision to not destroy the planet and to face Vader one final time.

The Windu part is critical, imo. It is Luke's final rejection of his destiny as part of the heros journey. Stuff like a quest to find the crystal would probably be cut as it was OTL, that's why I didn't include that. I really wanted to keep the original Mace Windy spelling but Master Windy just doesnt work lol. Obi-Wan and Yoda explicitly state "there's another" in Empire. Windu is the alt-ROTJ answer to that.

That does lead me to an important question: how long would the runtime likely be, do you guys think? Probably a little over the 2 hour mark which Im okay with, considering this is the end of the trilogy.

Thank you both for the feedback, it is very much appreciated.
Maybe the opening crawl could mention a massive crackdown and killing of many rebel spies and sympathizers, the already draconian imperial hand has grown ever tighter. Thus they need to go to other sources, this your trading cartel guy. I still think going another death star or multiple is from a story telling method a poor choice but not all stories are perfect and in the end your choice.

The problem with "there is another" it is from the way Yoda and Ben said it another that could defeat Vader/Emperor, not another random Jedi. Even when I saw Empire back when I was 8 that is what I took away from it. And here you have Windu "the other" clearly saying not his fight to get involved. Too confusing and doesn't really add much to the story. Also it is sort of a repeat again. Luke gets the old man mentor Obiwan, he dies, he gets another old man mentor, Yoda, and he dies, now we are a third one. From a narrative standpoint much like the death stars it is repeating yourself in a narrative way that seems off. Again your choice but I think audiences would see ROTJ here as skating in George's brilliance and just repeating what he did.

"Another mentor? Oh not just another Death Star, but four?! They are just redoing what George already did but more. Kind of shows a lack of ideas."

I think what we will see is it be a success but been as the weakest of all the movies.
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Maybe the opening crawl could mention a massive crackdown and killing of many rebel spies and sympathizers, the already draconian imperial hand has grown ever tighter. Thus they need to go to other sources, this your trading cartel guy. I still think going another death star or multiple is from a story telling method a poor choice but not all stories are perfect and in the end your choice.

The problem with "there is another" it is from the way Yoda and Ben said it another that could defeat Vader/Emperor, not another random Jedi. Even when I saw Empire back when I was 8 that is what I took away from it. And here you have Windu "the other" clearly saying not his fight to get involved. Too confusing and doesn't really add much to the story. Also it is sort of a repeat again. Luke gets the old man mentor Obiwan, he dies, he gets another old man mentor, Yoda, and he dies, now we are a third one. From a narrative standpoint much like the death stars it is repeating yourself in a narrative way that seems off. Again your choice but I think audiences would see ROTJ here as skating in George's brilliance and just repeating what he did.

"Another mentor? Oh not just another Death Star, but four?! They are just redoing what George already did but more. Kind of shows a lack of ideas."

I think what we will see is it be a success but been as the weakest of all the movies.
Thank you, these are good critiques. I'm leaning towards removing Windu, I knew it wasnt the best answer to "the other" question and wanted to cast Toshiro Mifune in the role, it was one of the darling ideas i had in my head but if ive gotta be willing to kill the darlings as it were for the betterment of the story. Leaning towards removing the death stars as well, as i think youre right about what fans would say, and ultimately I do want it to be a massive success at least on par with Empire.

Now Im thinking rather than simply trying to get the trader baron on their side for unknown reasons, it is explicitly for a final assault on the empire. I think it may be better to ditch any idea of a super weapon, especially as i don't think ~6 years is quite long enough to develop the technology. Your idea of getting it small enough for a Star Destroyer is much better than a literal planet like the sequels iirc tho.

Thank you both for the help.
Happy to provide comments, I am glad if you feel they are useful.

You could still cast Toshiro Mifune however. A couple of roles he could fill.

- He could take the role of Ackbar and lead the Alliance fleet in the attack. I think you'd have to give some more screen time though (and likely loose the Mon Calimari aspect as you'd want him to be recognizable)
- Have him be Baron Thule, but add a twist, he is actually an old mentor of Han Solo. Give him a few minutes after the deal is done to reminisce with Han
- Be a really early adopter of the end credit scene, and have Luke find Windu's holocron and have Toshiro talk for a few (use similar effects as to Leia asking for Ben's help from A New Hope)

The idea of a super weapon or something makes sense though. After Empire the Rebels were kind of on the run, so it would make sense to have this be a desperate attack hoping to thwart something terrible, rather than a 'push for Berlin' moment. It is a GALACTIC EMPIRE afterall, it should feel like the weight of the Imperial war machine is vast and while the Rebellion isn't without Hope (not just Luke mind you) it has been a rough year or two. If you don't like the idea of the development of a smaller death star laser mounted to a super star destroyer (can we call it a dreadnought in TTL, please?) maybe have it be some kind of deadly plague the Empire is developing they plan to unleash on troublesome worlds. If you don't like that I'm sure there is something else that could work.
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The idea of a super weapon or something makes sense though. After Empire the Rebels were kind of on the run, so it would make sense to have this be a desperate attack hoping to thwart something terrible, rather than a 'push for Berlin' moment. It is a GALACTIC EMPIRE afterall, it should feel like the weight of the Imperial war machine is vast and while the Rebellion isn't without Hope (not just Luke mind you) it has been a rough year or two. If you don't like the idea of the development of a smaller death star laser mounted to a super star destroyer (can we call it a dreadnought in TTL, please?) maybe have it be some kind of deadly plague the Empire is developing they plan to unleash on troublesome worlds. If you don't like that I'm sure there is something else that could work.
The idea isnt that the rebellion has turned the tide of the war, but rather they now have the resources (hopefully, with the aid of Thule) to launch a clandestine attack on the heart of the empire. It's an attempt to cut off the head of the snake, even if the body remains.
ROTJ treatment 2.0

Edits include removing Windu scenes, removing the Death Stars, changing up the Han rescue scene, adding scenes, editing the end a little bit. With the update due Saturday, I’m going to move ahead with this version, unless there are major grievances.

Return of the Jedi treatment

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away…

The REBEL ALLIANCE swells as more and more planets join the epic war against the GALACTIC EMPIRE, thanks to the diplomatic efforts of PRINCESS LEIA ORGANA

The princess courts the ruthless trader baron BETO THULE to the rebel cause, the last piece in the puzzle to the rebellion’s final assault on the empire

Meanwhile, LUKE SKYWALKER completes his training with MASTER JEDI YODA on DAGOBAH…

We open in the swamps of Dagobah. Luke is kneeling, the necessary components to a lightsaber floating in the air in front of him, a green crystal in the center. Using the force, Luke merges the components, then guides the saber to his hand. He tells Yoda he shouldn’t have disassembled his own, but Yoda says he hasn’t needed it for a very long time, and won’t.

Luke takes the Jedi oath as Yoda watches on:

“I swear on my honor, and on the faith of the brotherhood of knights, to use the Force only for good; denying, always turning from the Dark Side; to dedicate my life to the cause of freedom, and justice. If I should fail of this vow, my life shall be forfeit, here and hereafter.”

That night, Luke has a dream where he is standing in the Emperors throne room, the Emperor sitting motionless as Luke makes his way up the steps. Finally, the Emperor removes his cloak to reveal the face of Luke himself. Luke awakes screaming, but is stilled by the voice of Obi-Wan telling to be quiet, lest he awake Yoda. Luke asks Obi-Wan where he’s been all this time, but Obi-Wan tells him to ask the question he really wants to know.

“How could you lie to me about my father?”

“Your father was my greatest pupil, and my greatest shame. When I brought you to your uncle, he made me promise we would never tell you who your father had become. When he became Vader, he stopped being your father. I was protecting you, Luke. You can never become like him. You can never join the Dark Side.

“Now, there’s something else I’ve been hiding from you. You have a sister, Luke. I lost track of her a long time ago, but she’s out there somewhere. Search with the Force, and you’ll find her.”

The next morning, Luke is preparing breakfast for Master Yoda and himself. The pair argue back and forth as Yoda refuses to eat Luke’s cooking, evidently Yoda hasn’t eaten much at all lately. Luke reminds Yoda that he has to take his X-wing into orbit to see if Leia has sent him any messages, Yoda grumbles his consent.

Up in orbit, Luke pulls out a device while reassuring R2 that their friends haven’t forgotten about them. To both of their surprise, they’ve received a message from Lando Calrissian, who informs them that he has found Han Solo on the smugger’s moon, Nar’Shada. Jabba the Hutt has put him on display there, as a warning to all who might cross him. R2 is delighted, but Luke isn’t so sure about leaving Yoda.

Suddenly, out in the distance, Darth Vader’s Executor arrives out of a hyperspace jump. Perplexed at the Empire’s arrival, Luke hurries back down to the surface, telling R2 they can’t just leave Yoda despite the droids protests. Once there, he rushes into Yoda’s hut, who then promptly refuses to leave. Luke pleads, but Yoda tells him that he is a Jedi Knight now, and the battle to come is his alone.

As Luke walks through the hut door, he looks back and sees Yoda’s robes collapsing into itself, Yoda having become one with the force. Luke rushes to his X-wing fighter and lifts off just in time to enter a ferocious dogfight against several Imperial TIE fighters. As he and R2 speeds away, we momentarily move into the Executor. Darth Vader paces on the bridge of the ship. A lieutenant asks him if they should pursue, but Vader says no. They found him once, they shall find him again.

We then transition onto Rad Samaa II, the space station that houses the Galactic Trade Union, where Leia is deep in negotiations with its leader, Beto Thule. He’s threatening to walk out of the negotiations, saying they keep going around in circles. The team with Leia, rebel leader Mon Mothma and Chief Admiral Ackbar (among others), protest that they’ve already increased their offer by 100,000 credits, but Thule says it isn’t just about the credits. He is already more wealthy than most men could even imagine, and if he just in it for the credits, he could always turn in the princess and her merry band to the Empire. After all, there are massive bounties on all the rebels heads. Leia, angry, lays into Thule, saying he has no good in him, and they are not asking him to join the rebellion and risk his own head, they just need the use of his trade ships and routes. C3PO enters, pardoning for his interruption, and informs Leia that Luke is arriving.

She rushes to the space dock and the two embrace warmly. C3PO is delighted to see R2. Luke asks her if she’s heard from Lando, but she says no, she couldn’t take the transponder with her for fear the Empire could intercept the transmission and locate her, worse still realize what mission she was on. Luke says the transmissions are encrypted, but Leia counters that the Empire can get past such obstacles easily, the only hope was that they didn’t look in the right place. He finally admits it was his fault the Empire found him, that he should have flown to another system, and blames himself for Yoda’s death.

Leia says there’s it is no time for guilt, that they must focus on rescuing Han. They plan to leave first thing in the morning. That night, Luke tosses and turns in bed, his dreams haunted with visions of great destruction, worlds on fire and the death screams of countless people.

The four of them travel to Nar’Shada, into the underbelly of a worldwide metropolis, and meet up with Lando and Chewbacca. Imagine the Mos Eisley cantina on steroids and acid, then you have the smugglers moon. It is filled with nasty monsters and hedonistic characters. Han is being held on display inside the courtyard of Jabba’s headquarters on the moon, as message to all who come for business and otherwise. Do not cross Jabba the Hutt. Lando explains all the major crime lords have some kind of operation on Nar’Shada. He also explains the problem isn’t necessarily getting to Han, but escaping with him. Jabba’s thugs guard the entrance, the courtyard, and who knows how many were inside. A hologram of the building is shown on a table. The group agrees they will need assistance, so Leia contacts the rebellion and requests a squadron of rebel commandos.

A costumed/disguised Leia guides a chained up Chewbacca, as C3PO follows behind, into Jabba’s headquarters. She tells the Gamoran guards to take her to Bib Fortuna, she’s here to sell Chewie to Jabba. They enter a den of debauchery, filled to the brim with nameless monsters, On stage a band of peculiar creatures jams in a foreign language and culture. In the center, surrounded by lieutenants, is Bib Fortuna. As they make their way through, Leia makes eye contact with two Rebel commandos in disguise. He welcomes them, assures that Jabba will be interested. A hologram of Jabba the Hutt appears, using a special communication device. He is a specially hideous creature.

C3PO begins translating Jabba’s Hutteese, and the negotiations go poorly after Leia asks for a ridiculous sum of 100,000 credits. Eventually Jabba asks why doesn’t he just kill her, and take Chewbacca for free? Leia fires into the communication device, destroying it, as Chewie throws off his chains and rips Bib’s arm off. Leia wraps the chain around Bib’s throat, and the two commandos in disguise reveal themselves, blasting two of the Gamoran guards and aiming their blasters at two more, taking their arms. Bib shouts for no one to make a move.

We shift perspectives to infamous bounty hunter Boba Fett, set up atop a warehouse across the thoroughfare, as he watches the remaining Gamoran guarding the entrance get blasted, and then watches Luke, Lando, R2, and Captain Harand and a pair of Rebel commandos rush inside.

Once inside the courtyard, one of the commandos is shot. Luke force flips and takes out a Gamoran with a swipe of his lightsaber, using the force to throw it at the other guard like a boomerang. Lando peaks in, and sees Leia holding Bib hostage. Luke hurries up R2. Finally, Han emerges from the carbonite. Suddenly, Boba Fett comes flying to the attack. Han tells them he can’t see, so he’s entirely defenseless. Fett takes out the remaining commando outside and gravely injures Captain Harand. Lando shouts inside to hurry up.

Luke leads the bounty hunter away, exchanging blaster fire and jumping miraculous heights out of the courtyard and onto higher platforms. Luke deflects Fett’s blaster fire with his lightsaber, and pulls Fett to him with the force and takes a strike, but the bounty hunters armor proves resistant. Fett strikes Luke, knocking him to the ground. As he walks forward, Luke uses the force to push him off the platform. Breathing heavily, to Luke’s exasperation, Fett comes flying back up. He deploys the missile atop his jet pack, only to have Luke use the force to turn it back onto the bounty hunter, who evaporates in the explosion.

Luke gets back as Leia rushes out of Jabba’s headquarters, Chewie close behind and returning fire with his iconic bowcaster. A wipe transition to Han and Harand suspended in a bacta tank. Han climbs out as Lando and Chewie watch on, with Harand still resting in his tank, Han almost immediately begins questioning why Lando betrayed him. Lando has a lot of excuses, Vader terrified him, he was selfish, but ultimately he helped Chewie and the rest find you, which wasn’t as easy as initially thought. Han tells Chewie to grab Lando, but Chewie denies. Lando says, I saved your life. Han says, yeah I guess you did do that.

The team return to Rad Samaa II, finally together again on the Millennium Falcon. C3PO and R2 catch up. As they approach the space station, we transition back to Nar’Shada for a moment.

Darth Vader is interrogating Bib Fortuna, who is missing an arm. Jabba’s majordomo tells him it isn’t his fault, he was ambushed by the Wookiee and they had help. Vader doesn’t particularly like that answer, and demonstrates his anger by force choking Bib to death.

Then back on Rad Samaa II, a Luke and Han join the negotiating table. He mocks the trader baron Thule, despite Luke’s protests, and to everyone’s surprise, Thule actually delights it. It is revealed that the pair know each other from a past life. Thule says he is surprised to find him with this group, and asks why he thinks he should contribute his vast resources to the rebel cause. The one time scoundrel tells him simply, because it is the right thing to do. The trader baron has no hope to thrive under the empire, not really. One can only survive. Even with all the credits to his name, there’s nothing stopping the Empire from yanking it all away in a heartbeat. Leia is shocked, especially so when Thule agrees.

They quickly begin making war plans. Mon Mothma addresses the group, along with a crowd of rebel officers and pilots. She tells them that they have a unique opportunity to strike a deciding blow against the heart of the Empire. If they could take down the Emperor, and capture the capitol all in one swoop, it would probably win them the war.

Chief Admiral Ackbar goes over the plan, dividing Lando, Han, and Chewie into a group, with the plan for them to lead a strike team onto the moon to destroy the shield generator protecting the planet. Luke, Captain Harand and his commandos, would strike the capitol and target the Emperor and Darth Vader, their intelligence saying they’re together.

A wipe transition to Had Abbadon, where the Emperor sits atop his throne surrounded by rivers of lava, and tears into Darth Vader for his failure in capturing Luke Skywalker, calling him the greatest disappointment of his reign.

The fateful battle comes.

They enter the Imperial Core with Thule’s trader fleet, who himself has a small navy at hand. We see inside an Imperial Star Destroyer, where an Empire officer is reporting that several ships are different than on the manifest sent by the Galactic Trade Union. We see they are Rebel dreadnoughts and X-wings and Y-wing bombers. A great space battle commences, with Han in the Millennium Falcon and Luke in his X-wing as he guides him to the planet. Darth Vader’s Executor is a casualty on the Empire’s side.

Han leads his team down to the moon, the only land to speak of being an archipelago. The fighting is fierce outside the shield generator, and Lando is injured. Han wraps himself in bombs.

<Wookiee noises>

“You take Lando and get back to the Falcon.”

<Wookiee noises>

“You just shut up and let me do this, dammit!”

<Wookiee noises>

“Take good care of her, Chewie.”

Han rushes into the shield generator facilities, and a moment later the building explodes. Leia is in Thule’s flagship with Admiral Ackbar, repeatedly calling Han over the radio. Lando replies to he’s gone. Lei crumbles to the floor in despair.

Luke and the Rebel commandos attack the Imperial Pyramid. We see them advance and engage Imperial Stormtroopers, with a birds eye view. Luke’s X-wing is shoot down and he guides it down into the palace near the center of the pyramid.The size of the palace is huge, with giant columns and lots of space. Luke enters into a dramatic and dazzlingly choreographed fight against two red Royal Guards, ultimately defeating them. Darth Vader comes up from an elevator.

“Luke, we’ve been expecting you. The Emperor would like to see you.”

Luke travels down, telling Vader that when they met before he was an apprentice, but now he is a Jedi Knight, like his father before him. Once in the throne room, the Emperor tells Luke to join him, to become his apprentice in the Dark Side. Luke refuses, saying he’ll never give into the Dark Side. The Emperor tells Vader to destroy him. They enter into a duel, sparring back and forth. All the while the Emperor is shouting insults, belittling Vader and Skywalker both. Use your anger, he tells them. The Emperor laughs as they struggle. Finally, Luke beats Vader down. The Emperor shouting, finish him, finish him, join me. But Luke turns off his lightsaber, saying he will not strike down his father. That he can feel the Light still within him. Buried deep but there.

The Emperor unleashes lightning from his finder tips onto him, wave after wave. The age old adage: if you don’t join me, you are my enemy. Walking down from his throne, his shoots wave upon wave. Luke pleads to his father to help him. The Emperor says his pet won’t bite its master. Seeing Luke crumble, Vader stands and puts his lightsaber between Luke and the lightning, causing some of it redirect back onto the Emperor, and the rest moving right up the lightsaber and into Vader. The Emperor is stuck and beings to wither away from the lightning before he collapses from exhaustion.

Vader lumbers over to him, his steps slow but steady. The Emperor demands Vader destroy Luke Skywalker. Destroy him like he once destroyed Anniken. Instead, Vader lifts the Emperor atop his head, screaming never, and throws him into the river of lava. Vader then collapses to the floor. Luke rushes to his side.

“Remove my helmet.”

“But you’ll die, won’t you? We’ve got to get you help.”

“I’m dying already, son.”

So Luke does, and holds Vader in his arms.

“Do you know where my sister is?”

“Your sister, your sister…”

Vader expires.

Luke makes his way to the top of the Emperor Pyramid, and watches below as regiments of Rebel soldiers march in the city, capturing the city from the Empire. In the sky above, destroyed Star Destroyers hanging limply. On Rebel worlds we see scenes of celebrations, and there’s a grand parade through the capitol square.

Sometime later, a shirtless Luke is looking out on the capital square from a balcony, where Rebel Alliance banners have replaced Imperial ones. What are you going to do next, he asks Leia. She’s wrapped up in a blanket. She tells him she will stay here a for a while and help the rebellion, but survivors from Alderaan have gathered on Dantooine, and she needs to be with them. She asks him the same question. He says that somewhere out in the galaxy he has a sister, and he’s going to find her. Maybe she’ll be like him.

Cut to a very pregnant Leia being crowned queen.

Cut to Luke with R2 in tow, hiking up to the Jedi Temple, his mission only just begun…

Roll credits.
ROTJ treatment 2.0

Edits include removing Windu scenes, removing the Death Stars, changing up the Han rescue scene, adding scenes, editing the end a little bit. With the update due Saturday, I’m going to move ahead with this version, unless there are major grievances.

Return of the Jedi treatment

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away…

The REBEL ALLIANCE swells as more and more planets join the epic war against the GALACTIC EMPIRE, thanks to the diplomatic efforts of PRINCESS LEIA ORGANA

The princess courts the ruthless trader baron BETO THULE to the rebel cause, the last piece in the puzzle to the rebellion’s final assault on the empire

Meanwhile, LUKE SKYWALKER completes his training with MASTER JEDI YODA on DAGOBAH…

We open in the swamps of Dagobah. Luke is kneeling, the necessary components to a lightsaber floating in the air in front of him, a green crystal in the center. Using the force, Luke merges the components, then guides the saber to his hand. He tells Yoda he shouldn’t have disassembled his own, but Yoda says he hasn’t needed it for a very long time, and won’t.

Luke takes the Jedi oath as Yoda watches on:

“I swear on my honor, and on the faith of the brotherhood of knights, to use the Force only for good; denying, always turning from the Dark Side; to dedicate my life to the cause of freedom, and justice. If I should fail of this vow, my life shall be forfeit, here and hereafter.”

That night, Luke has a dream where he is standing in the Emperors throne room, the Emperor sitting motionless as Luke makes his way up the steps. Finally, the Emperor removes his cloak to reveal the face of Luke himself. Luke awakes screaming, but is stilled by the voice of Obi-Wan telling to be quiet, lest he awake Yoda. Luke asks Obi-Wan where he’s been all this time, but Obi-Wan tells him to ask the question he really wants to know.

“How could you lie to me about my father?”

“Your father was my greatest pupil, and my greatest shame. When I brought you to your uncle, he made me promise we would never tell you who your father had become. When he became Vader, he stopped being your father. I was protecting you, Luke. You can never become like him. You can never join the Dark Side.

“Now, there’s something else I’ve been hiding from you. You have a sister, Luke. I lost track of her a long time ago, but she’s out there somewhere. Search with the Force, and you’ll find her.”

The next morning, Luke is preparing breakfast for Master Yoda and himself. The pair argue back and forth as Yoda refuses to eat Luke’s cooking, evidently Yoda hasn’t eaten much at all lately. Luke reminds Yoda that he has to take his X-wing into orbit to see if Leia has sent him any messages, Yoda grumbles his consent.

Up in orbit, Luke pulls out a device while reassuring R2 that their friends haven’t forgotten about them. To both of their surprise, they’ve received a message from Lando Calrissian, who informs them that he has found Han Solo on the smugger’s moon, Nar’Shada. Jabba the Hutt has put him on display there, as a warning to all who might cross him. R2 is delighted, but Luke isn’t so sure about leaving Yoda.

Suddenly, out in the distance, Darth Vader’s Executor arrives out of a hyperspace jump. Perplexed at the Empire’s arrival, Luke hurries back down to the surface, telling R2 they can’t just leave Yoda despite the droids protests. Once there, he rushes into Yoda’s hut, who then promptly refuses to leave. Luke pleads, but Yoda tells him that he is a Jedi Knight now, and the battle to come is his alone.

As Luke walks through the hut door, he looks back and sees Yoda’s robes collapsing into itself, Yoda having become one with the force. Luke rushes to his X-wing fighter and lifts off just in time to enter a ferocious dogfight against several Imperial TIE fighters. As he and R2 speeds away, we momentarily move into the Executor. Darth Vader paces on the bridge of the ship. A lieutenant asks him if they should pursue, but Vader says no. They found him once, they shall find him again.

We then transition onto Rad Samaa II, the space station that houses the Galactic Trade Union, where Leia is deep in negotiations with its leader, Beto Thule. He’s threatening to walk out of the negotiations, saying they keep going around in circles. The team with Leia, rebel leader Mon Mothma and Chief Admiral Ackbar (among others), protest that they’ve already increased their offer by 100,000 credits, but Thule says it isn’t just about the credits. He is already more wealthy than most men could even imagine, and if he just in it for the credits, he could always turn in the princess and her merry band to the Empire. After all, there are massive bounties on all the rebels heads. Leia, angry, lays into Thule, saying he has no good in him, and they are not asking him to join the rebellion and risk his own head, they just need the use of his trade ships and routes. C3PO enters, pardoning for his interruption, and informs Leia that Luke is arriving.

She rushes to the space dock and the two embrace warmly. C3PO is delighted to see R2. Luke asks her if she’s heard from Lando, but she says no, she couldn’t take the transponder with her for fear the Empire could intercept the transmission and locate her, worse still realize what mission she was on. Luke says the transmissions are encrypted, but Leia counters that the Empire can get past such obstacles easily, the only hope was that they didn’t look in the right place. He finally admits it was his fault the Empire found him, that he should have flown to another system, and blames himself for Yoda’s death.

Leia says there’s it is no time for guilt, that they must focus on rescuing Han. They plan to leave first thing in the morning. That night, Luke tosses and turns in bed, his dreams haunted with visions of great destruction, worlds on fire and the death screams of countless people.

The four of them travel to Nar’Shada, into the underbelly of a worldwide metropolis, and meet up with Lando and Chewbacca. Imagine the Mos Eisley cantina on steroids and acid, then you have the smugglers moon. It is filled with nasty monsters and hedonistic characters. Han is being held on display inside the courtyard of Jabba’s headquarters on the moon, as message to all who come for business and otherwise. Do not cross Jabba the Hutt. Lando explains all the major crime lords have some kind of operation on Nar’Shada. He also explains the problem isn’t necessarily getting to Han, but escaping with him. Jabba’s thugs guard the entrance, the courtyard, and who knows how many were inside. A hologram of the building is shown on a table. The group agrees they will need assistance, so Leia contacts the rebellion and requests a squadron of rebel commandos.

A costumed/disguised Leia guides a chained up Chewbacca, as C3PO follows behind, into Jabba’s headquarters. She tells the Gamoran guards to take her to Bib Fortuna, she’s here to sell Chewie to Jabba. They enter a den of debauchery, filled to the brim with nameless monsters, On stage a band of peculiar creatures jams in a foreign language and culture. In the center, surrounded by lieutenants, is Bib Fortuna. As they make their way through, Leia makes eye contact with two Rebel commandos in disguise. He welcomes them, assures that Jabba will be interested. A hologram of Jabba the Hutt appears, using a special communication device. He is a specially hideous creature.

C3PO begins translating Jabba’s Hutteese, and the negotiations go poorly after Leia asks for a ridiculous sum of 100,000 credits. Eventually Jabba asks why doesn’t he just kill her, and take Chewbacca for free? Leia fires into the communication device, destroying it, as Chewie throws off his chains and rips Bib’s arm off. Leia wraps the chain around Bib’s throat, and the two commandos in disguise reveal themselves, blasting two of the Gamoran guards and aiming their blasters at two more, taking their arms. Bib shouts for no one to make a move.

We shift perspectives to infamous bounty hunter Boba Fett, set up atop a warehouse across the thoroughfare, as he watches the remaining Gamoran guarding the entrance get blasted, and then watches Luke, Lando, R2, and Captain Harand and a pair of Rebel commandos rush inside.

Once inside the courtyard, one of the commandos is shot. Luke force flips and takes out a Gamoran with a swipe of his lightsaber, using the force to throw it at the other guard like a boomerang. Lando peaks in, and sees Leia holding Bib hostage. Luke hurries up R2. Finally, Han emerges from the carbonite. Suddenly, Boba Fett comes flying to the attack. Han tells them he can’t see, so he’s entirely defenseless. Fett takes out the remaining commando outside and gravely injures Captain Harand. Lando shouts inside to hurry up.

Luke leads the bounty hunter away, exchanging blaster fire and jumping miraculous heights out of the courtyard and onto higher platforms. Luke deflects Fett’s blaster fire with his lightsaber, and pulls Fett to him with the force and takes a strike, but the bounty hunters armor proves resistant. Fett strikes Luke, knocking him to the ground. As he walks forward, Luke uses the force to push him off the platform. Breathing heavily, to Luke’s exasperation, Fett comes flying back up. He deploys the missile atop his jet pack, only to have Luke use the force to turn it back onto the bounty hunter, who evaporates in the explosion.

Luke gets back as Leia rushes out of Jabba’s headquarters, Chewie close behind and returning fire with his iconic bowcaster. A wipe transition to Han and Harand suspended in a bacta tank. Han climbs out as Lando and Chewie watch on, with Harand still resting in his tank, Han almost immediately begins questioning why Lando betrayed him. Lando has a lot of excuses, Vader terrified him, he was selfish, but ultimately he helped Chewie and the rest find you, which wasn’t as easy as initially thought. Han tells Chewie to grab Lando, but Chewie denies. Lando says, I saved your life. Han says, yeah I guess you did do that.

The team return to Rad Samaa II, finally together again on the Millennium Falcon. C3PO and R2 catch up. As they approach the space station, we transition back to Nar’Shada for a moment.

Darth Vader is interrogating Bib Fortuna, who is missing an arm. Jabba’s majordomo tells him it isn’t his fault, he was ambushed by the Wookiee and they had help. Vader doesn’t particularly like that answer, and demonstrates his anger by force choking Bib to death.

Then back on Rad Samaa II, a Luke and Han join the negotiating table. He mocks the trader baron Thule, despite Luke’s protests, and to everyone’s surprise, Thule actually delights it. It is revealed that the pair know each other from a past life. Thule says he is surprised to find him with this group, and asks why he thinks he should contribute his vast resources to the rebel cause. The one time scoundrel tells him simply, because it is the right thing to do. The trader baron has no hope to thrive under the empire, not really. One can only survive. Even with all the credits to his name, there’s nothing stopping the Empire from yanking it all away in a heartbeat. Leia is shocked, especially so when Thule agrees.

They quickly begin making war plans. Mon Mothma addresses the group, along with a crowd of rebel officers and pilots. She tells them that they have a unique opportunity to strike a deciding blow against the heart of the Empire. If they could take down the Emperor, and capture the capitol all in one swoop, it would probably win them the war.

Chief Admiral Ackbar goes over the plan, dividing Lando, Han, and Chewie into a group, with the plan for them to lead a strike team onto the moon to destroy the shield generator protecting the planet. Luke, Captain Harand and his commandos, would strike the capitol and target the Emperor and Darth Vader, their intelligence saying they’re together.

A wipe transition to Had Abbadon, where the Emperor sits atop his throne surrounded by rivers of lava, and tears into Darth Vader for his failure in capturing Luke Skywalker, calling him the greatest disappointment of his reign.

The fateful battle comes.

They enter the Imperial Core with Thule’s trader fleet, who himself has a small navy at hand. We see inside an Imperial Star Destroyer, where an Empire officer is reporting that several ships are different than on the manifest sent by the Galactic Trade Union. We see they are Rebel dreadnoughts and X-wings and Y-wing bombers. A great space battle commences, with Han in the Millennium Falcon and Luke in his X-wing as he guides him to the planet. Darth Vader’s Executor is a casualty on the Empire’s side.

Han leads his team down to the moon, the only land to speak of being an archipelago. The fighting is fierce outside the shield generator, and Lando is injured. Han wraps himself in bombs.

<Wookiee noises>

“You take Lando and get back to the Falcon.”

<Wookiee noises>

“You just shut up and let me do this, dammit!”

<Wookiee noises>

“Take good care of her, Chewie.”

Han rushes into the shield generator facilities, and a moment later the building explodes. Leia is in Thule’s flagship with Admiral Ackbar, repeatedly calling Han over the radio. Lando replies to he’s gone. Lei crumbles to the floor in despair.

Luke and the Rebel commandos attack the Imperial Pyramid. We see them advance and engage Imperial Stormtroopers, with a birds eye view. Luke’s X-wing is shoot down and he guides it down into the palace near the center of the pyramid.The size of the palace is huge, with giant columns and lots of space. Luke enters into a dramatic and dazzlingly choreographed fight against two red Royal Guards, ultimately defeating them. Darth Vader comes up from an elevator.

“Luke, we’ve been expecting you. The Emperor would like to see you.”

Luke travels down, telling Vader that when they met before he was an apprentice, but now he is a Jedi Knight, like his father before him. Once in the throne room, the Emperor tells Luke to join him, to become his apprentice in the Dark Side. Luke refuses, saying he’ll never give into the Dark Side. The Emperor tells Vader to destroy him. They enter into a duel, sparring back and forth. All the while the Emperor is shouting insults, belittling Vader and Skywalker both. Use your anger, he tells them. The Emperor laughs as they struggle. Finally, Luke beats Vader down. The Emperor shouting, finish him, finish him, join me. But Luke turns off his lightsaber, saying he will not strike down his father. That he can feel the Light still within him. Buried deep but there.

The Emperor unleashes lightning from his finder tips onto him, wave after wave. The age old adage: if you don’t join me, you are my enemy. Walking down from his throne, his shoots wave upon wave. Luke pleads to his father to help him. The Emperor says his pet won’t bite its master. Seeing Luke crumble, Vader stands and puts his lightsaber between Luke and the lightning, causing some of it redirect back onto the Emperor, and the rest moving right up the lightsaber and into Vader. The Emperor is stuck and beings to wither away from the lightning before he collapses from exhaustion.

Vader lumbers over to him, his steps slow but steady. The Emperor demands Vader destroy Luke Skywalker. Destroy him like he once destroyed Anniken. Instead, Vader lifts the Emperor atop his head, screaming never, and throws him into the river of lava. Vader then collapses to the floor. Luke rushes to his side.

“Remove my helmet.”

“But you’ll die, won’t you? We’ve got to get you help.”

“I’m dying already, son.”

So Luke does, and holds Vader in his arms.

“Do you know where my sister is?”

“Your sister, your sister…”

Vader expires.

Luke makes his way to the top of the Emperor Pyramid, and watches below as regiments of Rebel soldiers march in the city, capturing the city from the Empire. In the sky above, destroyed Star Destroyers hanging limply. On Rebel worlds we see scenes of celebrations, and there’s a grand parade through the capitol square.

Sometime later, a shirtless Luke is looking out on the capital square from a balcony, where Rebel Alliance banners have replaced Imperial ones. What are you going to do next, he asks Leia. She’s wrapped up in a blanket. She tells him she will stay here a for a while and help the rebellion, but survivors from Alderaan have gathered on Dantooine, and she needs to be with them. She asks him the same question. He says that somewhere out in the galaxy he has a sister, and he’s going to find her. Maybe she’ll be like him.

Cut to a very pregnant Leia being crowned queen.

Cut to Luke with R2 in tow, hiking up to the Jedi Temple, his mission only just begun…

Roll credits.
Awesome! It’s perfect now
I like it. My only quibble is the end scene with Luke and Leia. It seems from the senen they did the deed and are having a kid, or is it Han's?

Given Han and Leia declared their love at the end of Empire and she collapsed when she was told he died the scene is kind of odd. Maybe restructure it a bit if that wasn't your intention.

Perhaps something like this:

Leia is despondently staring out at the jubilant crowd when Luke enters and places a blanket on her shoulders (a reverse of what she did in A New Hope for him when Ben died. The proceed with the same conversation.
I like it. My only quibble is the end scene with Luke and Leia. It seems from the senen they did the deed and are having a kid, or is it Han's?

Given Han and Leia declared their love at the end of Empire and she collapsed when she was told he died the scene is kind of odd. Maybe restructure it a bit if that wasn't your intention.

Perhaps something like this:

Leia is despondently staring out at the jubilant crowd when Luke enters and places a blanket on her shoulders (a reverse of what she did in A New Hope for him when Ben died. The proceed with the same conversation.
It's meant to be ambiguous whose baby it is.
Chapter IV

First Blood production

Although not without its hiccups, First Blood would prove to be the first in a string of major successes for Marcia Lucas and, under her leadership of, Lucasfilm. Much to the production teams delight, their first choice for director, George Miller, accepted the role and would lend his experience with action films to the project. The matter of who would act in the lead role had long since been decided, but a whole host of names were offered up for who should round out the cast. George C. Scott in particular had been a favorite of the team for the role of Colonel Trautman, but he refused, as did Gene Hackman and Robert Duvall for the role of Sheriff Teasle. On a whim the script and a financial offer close to star Sylvester Stallone’s salary was sent to Burt Reynolds, who the team viewed to the be the perfect actor for the role of the sheriff. To their surprise, he accepted. [1]

Therein presented the first, and arguably most important, aforementioned hiccups. Reynolds agreeing to co-star immediately presented a dilemma, as paying for his proposed salary would push them far past the productions budget. The team did not think they could turn around and ask to negotiate to lower the salary, as it already been agreed upon in principal, so they weighed the option of giving up the deal and returning to their search. Eventually it was decided that Reynolds had too much to offer to the picture to turn away his talents, so Marcia agreed to cover the necessary costs rather than go back to Universal and risk losing sequel or merchandising rights in a renegotiated deal.

Finally, Kirk Douglas [2] was cast as Colonel Trautman, their second choice. Billy Dee Williams was then cast as Captain Dave Kern, followed by Mad Max-star and George Miller alumna Mel Gibson as Deputy Sergeant Gait. Notably, a young David Caruso was cast as one of the sheriff deputies.

Filming took place over a 12 week period, with everything shot on location in Washington state, in late autumn, into early winter 1981. Stallone performed most of his own stunts, which mostly only led to a few minor injuries, but one particular stunt (in which Stallone jumped from a cliff) seriously injured his back, which threatened to throw the film off schedule. Thanks to the efforts of producer Frank Marshall, in collaboration with director Miller, the shooting schedule was reworked in order to not halt the production and still give time for Stallone to heal, with the production then focusing on all scenes not involving the character of Rambo, as well Lawrence Kasdan writing (uncredited) the addition of new scenes for the other characters, which naturally necessitated the removal of a few of Rambo’s.

This workaround led to a dispute between Miller and Marshall, which culminated with an on set shouting match between the two men. Miller threatened to quit if Marshall wasn’t removed from set, but Marcia managed to step in and cool things down. The decision to add a week of shooting in order to shoot all of Rambo’s scenes was made. Ultimately the pair patched things up, and would even work together again some years down the road.

The first edit of the film clocked in at just about 3 hours and 30 minutes, with the forest chase scene being 55 mins itself. Editor Phil Hirsch took into account the producers notes and then turned in a 90 minute cut without input from Miller. Marcia, feeling uneasy with the decision to not include Miller, especially as she did not feel the second cut was much better, sat down with Miller and put together the 124 minute cut that was ultimately sent to theaters. The forest chase scene was cut down to 30 minutes, Billy Dee William’s scenes were largely cut out, which Marcia felt was the greatest, but ultimately most necessary, loss due to the strength of his performance. The shape of Kirk Douglas’ Troutman changed significantly in the editing room as well, shifting from a borderline villain to a concerned father figure. A few reshoots were required to complete this transformation.

On release, First Blood was very well received by critics and audiences alike. Stallone’s portrayal of Rambo’s breakdown at the end of the film was highlighted as arguably the best acting of his career. The action sequences were praised in particular as well. Reynolds’s convincing acting as villain proved another point of praise. When all was said and done, the film raked in $207 million total.

There was some worry about releasing the picture just a few weeks after Rambo III, another Stallone vehicle, but ultimately it was decided to move ahead with the initial release date and the worries proved unfounded. Rocky III still put up respectable numbers after First Blood’s release, but it no doubt began a severe tapper as First Blood soaked up the market. With the profits from Raiders and now First Blood filling their coffers, Lucasfilm was sitting pretty as they entered into production of Return of the Jedi.

Excerpt from Squirrels to the Nuts: The Star Wars Story (2022)


First Blood

Directed by: George Miller
Screenplay by: Michael Kozoll & William Sackheim, Sylvester Stallone, Lawrence Kasdan
Based on: First Blood by David Morrell
Produced by: Marcia Lucas, Frank Marshall and Gary Kurtz
Starring: Sylvester Stallone, Kirk Douglas, and Burt Reynolds
Cinematography: Douglas Slocombe
Edited by: Paul Hirsch and Marcia Lucas (uncredited)
Music by: John Williams
Production company: Lucasfilm Ltd.
Distributed by: Universal (domestic) and Manson International (international)
Release date: May 12, 1982
Running time: 124 minutes
County: United States
Language: English
Budget: $16 million
Box office: $207 million

Cast (list does not necessarily reflect all roles in film)
Sylvester Stallone as John Rambo
Burt Reynolds as Sheriff William “Will” Teasle
Kirk Douglas as Colonel Samuel R. “Sam” Trautman
Mel Gibson as Deputy Sergeant Arthur “Art” Galt
Billy Dee Williams as Captain Dave Kern
Michael Talbott as Deputy Belford
Chris Mulkey as Deputy Ward
John McLiam as Orval Kellerman
Alf Humphreys as Deputy Lester
David Caruso as Deputy Mitch Rodgers


[1] OTL Burt Reynolds would tell Sylvester Stallone that he had loved the part of Colonel Troutman and would’ve happily taken the role, which Stallone countered that he was too big a star to have been considered at the time. TTL he takes a liking to the sheriff role.

[2] OTL Kirk Douglas was cast but when he arrived on set he came with a litany of story demands that were quite honestly, awful. TTL he doesn’t have these ideas, the script having been touched up by Kasdan.
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54th Academy Awards [1]

Best Picture
Raiders of the Lost Ark — George Lucas (posthumous win) and Frank Marshall, producers
Chariots of Fire — David Puttnam, producer
On Golden Pond — Bruce Gilbert, producer
Will There Really Be a Morning? — Jonathan Sanger, producer
Reds — Warren Beatty, producer

Best Director
Hugh Hudson — Chariots of Fire
Mark Rydell — On Golden Pond
David Lynch — Will There Really Be a Morning?
Steven Spielberg — Raiders of the Lost Ark
Warren Beatty — Reds

Best Actor
Warren Beatty — Reds as John Silas “Jack” Reed
Paul Newman — Absence of Malice as Michael Gallagher
Dudley Moore — Arthur as Arthur Bach
Burt Lancaster — Atlantic City as Lou Pascal
Henry Fonda — On Golden Pond as Norman Thayer Jr.

Best Actress
Susan Dey — Will There Really Be a Morning? as Frances Farmer
Susan Sarandon — Atlantic City as Sally Matthews
Katherine Hepburn — On Golden Pond as Ethel Thayer
Meryl Streep — The French Lieutenant’s Woman as Sarah Woodruff/Anna
Diane Keaton — Reds as Louise Bryant

Best Supporting Actor
John Huston — Will There Really Be a Morning? as Ernest Farmer
John Gielgud — Arthur as Hobson
Ian Holm — Chariots of Fire as Sam Mussanbini
Howard E. Rollins — Ragtime as Coalhouse Walker Jr.
Jack Nicholson — Reds as Eugene O’Neill

Best Supporting Actress
Kim Stanley — Will There Really Be a Morning? as Lillian Van Ornum Farmer
Melinda Dillon — Absence of Malice as Teresa Perrone
Jane Fonda — On Golden Pond as Chelsea Thayer Wayne
Elizabeth McGovern — Ragtime as Evelyn Nesbit
Maureen Stapleton — Reds as Emma Goldman

Best Screenplay Written Directly for the Screen
Reds — Warren Beatty and Trevor Griffiths
Absence of Malice — Kurt Luedtke
Arthur — Steve Gordon
Atlantic City — John Guare
Chariots of Fire — Colin Welland

Best Screenplay Based on Material from Another Medium
Will There Really Be a Morning? — David Lynch based on the novel by Frances Farmer and The Decline and Fall of the Love Goddesses by Patrick Agan
On Golden Pond — Ernest Thompson based on his play
The French Lieutenant’s Woman — Harold Pinter based on the novel by John Fowles
Prince of the City — Jay Presson Allen and Sidney Lumet based on the book by Robert Daley
Ragtime — Michael Weller based on the novel by E. L. Doctorow

Best Original Score
Raiders of the Lost Ark — John Williams
Chariots of Fire — Vangelis
On Golden Pond — Dave Grusin
Will There Really Be a Morning? — John Barry
Ragtime — Randy Newman

Best Original Song
“Endless Love” from Endless Love — Music and Lyrics by Lionel Ritchie
“Arthur’s Theme (Best That You Can Do)” from Arthur
“The First Time It Happens” from The Great Muppet Caper
“For Your Eyes Only” from For Your Eyes Only
“One More Hour” from Ragtime

Best Sound
Raiders of the Lost Ark — Bill Varney, Steve Maslow, Greg Landaker, and Roy Charman
On Golden Pond
Pennies from Heaven

Best Makeup
Will There Really Be a Morning? — Christopher Tucker
An American Werewolf in London

Best Costume Design
Chariots of Fire — Milena Canonero
The French Lieutenant’s Woman — Tom Rand
Pennies From Heaven — Bob Mackie
Ragtime — Anna Hill Johnstone
Reds — Shirley Russell

Best Art Direction
Raiders of the Lost Ark — Art Direction: Norman Reynolds and Leslie Dilley; Set Direction: Michael Ford
The French Lieutenant’s Woman
Heaven’s Gate

Best Cinematography
Raiders of the Lost Ark — Douglas Slocombe
Excalibur — Alex Thomson
On Golden Pond — Billy Williams
Ragtime — Miroslav Ondricek
Reds — Vittorio Storaro

Best Film Editing
Raiders of the Lost Ark — Michael Khan
Chariots of Fire — Terry Rawlings
The French Lieutenant’s Woman — John Bloom
On Golden Pond — Robert L. Wolfe (posthumous nomination)
Reds — Dede Allen and Craig McKay

Best Visual Effects
Raiders of the Lost Ark — Richard Edmund, Kit West, Bruce Nicholson, Joe Johnston

Raiders of the Lost Ark dominated the 1982 Oscars with 7 wins, including a posthumous Best Picture Award for George Lucas, as Warren Beatty’s Reds snagged 12 nominations, but no film swept the major categories. Marcia Lucas and Steven Spielberg accepted the award on George’s behalf, whose work was featured in a career retrospective after his death the year prior in a fiery single car accident. David Lynch would be nominated for a second consecutive Best Director Award, but lose again. For Will There Really Be a Morning? Lynch would win Best Screenplay Based on Material from Another Medium, and the film would win 3 out of the 4 acting awards. Chariots of Fire was favorited for Best Picture, and many felt Henry Fonda was snubbed for his role in On Golden Pond.

The following year, at the 55th Academy Awards, Lucasfilm’s First Blood would secure nominations in all the major categories, including Best Picture, Director, and Actor, but notably only win 2 awards: Kirk Douglas for Best Supporting Actor and then Marcia Lucas and Paul Hirsch for Best Editing.

[1] With the many butterflies to the 54th Academy Awards, I decided to add a mostly complete TTL chart of winners and nominees, and just give a few details for the 55th Academy Awards, as Gandhi still steamrolls as OTL.
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