The Anglo/American - Nazi War

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I have a feeling that Switzerland is not going to be in a posistion to do much to help post-war Europe. They may not have been DIRECTLY targeted but windblown fallout, anthrax spores, herbicides, etc. don't give a shit about international borders. And those weapon have been deployed everywere around them.
I bet a couple of good businesses to enter into in Switzerland would be the chlorine bleach manufacture and distribution and NBC decontimation. Other trades that enterprising individuals might consider would be plastic surgery, fine art appraisal and wholesaling, speech coaching (teaching people to get rid of that nasty Barvarian accent), and the wire transfer business.
@ Hero of Canton

Thanks for setting the record straight for all of us!

Regarding France:

What so many people fail to realise about France is that it has massive impediments to becoming a modern nation in the next three hundred years! Unlike Japan in this TL it was a) nuked b) given a liberal sprinkling of plagues of a truly Biblical proportion (The Seine has no life for 50 miles around it) c) had almost all of its cultural icons destroyed d) is still suffering a low level civil war and facsist insurgency e) like Germany had most of its heavy industry destroyed farmland contaminated and agricultural impliments stolen/destroyed.

If we are making grim predictions about France's future I just hope that everyone realizes why they aren't so rosy.

EDIT: Not to mention Calbear has explicitly stated that these many problems still affect France in this TL's 2011!!!

The next three hundred years is a bit extreme, especially since we don't know how bad the country was hit by the various plagues. We need numbers and statistics in order to make a reliable assessment of the situation here. I frankly doubt that the Seine has not life left for fifty miles around it, that's really overestimating the effects of bioweapons here.

The loss of French cultural icons will have various impacts, but since said icons were destroyed by the Germans and not by allies, it may have the effect of uniting the people together in blind hate against the Germans. But the likely effect will be more along the lines of a huge shock and national post traumatic disorder so to speak.

France may not split apart, but whatever happens, the French soul and psyche has been severly damaged and this won't help reconstruction.


Monthly Donor
Here is the first installment covering the post war world.

I KNOW there will be plenty of comments.

1961 –

Full independence of India, already a practical fact, granted exactly 365 days after final defeat of Third Reich.

“Year of Hunger” across Europe. With destruction of machinery, casualties due to being caught in a war zone, bio-weapons, loss of draft animals and other livestock to Waffen SS, some 80% of those residing in former occupation zones receive less than 1,200 calories a day, mostly from U.S. “C” and “K” rations. Coastal Zones of France which have been under Allied occupation for most of a year and have access to fishing fare far better than the Country’s interior. The degree of famine charts an almost perfect line when compared with when Allied forces overran a region. Despite concerted Allied efforts tens of thousands in Germany die of starvation, with many more succumbing to the Witch’s Brew of diseases and radiation exposure that are a legacy of the war’s final months.

NGO like Save the Children, Red Cross, and major religious organizations begin massive fund raising drives to combat European Famine. Combined with Allied efforts, which nearly match those leading up to the Invasion, utter disaster is averted. Ironically a major source of food is plantations established by Reich in Poland. Residents of that devastated country enjoy the highest calorie intake on the Continent.

Polish Republic reestablished in former General Government regions initial population numbers 5.4 million Poles, 9 million Germans. German settlers in region are given 6 months to return to Occupied Germany. With U.S. assistance Polish government offers substantial bonus to anyone of Polish ancestry who chooses to immigrate to reestablished state.

CV-6 USS Enterprise, having spent the last three years as a training ship, is formally decommissioned. Two days later the world’s first nuclear powered aircraft carrier, already nearing mid-point of its construction is renamed USS Enterprise at “suggestion” of Senate Armed Service committee

United Nations established. Membership mirrors Western Alliance from European Phase of World War II plus Finland, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Korea, Poland, Russian Tsarist Republic, and USSR.

United Nation confirms Universal Right of Self Determination for all peoples under fascist occupation or Allied protection from 1/1/1950 through 3/15/1960.

Multiple sided Civil War breaks out in areas of USSR. Kazikstan, Uzbekistan, Georgia, Armenia and other Central Asian republics all declare independence from central Soviet government, with almost immediate infighting taking place in newly independent states. The West, led by Washington and London, exhausted by three decades of fighting, does nothing to intervene outside of areas already under occupation by U.S/Commonwealth forces.

First satellite in low Earth orbit launched by USAF.

1962 –

UN takes over recovery effort in Inner Germany. UN Agricultural Department is largest single employer in former Reich by year’s end thanks to massive livestock vaccination program. Second largest employer is UN Medical Relief Corps. Many UN experts are former Allied troops already in place who are seconded to UN. They men and women change uniforms and resume their work across Europe.

Treaty of Stockholm signed, formally ending war between Allies and France. While no sort of reparations of other payments are included, segments of French political Right find it to be exceptionally unfair, especially in that it fails to acknowledge that France was forced into its Alliance with the Reich and in that it allows Allied Powers to maintain troops on French soil “until stability of Nation is ensured”.

French Fifth Republic, declared just 10 months earlier in Lyon by the freshly repatriated Free French Government in Exile, falls. Significant fighting breaks out in parts of France between fascist leaning groups (many ex French National Army) and more liberal elements of Free French. While disorder does not quite reach full Civil War levels, the chaos seriously retards recovery efforts and has massive political impacts felt across the world.

Unexpected consequences from Right of Self Determination begin to surface.

Algeria and French Morocco both vote for full independence.

Former French overseas departments of Martinique and Guadeloupe vote overwhelmingly to express desire for Union with Canada. Canadian Parliament accepts.

French Guiana, Dutch Guiana (Suriname) vote overwhelmingly to request unity with British Guiana under British rule. Resulting colony is simply know as Guiana.

French Departments of Bretange, Basse-Normandie,, Nord-Pas-de- Calis, the western portion of Picardie (Somme), Seine-Maritime, citing ancient ties, request reunion with British Sovereign, leaving the UK, which is in the midst of disengagement from its costly colonial obligations, in a quandary. Eventually these Departments are placed administratively with the Channel Islands as Crown Dependencies. (This can be seen as a case of “Pottery Barn rules”).

Islands of Netherlands Antillies request territorial status from the United States as part of American Virgin Islands. Flush with the heady wine of victory the U.S. Congress accepts the request without realizing the precedent it was setting.

In September the “liberated peoples of Western Alaska” i.e. U.S occupied Siberia, citing the example of the Antilles, and appealing to every pro-democracy sentiment in the American political scene (as well as to the dormant, but still present, anti-Communist leanings of the American body politic) request status as an American territory, setting off the most bruising legislative battle in Washington DC since Reconstruction. In the end Western Alaska’s request passes by a single vote (cast, ironically, by Hawaii’s 1st Congressional representative). When combined with Allied recognition of restored Tsarist Russia Republic as an independent state, of the Baltic Republics, East and West Ukraine, creation of the Belarus Republic as separate nations, and the almost unseemly flight of the Central Asian republics from Krasnoyarsk’s control, the establishment of Western Alaska leaves what had once been the world’s largest country, the Soviet Union, as a remarkably poor and landlocked war-torn country with negligible influence on the world stage.

Complaints from France, USSR, and other counties regarding Right of Self Determination and its impact on their pre-war borders fall on deaf ears at the UN. Complaints are universally given a response indicating “We didn’t just spent 30 years freeing people to let you take away their rights.” Private conversations among Western leaders are even less kind, with complaints, especially by the USSR, being seen as nothing but whining by “a bunch of GD losers” to quote American politician Barry Goldwater.

Javelin IRBM enters service with USAF. Maximum range is 1.600 miles Initial basing locations are in southern Italy, Okinawa and Malanao Island. Basing in Philippines draws protests from India.

The first full lines of new models out of Detroit in eight years arrive in American showrooms. Pent up demand results in most models being on backorder for up to six months.

1963 –

UN declares regions surrounding Berlin and Nuremberg to be unrecoverable by any currently known methods and the regions are permanently quarantined. One out of every twenty German men is employed for at least part of the year constructing quarantine barrier.

After considerable debate the proposal to establish a “Jewish State” in the former Palestine Mandate is shelved under the already well established Universal Right of Self Determination, after the Palestine Plebiscite of 1963 fails by a final vote of 31%-69%. While considerable sentiment remains for the establishment of a reborn “Israel” among American Jews (who representing over 80% of the global Jewish population), American political leaders find themselves handcuffed by UN rules that were largely created at American demand.

The United States closes a series of 99 year leasing agreements with several of the “oil states” in the Persian Gulf, assuring uninterrupted access to this resource (and more importantly allowing the U.S. to preserve most of its own known reserves for potential military needs). UK makes similar, albeit less wide spread, arrangements as does ANZAC/Canadian commercial partnership group. Combined these leases cover roughly ¾ of production from Persian Gulf region.

Request by Islamic dominated regions of India for self determination under Universal Right of Self Determination are denied by UN Supreme Council. Council cites requirement for region to have been under “fascist occupation” as not being applicable to India.

United Kingdom reached agreement on 99 year lease extension, with additional 99 year option for Hong Kong and surrounding territories with KMT leadership of China under very favorable terms. Portugal obtains similar extension for lease of Macao.

East and West Ukraine & Turkey admitted to UN

USN launches USS George Washington, world’s first nuclear powered, nuclear armed ballistic missile submarine.

Brazil obtains three improved Essex class carriers from rapidly mothballing USN. Argentina follows suit almost immediately. Australia and Canada each contract to purchase two Midway class CVA for roughly 1/10 of original construction cost as the new Kitty Hawkcarriers become available to the USN as replacements.

Canada established its first B-52 squadron.

Incursion into Western Alaska by one of participants in Soviet Civil War results in massive U.S. reaction against intruders. Heavy air and ground attacks last for three weeks before American forces withdraw after obliterating intruding force, intruder’s support structure, and political leadership.

1st sub-orbital flight Colonel (later Lt. General) Charles Yeager, USAF X-26 (similar to OTL X-15 on steroids)

Faced by the specter of a serious economic slowdown the U.S. government announces that a number of long delayed infrastructure project will begin. Projects include the American Autobahn (the autobahn being seen as the only thing that the Third Reich did right in the course of its existence), high speed rail (funded as tax incentives to railways), Hydro Electric dams, and low interest loans under the VA for veterans who purchase new construction.

Major construction projects begin in Western Alaska as Territorial government begins long effort to “Americanize” region. Effort is greatly aided by series of huge mineral and oil deposit finds by American and Canadian mining interests that generate revenue from leasing and extraction taxes.

Belgium holds first parliamentary elections since liberation. The closely monitored vote results in a landslide victory for the “Christian Democrat” Party. Party’s main platform is to achieve “parity” with Britain and Western Hemisphere within five years.

U.S. and Canada introduce Bison Bison (American Buffalo) into Germany as potential food source to replace decimated cattle herds due to animal’s strong resistance to anthrax.

First commercial U.S. nuclear reactor opens in Massachusetts.

Right wing government assumes control in France after elections that are condemned as a farce by Swedish and Argentinean observers, a conclusion shared by SACEUR Civil Affair observers. Leaders of “Sixth Republic” call for withdrawal of all foreign troops from France. At recommendation of SACEUR this request is denied.

Australia, Canada, United Kingdom & United States meet for “Reconstruction of Europe” Summit. While a number of steps are agreed to that will aid recovery of Europe, primary subject is secret and is not stated in end of Summit statements. Primary agreement regards Global Security, specifically how future major threats to peace will be addressed. Big Four powers agree that, while they will not unduly interfere with the domestic policies of any country, no nation will ever be allowed to reach the threat level of the just defeated Reich. Any nation that attempts serious wars of aggression to gain territory or show genocidal tendencies will be “disabused of such notions in the clearest way possible”. All parties expressly understand that this means military action, up to and including decapitation of leadership by nuclear attack if necessary. Millions of men will not die to defeat evil again because evil will not be allowed to export itself.

There will be peace, even if it is enforced at the end of a sword.


Kenya becomes 1st British colony in Africa to begin conversion to full independence. As will be the case with Nigeria, Rhodesia, Tanzania, Uganda, and Zambia, the independence process, with its graduated movement to full autonomy, is found to be somewhat constraining by several local power blocks. The robust reaction of Crown forces to armed insurgents (which resembles British actions in OTL’s Malaya, except with weapons tech from the just finished European War) sets an unforgettable example for the future. As a positive, Kenya, like the other nations listed, emerges from colonial status with a reasonably stable, non-kleptocratic and effectively democratic government.

In comparison to the overall success of the British, the African colonies of the other European powers across Sub-Saharan Africa do not have the advantage of a carefully guided change of government, or of the ability to call upon the Commonwealth for assistance. The former French and Belgian sub Saharan colonies fare quite poorly, with Portugal’s (which does not divest itself of colonies as rapidly as the UK) colonies falling in the middle ground. The tragedy of the continent, however, is South Africa where the Boer influence on the political system results in a system that is unrepentantly racist.

Germany officially and permanently dismembered into 15 administrative regions under terms of The Barcelona Treaty. Treaty bears signatures of the leaders of more than 40 countries, including Poland and the Tsarist Republic, along with representatives of provision German governments. No region is permitted a military of any kind. Self defense forces are not permitted to possess any weapon in a caliber over 9mm, any weapon capable of being belt fed, or weighing more than 20 kilograms fully loaded. Self defense forces are limited to no more than 8 unarmed light observation aircraft (with ranges not to exceed 300 kilometers, a top speed not to exceed 250 KPH, with a maximum payload, including pilot, not to exceed 500 kilograms) per Administrative Region. Total manpower of self defense forces is limited to 7,000 men per Administrative Region. All other police/law enforcement personnel are limited to sidearms, specific of such weapons being determined by a panel consisting of law enforcement officials from the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and Poland providing such sidearms do not exceed the Treaty limits for self defense forces. Any violation of these requirements is to be considered a de facto act of war against all signatories of Barcelona Treaty.

Each German micro-state is allowed to partly reindustrialize, although with serious limitations regarding weapons and advanced (post 1940) weapon technology permanently banned. Each German micro-state is required to provide 5% of total GDP to Poland, 2% to each East & West Ukraine and 2% to the Tsarist Republic until 2050. Each micro-state is also responsible for economic support of the 6,000 man UN occupation force which is charged with enforcing conditions of The Barcelona Treaty. After impassioned pleas by German representatives, Treaty signatories agree to limit the aggregate percentage of troops from Poland, The Ukraine & Tsarist Russia in each 6,000 man force to 60%. SACEUR is established as a U.S. military slot, with Deputy SACEUR to rotate among UK, Canada, & Australia (following Indian refusal to accept a place in any rotation that did not include top slot).

Belgium granted probationary status in UN.

French Government demands that all territories that were under French control on January 1, 1940 be returned to them. Since Algeria and Morocco have been recognized as independent nations two year previously, and Vietnam has been an independent state and staunch U.S. ally since 1945 the request is seen as literally laughable. The request also makes the already shaky international status of the “6th Republic” even more questionable.
Civil War in “USSR” peters out due to mutual exhaustion among combatants. USSR is a country mainly in a theoretical sense, actually run by territorial leaders who are closer to warlords than politicians. U.S. State Department declares region a “failed state”. Primary U.S. concern is lawlessness along border with Western Alaska. Western Alaska’s status as a territory allows U.S. military to act in active policing role. With 1963 still fresh in the minds of groups in control of areas bordering Western Alaska, little organized banditry exists within 20 kilometers of border. American aircraft routinely violate “Soviet airspace” during patrol missions.

1st orbital flight Commander (later Rear Admiral, Upper Half) Alan Shepard USN D-6-25 Phase III.

Barry Goldwater (Senator from Arizona, former USAF Brigadier General) elected President of U.S.

Despite considerable terrorism by separatists Indian elections proceed in fully open and transparent manner.


First significant rift appears in wartime Alliance after “Atomic Four” refuse to share reactor/weapon design and production facilities with India. Despite near demands from A-4 to desist, India flatly states that it will nevertheless pursue an independent nuclear program.

“Nationalist Confederation” claims control of China, dethroning KMT as rulers of world’s most populous nation. The change replaces a well known nest of corrupt villains with well entrenched Western leanings with a much less known nest of corrupt villains with a strong leaning toward New Dehli. India, which had provided considerable support to Nationalist Confederation (including both material and advisors) beginning in late 1961, is first UN member to recognize new regime. U.S. expresses “concern” about instability in China and moves two Army Mechanized divisions and three USMC Phantom fighter bomber wings to Okinawa as a “precaution”, bring total force on island to four divisions and over 300 strike aircraft.

Norway, Italy granted probationary membership in UN. Citing continued instability and lack of clearly democratically elected government French application for probationary status in UN is declined by Supreme Council.

First vehicles from Brazilian factories reach U.S. shores. Sold at Chevrolet dealerships the simple, inexpensive compacts quickly become a college student and senior citizen favorite.


Allied Powers and Japan sign Treaty of Manila formally ending state of hostilities. Second Global War officially ends. Treaty terms are somewhat more generous than those imposed on Third Reich. Japan is allowed to retain “Home Islands” under single national umbrella although the United States is granted a 99 year lease on Okinawa, with three successive 99 year options to renew at U.S. discretion and permanent possession of Ogasawara Archipelago. Allied Occupation forces reduced to 125,000 men.

Japan reindustrialization, under significant oversight, is allowed. Indian complaints regarding terms are mainly marginalized, although Indian demands for reparation payments of $20 million annually beginning in 1971 and extending until 2015 are reluctantly endorsed in return for India’s acquiesce with rest of Treaty. Reparations of $50 million annually are also extended to China running from 1971 through 2015. A-4 Powers agree to act as guarantor of payment in return for Indian and Chinese pledge not to attempt to enforce payment by force of arms. This codicil results in a No Confidence vote that brings down the Australian Labor Government.

To amazement of naysayers Western Alaska begins to produce more income for Federal coffers than support of Territory costs U.S. Treasury. Percentage of Western Alaskans who are “proficient” in English reached 25%.

1st Intel satellite launched by USAF with cooperation from RCAF.

U.S. reduces active Army to 800,000 men, limits reserves to 750,000, reduces USN to 14 CBG in cost cutting effort.

India surpasses Australia as world’s 8th largest economy.


Indian Parliament approves bi-lateral defense treaty with Chinese Nationalist Confederation n January 12th.

First Nimitz class SSBN commissioned. Class mounts new generation SLBM with range of 4,000 NM.

Korean revolution begins on October 25th as armed groups with suspected ties to Chinese Nationalist Confederation assassinate Korean President, detonate bomb in main meeting hall of Korean Senate, killing nearly a third of members. Rebels have support of roughly 20% of population, mainly among economically disadvantaged rural populations.

UN resolution authorizing armed intervention into Korea is vetoed by Indian representative to Supreme Council.

Peacekeeper II ICBM enters service with USAF.

Percentage of U.S. electrical power produced by nuclear reactors reaches 20%.

Guiana granted independence and full membership in Commonwealth.

Algeria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark, Egypt, Greece, Italy, Morocco, The Netherlands, Norway, Romania granted admission to UN after study groups confirm countries are democratically ruled.

Chinese Nationalist Confederation denied entry to UN after veto from Australia, Canada, United Kingdom and United States. American UN ambassador states that “This organization isn’t designed to be all inclusive. It is meant to reflect the ideals that we fought the fascists to preserve. Anyone who doesn’t like that is welcome to leave.”


January 17th. First “Big Four” ground forces land in Korea after “invitation” from Korean Senate. With total air supremacy and control of seas surrounding peninsula, A-4 forces rapidly regain control of major cities and most industrial areas. Heavy Western Alliance forces find it difficult to reduce rebel forces in rural and mountain areas. Conflict rapidly degenerates into low intensity counter insurgency operation, something that A-4 forces are ill-prepared to deal with.

Citing unreasonable and insulting demands from Americans and British regarding internal Soviet policies and hypocrisy of organization USSR withdraws from UN.

1st joint U.S./Canadian orbital flight XSB-1.

Brazil declines to send forces to Korea. Argentina, Mexico, Philippines, Vietnam all send symbolic forces to support WW II allies.

Despite unhappiness with lack of progress in Korea, President Goldwater is re-elected with 53% of the vote. Republicans however suffer harrowing losses in House elections with Democrats gaining veto-proof majority.


Goldwater Doctrine announced. “It will be the policy of the United States to react with disproportionate and overwhelming force to any attack or threat of attack.” With U.S. military representing 65% of the world’s combat power according to experts at Jane’s Defense Publishing Group (and 15% of the remainder being in the hands of the rest of the A4) it is a sobering declaration.

SB-1 enters series production for USAF and RAF.

Belgium sends infantry battalion to Korea. Italy sends two mobile medical hospitals to support what is rapidly becoming a UN like effort.

1st “Real Time” intelligence satellite deployed by USN D 7-36 Phase I.

Japan achieves full self sufficiency in food production. First fully modern tractors produced in Japan (Mitsubishi Heavy Industries) since end of WW II reach domestic market.

Ford of Argentina introduces the Gaucho into U.S. markets after two years of sales in South America. The 2+2 coupe and convertible is powered by a new 300 horsepower “big block” version of the already famed Ford V-8 that rapidly becomes known as the 351 Caracas as well as U.S. produced 302 c.i V-8s.

Percentage of Western Alaskans who are “proficient” in English reached 65%, with 30% deemed to be fluent. First tentative push for Western Alaskan statehood begins.

U.S. concludes agreement with Lower Saxony for permanent storage of nuclear waste using salt mines. Contract includes provisions for non-local security and management. U.S. awards initial security contract to Polish military with SACEUR oversight.


French Nationalists carry supposed 96% of vote in elections. Lyon renews calls for withdrawal of foreign troops.

Significant protests at gates of several foreign military bases across France start on July 14th. Original protests are peaceful and are, to all appearances, reasonably spontaneous. On July 16th protests turn violent as ultra nationalists begin to infiltrate the original protest groups. Initial violence is limited to rock throwing which Canadian and British forces respond to with remarkably mild action, mainly tear gas. On July 17th protests in front of 25th Infantry Division Headquarters devolve into riots, including several Molotov cocktails being thrown at gates. American force respond with water cannon and low altitude passes by unarmed Phantom fighter bombers that create sonic booms as they pass over crowds. SACEUR places all forces in Europe on full alert.

On July 19th rioters attack gates of the BAF (British Army, France) outside of Bourg-en-Bresse with ferocity unseen over previous four days. Rioters are armed with both firebombs and numerous firearms of various types and vintage. After suffering six casualties, including two dead, from gunfire and failing to disperse the crowd with non lethal means, the garrison commander orders his troops to open fire against anyone seen bearing arms. The entire incident which results in 22 dead and 185 injured among the rioters (all but three of the dead and eleven of the injured are the result of the panicked stampede among the rioters when British troops begin to return fire) is captured on tape by a CBC news crew. While the tape become world-wide “must see” viewing, many European stations, particularly those in France and the various German states only show the incident from the time the British troops open fire, making it appear that the troops engaged in a massacre.

This edited coverage leads to vastly increased popular support for French government, both legitimizing it, and lending credence to French claims of abuse by occupying forces.

U.S. mid term elections result in minor gains in both Houses for Democrats.

Civil Rights Act passes both Houses of Congress by wide margins and is signed by President Goldwater. Act ensures equal treatment for all and is seen as end of legal discrimination against those of Asian and Native American origin.


Shah of Iran announces plans to Nationalize Oil Industry and intention to withdraw from leasing arrangements with UK & U.S. on May 23rd.

U.S. stock market suffers largest one day loss in 40 years after panic in oil stocks triggers massive sell-off.

101st Airborne & 173rd Airborne Brigade capture oil transfer facilities from Iranian forces in Persian Gulf on June 19th. Shah’s residence destroyed in joint USAF/RAF strike that marks combat debut of SB-1 on June 20th. Shah abdicates in favor of son on June 29th, flees to India.

Shah of Iran, in first official act since taking throne cancels predecessor’s “mad plan” to nationalize oil industry on July 5th.

Former Shah of Iran dies of apparent heart attack in Islamabad, India on August 9th.

A4 powers and allies take control of 80% of Korean Peninsula by year’s end.

French military acquires first supersonic combat aircraft as part major arms deal with India.


Chinese Nationalist Confederation attempt to provide significant reinforcement to fading Korean rebels is ambushed and destroyed on April 27th after having been detected by Eagle Eye II satellites three days previously. U.S. use of low yield nuclear weapons to destroy all four columns 15 miles into Korean territory is condemned by Indian representative to UN Supreme Council and is even questioned by several American allies, include The Philippines and Brazil. Indian resolution in Supreme Council is vetoed by U.S. and Australian permanent members, allowing all remaining Council nations to declare the resolution moot.

U.S. use of nuclear weapons without even a courtesy notice to Ottawa and London results in considerable, albeit short term, disagreement among the A-4. The controversy dies down as A-4 casualties in Korea drop by some 95% following the strikes.

1st Indian sub-orbital manned mission (Indian program is similar to OTL NASA, using disposable rockets and capsules)

XS-72 makes 1st successful orbital flight. The two stage space plane (the lower stage providing 70% of the lift to orbit) quadruples the payload the USAF can place into orbit.

India detonates her 1st nuclear weapon on October 12th. Test is in direct reply to U.S. actions of April 27th. After successful test, India announces it has a stockpile of some 14 weapons.

Korean Intervention ends with total defeat for insurgents. U.S. signs bi-lateral defense treaty with Korea.

Robert Kennedy, youngest surviving brother of ex-President Joseph Kennedy Jr., is elected to White House in landslide. RFK (as he becomes known) promises to “Get America back to work” in wake of recession triggered by June 1971 Market “correction”.
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Monthly Donor
As you can see this ATL differs quite a bit from OTL. The Western Allies have a far more jaded perspective than was the case in our world. Having seen a significant percentage of the Human Race killed over the last half century, they are going to make sure all that Anglo/American blood wasn't spilled for nothing.

While some of the names are familiar, they are different people since they have lived through different times. To use just one example Bobby Kennedy lost his younger brother ATL, not his eldest, and that brother didn't die in a tragic accident, but from Nazi nerve agent. That tends to shade one's perspective.
Here is the first installment covering the post war world.

I KNOW there will be plenty of comments.

1961 –

Full independence of India, already a practical fact, granted exactly 365 days after final defeat of Third Reich.

“Year of Hunger” across Europe. With destruction of machinery, casualties due to being caught in a war zone, bio-weapons, loss of draft animals and other livestock to Waffen SS, some 80% of those residing in former occupation zones receive less than 1,200 calories a day, mostly from U.S. “C” and “K” rations. Coastal Zones of France which have been under Allied occupation for most of a year and have access to fishing fare far better than the Country’s interior. The degree of famine charts an almost perfect line when compared with when Allied forces overran a region. Despite concerted Allied efforts tens of thousands in Germany die of starvation, with many more succumbing to the Witch’s Brew of diseases and radiation exposure that are a legacy of the war’s final months.

NGO like Save the Children, Red Cross, and major religious organizations begin massive fund raising drives to combat European Famine. Combined with Allied efforts, which nearly match those leading up to the Invasion, utter disaster is averted. Ironically a major source of food is plantations established by Reich in Poland. Residents of that devastated country enjoy the highest calorie intake on the Continent.

Polish Republic reestablished in former General Government regions initial population numbers 5.4 million Poles, 9 million Germans. German settlers in region are given 6 months to return to Occupied Germany. With U.S. assistance Polish government offers substantial bonus to anyone of Polish ancestry who chooses to immigrate to reestablished state.

CV-6 USS Enterprise, having spent the last three years as a training ship, is formally decommissioned. Two days later the world’s first nuclear powered aircraft carrier, already nearing mid-point of its construction is renamed USS Enterprise at “suggestion” of Senate Armed Service committee

United Nations established. Membership mirrors Western Alliance from European Phase of World War II plus Finland, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Korea, Poland, Russian Tsarist Republic, and USSR.

United Nation confirms Universal Right of Self Determination for all peoples under fascist occupation or Allied protection from 1/1/1950 through 3/15/1960.

Multiple sided Civil War breaks out in areas of USSR. Kazikstan, Uzbekistan, Georgia, Armenia and other Central Asian republics all declare independence from central Soviet government, with almost immediate infighting taking place in newly independent states. The West, led by Washington and London, exhausted by three decades of fighting, does nothing to intervene outside of areas already under occupation by U.S/Commonwealth forces.

First satellite in low Earth orbit launched by USAF.

1962 –

UN takes over recovery effort in Inner Germany. UN Agricultural Department is largest single employer in former Reich by year’s end thanks to massive livestock vaccination program. Second largest employer is UN Medical Relief Corps. Many UN experts are former Allied troops already in place who are seconded to UN. They men and women change uniforms and resume their work across Europe.

Treaty of Stockholm signed, formally ending war between Allies and France. While no sort of reparations of other payments are included, segments of French political Right find it to be exceptionally unfair, especially in that it fails to acknowledge that France was forced into its Alliance with the Reich and in that it allows Allied Powers to maintain troops on French soil “until stability of Nation is ensured”.

French Fifth Republic, declared just 10 months earlier in Lyon by the freshly repatriated Free French Government in Exile, falls. Significant fighting breaks out in parts of France between fascist leaning groups (many ex French National Army) and more liberal elements of Free French. While disorder does not quite reach full Civil War levels, the chaos seriously retards recovery efforts and has massive political impacts felt across the world.

Unexpected consequences from Right of Self Determination begin to surface.

Algeria and French Morocco both vote for full independence.

Former French overseas departments of Martinique and Guadeloupe vote overwhelmingly to express desire for Union with Canada. Canadian Parliament accepts.

French Guiana, Dutch Guiana (Suriname) vote overwhelmingly to request unity with British Guiana under British rule. Resulting colony is simply know as Guiana.

French Departments of Bretange, Basse-Normandie,, Nord-Pas-de- Calis, the western portion of Picardie (Somme), Seine-Maritime, citing ancient ties, request reunion with British Sovereign, leaving the UK, which is in the midst of disengagement from its costly colonial obligations, in a quandary. Eventually these Departments are placed administratively with the Channel Islands as Crown Dependencies. (This can be seen as a case of “Pottery Barn rules”).

Islands of Netherlands Antillies request territorial status from the United States as part of American Virgin Islands. Flush with the heady wine of victory the U.S. Congress accepts the request without realizing the precedent it was setting.

In September the “liberated peoples of Western Alaska” i.e. U.S occupied Siberia, citing the example of the Antilles, and appealing to every pro-democracy sentiment in the American political scene (as well as to the dormant, but still present, anti-Communist leanings of the American body politic) request status as an American territory, setting off the most bruising legislative battle in Washington DC since Reconstruction. In the end Western Alaska’s request passes by a single vote (cast, ironically, by Hawaii’s 1st Congressional representative). When combined with Allied recognition of restored Tsarist Russia Republic as an independent state, of the Baltic Republics, East and West Ukraine, creation of the Belarus Republic as separate nations, and the almost unseemly flight of the Central Asian republics from Krasnoyarsk’s control, the establishment of Western Alaska leaves what had once been the world’s largest country, the Soviet Union, as a remarkably poor and landlocked war-torn country with negligible influence on the world stage.

Complaints from France, USSR, and other counties regarding Right of Self Determination and its impact on their pre-war borders fall on deaf ears at the UN. Complaints are universally given a response indicating “We didn’t just spent 30 years freeing people to let you take away their rights.” Private conversations among Western leaders are even less kind, with complaints, especially by the USSR, being seen as nothing but whining by “a bunch of GD losers” to quote American politician Barry Goldwater.

Javelin IRBM enters service with USAF. Maximum range is 1.600 miles Initial basing locations are in southern Italy, Okinawa and Malanao Island. Basing in Philippines draws protests from India.

The first full lines of new models out of Detroit in eight years arrive in American showrooms. Pent up demand results in most models being on backorder for up to six months.

1963 –

UN declares regions surrounding Berlin and Nuremberg to be unrecoverable by any currently known methods and the regions are permanently quarantined. One out of every twenty German men is employed for at least part of the year constructing quarantine barrier.

After considerable debate the proposal to establish a “Jewish State” in the former Palestine Mandate is shelved under the already well established Universal Right of Self Determination, after the Palestine Plebiscite of 1963 fails by a final vote of 31%-69%. While considerable sentiment remains for the establishment of a reborn “Israel” among American Jews (who representing over 80% of the global Jewish population), American political leaders find themselves handcuffed by UN rules that were largely created at American demand.

The United States closes a series of 99 year leasing agreements with several of the “oil states” in the Persian Gulf, assuring uninterrupted access to this resource (and more importantly allowing the U.S. to preserve most of its own known reserves for potential military needs). UK makes similar, albeit less wide spread, arrangements as does ANZAC/Canadian commercial partnership group. Combined these leases cover roughly ¾ of production from Persian Gulf region.

Request by Islamic dominated regions of India for self determination under Universal Right of Self Determination are denied by UN Supreme Council. Council cites requirement for region to have been under “fascist occupation” as not being applicable to India.

United Kingdom reached agreement on 99 year lease extension, with additional 99 year option for Hong Kong and surrounding territories with KMT leadership of China under very favorable terms. Portugal obtains similar extension for lease of Macao.

East and West Ukraine & Turkey admitted to UN

USN launches USS George Washington, world’s first nuclear powered, nuclear armed ballistic missile submarine.

Brazil obtains three improved Essex class carriers from rapidly mothballing USN. Argentina follows suit almost immediately. Australia and Canada each contract to purchase two Midway class CVA for roughly 1/10 of original construction cost as the new Kitty Hawkcarriers become available to the USN as replacements.

Canada established its first B-52 squadron.

Incursion into Western Alaska by one of participants in Soviet Civil War results in massive U.S. reaction against intruders. Heavy air and ground attacks last for three weeks before American forces withdraw after obliterating intruding force, intruder’s support structure, and political leadership.

1st sub-orbital flight Colonel (later Lt. General) Charles Yeager, USAF X-26 (similar to OTL X-15 on steroids)

Faced by the specter of a serious economic slowdown the U.S. government announces that a number of long delayed infrastructure project will begin. Projects include the American Autobahn (the autobahn being seen as the only thing that the Third Reich did right in the course of its existence), high speed rail (funded as tax incentives to railways), Hydro Electric dams, and low interest loans under the VA for veterans who purchase new construction.

Major construction projects begin in Western Alaska as Territorial government begins long effort to “Americanize” region. Effort is greatly aided by series of huge mineral and oil deposit finds by American and Canadian mining interests that generate revenue from leasing and extraction taxes.

Belgium holds first parliamentary elections since liberation. The closely monitored vote results in a landslide victory for the “Christian Democrat” Party. Party’s main platform is to achieve “parity” with Britain and Western Hemisphere within five years.

U.S. and Canada introduce Bison Bison (American Buffalo) into Germany as potential food source to replace decimated cattle herds due to animal’s strong resistance to anthrax.

First commercial U.S. nuclear reactor opens in Massachusetts.

Right wing government assumes control in France after elections that are condemned as a farce by Swedish and Argentinean observers, a conclusion shared by SACEUR Civil Affair observers. Leaders of “Sixth Republic” call for withdrawal of all foreign troops from France. At recommendation of SACEUR this request is denied.

Australia, Canada, United Kingdom & United States meet for “Reconstruction of Europe” Summit. While a number of steps are agreed to that will aid recovery of Europe, primary subject is secret and is not stated in end of Summit statements. Primary agreement regards Global Security, specifically how future major threats to peace will be addressed. Big Four powers agree that, while they will not unduly interfere with the domestic policies of any country, no nation will ever be allowed to reach the threat level of the just defeated Reich. Any nation that attempts serious wars of aggression to gain territory or show genocidal tendencies will be “disabused of such notions in the clearest way possible”. All parties expressly understand that this means military action, up to and including decapitation of leadership by nuclear attack if necessary. Millions of men will not die to defeat evil again because evil will not be allowed to export itself.

There will be peace, even if it is enforced at the end of a sword.


Kenya becomes 1st British colony in Africa to begin conversion to full independence. As will be the case with Nigeria, Rhodesia, Tanzania, Uganda, and Zambia, the independence process, with its graduated movement to full autonomy, is found to be somewhat constraining by several local power blocks. The robust reaction of Crown forces to armed insurgents (which resembles British actions in OTL’s Malaya, except with weapons tech from the just finished European War) sets an unforgettable example for the future. As a positive, Kenya, like the other nations listed, emerges from colonial status with a reasonably stable, non-kleptocratic and effectively democratic government.

In comparison to the overall success of the British, the African colonies of the other European powers across Sub-Saharan Africa do not have the advantage of a carefully guided change of government, or of the ability to call upon the Commonwealth for assistance. The former French and Belgian sub Saharan colonies fare quite poorly, with Portugal’s (which does not divest itself of colonies as rapidly as the UK) colonies falling in the middle ground. The tragedy of the continent, however, is South Africa where the Boer influence on the political system results in a system that is unrepentantly racist.

Germany officially and permanently dismembered into 15 administrative regions under terms of The Barcelona Treaty. Treaty bears signatures of the leaders of more than 40 countries, including Poland and the Tsarist Republic, along with representatives of provision German governments. No region is permitted a military of any kind. Self defense forces are not permitted to possess any weapon in a caliber over 9mm, any weapon capable of being belt fed, or weighing more than 20 kilograms fully loaded. Self defense forces are limited to no more than 8 unarmed light observation aircraft (with ranges not to exceed 300 kilometers, a top speed not to exceed 250 KPH, with a maximum payload, including pilot, not to exceed 500 kilograms) per Administrative Region. Total manpower of self defense forces is limited to 7,000 men per Administrative Region. All other police/law enforcement personnel are limited to sidearms, specific of such weapons being determined by a panel consisting of law enforcement officials from the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and Poland providing such sidearms do not exceed the Treaty limits for self defense forces. Any violation of these requirements is to be considered a de facto act of war against all signatories of Barcelona Treaty.

Each German micro-state is allowed to partly reindustrialize, although with serious limitations regarding weapons and advanced (post 1940) weapon technology permanently banned. Each German micro-state is required to provide 5% of total GDP to Poland, 2% to each East & West Ukraine and 2% to the Tsarist Republic until 2050. Each micro-state is also responsible for economic support of the 6,000 man UN occupation force which is charged with enforcing conditions of The Barcelona Treaty. After impassioned pleas by German representatives, Treaty signatories agree to limit the aggregate percentage of troops from Poland, The Ukraine & Tsarist Russia in each 6,000 man force to 60%. SACEUR is established as a U.S. military slot, with Deputy SACEUR to rotate among UK, Canada, & Australia (following Indian refusal to accept a place in any rotation that did not include top slot).

Belgium granted probationary status in UN.

French Government demands that all territories that were under French control on January 1, 1940 be returned to them. Since Algeria and Morocco have been recognized as independent nations two year previously, and Vietnam has been an independent state and staunch U.S. ally since 1945 the request is seen as literally laughable. The request also makes the already shaky international status of the “6th Republic” even more questionable.
Civil War in “USSR” peters out due to mutual exhaustion among combatants. USSR is a country mainly in a theoretical sense, actually run by territorial leaders who are closer to warlords than politicians. U.S. State Department declares region a “failed state”. Primary U.S. concern is lawlessness along border with Western Alaska. Western Alaska’s status as a territory allows U.S. military to act in active policing role. With 1963 still fresh in the minds of groups in control of areas bordering Western Alaska, little organized banditry exists within 20 kilometers of border. American aircraft routinely violate “Soviet airspace” during patrol missions.

1st orbital flight Commander (later Rear Admiral, Upper Half) Alan Shepard USN D-6-25 Phase III.

Barry Goldwater (Senator from Arizona, former USAF Brigadier General) elected President of U.S.

Despite considerable terrorism by separatists Indian elections proceed in fully open and transparent manner.


First significant rift appears in wartime Alliance after “Atomic Four” refuse to share reactor/weapon design and production facilities with India. Despite near demands from A-4 to desist, India flatly states that it will nevertheless pursue an independent nuclear program.

“Nationalist Confederation” claims control of China, dethroning KMT as rulers of world’s most populous nation. The change replaces a well known nest of corrupt villains with well entrenched Western leanings with a much less known nest of corrupt villains with a strong leaning toward New Dehli. India, which had provided considerable support to Nationalist Confederation (including both material and advisors) beginning in late 1961, is first UN member to recognize new regime. U.S. expresses “concern” about instability in China and moves two Army Mechanized divisions and three USMC Phantom fighter bomber wings to Okinawa as a “precaution”, bring total force on island to four divisions and over 300 strike aircraft.

Norway, Italy granted probationary membership in UN. Citing continued instability and lack of clearly democratically elected government French application for probationary status in UN is declined by Supreme Council.

First vehicles from Brazilian factories reach U.S. shores. Sold at Chevrolet dealerships the simple, inexpensive compacts quickly become a college student and senior citizen favorite.


Allied Powers and Japan sign Treaty of Manila formally ending state of hostilities. Second Global War officially ends. Treaty terms are somewhat more generous than those imposed on Third Reich. Japan is allowed to retain “Home Islands” under single national umbrella although the United States is granted a 99 year lease on Okinawa, with three successive 99 year options to renew at U.S. discretion and permanent possession of Ogasawara Archipelago. Allied Occupation forces reduced to 125,000 men.

Japan reindustrialization, under significant oversight, is allowed. Indian complaints regarding terms are mainly marginalized, although Indian demands for reparation payments of $20 million annually beginning in 1971 and extending until 2015 are reluctantly endorsed in return for India’s acquiesce with rest of Treaty. Reparations of $50 million annually are also extended to China running from 1971 through 2015. A-4 Powers agree to act as guarantor of payment in return for Indian and Chinese pledge not to attempt to enforce payment by force of arms. This codicil results in a No Confidence vote that brings down the Australian Labor Government.

To amazement of naysayers Western Alaska begins to produce more income for Federal coffers than support of Territory costs U.S. Treasury. Percentage of Western Alaskans who are “proficient” in English reached 25%.

1st Intel satellite launched by USAF with cooperation from RCAF.

U.S. reduces active Army to 800,000 men, limits reserves to 750,000, reduces USN to 14 CBG in cost cutting effort.

India surpasses Australia as world’s 8th largest economy.


Indian Parliament approves bi-lateral defense treaty with Chinese Nationalist Confederation n January 12th.

First Nimitz class SSBN commissioned. Class mounts new generation SLBM with range of 4,000 NM.

Korean revolution begins on October 25th as armed groups with suspected ties to Chinese Nationalist Confederation assassinate Korean President, detonate bomb in main meeting hall of Korean Senate, killing nearly a third of members. Rebels have support of roughly 20% of population, mainly among economically disadvantaged rural populations.

UN resolution authorizing armed intervention into Korea is vetoed by Indian representative to Supreme Council.

Peacekeeper II ICBM enters service with USAF.

Percentage of U.S. electrical power produced by nuclear reactors reaches 20%.

Guiana granted independence and full membership in Commonwealth.

Algeria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark, Egypt, Greece, Italy, Morocco, The Netherlands, Norway, Romania granted admission to UN after study groups confirm countries are democratically ruled.

Chinese Nationalist Confederation denied entry to UN after veto from Australia, Canada, United Kingdom and United States. American UN ambassador states that “This organization isn’t designed to be all inclusive. It is meant to reflect the ideals that we fought the fascists to preserve. Anyone who doesn’t like that is welcome to leave.”


January 17th. First “Big Four” ground forces land in Korea after “invitation” from Korean Senate. With total air supremacy and control of seas surrounding peninsula, A-4 forces rapidly regain control of major cities and most industrial areas. Heavy Western Alliance forces find it difficult to reduce rebel forces in rural and mountain areas. Conflict rapidly degenerates into low intensity counter insurgency operation, something that A-4 forces are ill-prepared to deal with.

Citing unreasonable and insulting demands from Americans and British regarding internal Soviet policies and hypocrisy of organization USSR withdraws from UN.

1st joint U.S./Canadian orbital flight XSB-1.

Brazil declines to send forces to Korea. Argentina, Mexico, Philippines, Vietnam all send symbolic forces to support WW II allies.

Despite unhappiness with lack of progress in Korea, President Goldwater is re-elected with 53% of the vote. Republicans however suffer harrowing losses in House elections with Democrats gaining veto-proof majority.


Goldwater Doctrine announced. “It will be the policy of the United States to react with disproportionate and overwhelming force to any attack or threat of attack.” With U.S. military representing 65% of the world’s combat power according to experts at Jane’s Defense Publishing Group (and 15% of the remainder being in the hands of the rest of the A4) it is a sobering declaration.

SB-1 enters series production for USAF and RAF.

Belgium sends infantry battalion to Korea. Italy sends two mobile medical hospitals to support what is rapidly becoming a UN like effort.

1st “Real Time” intelligence satellite deployed by USN D 7-36 Phase I.

Japan achieves full self sufficiency in food production. First fully modern tractors produced in Japan (Mitsubishi Heavy Industries) since end of WW II reach domestic market.

Ford of Argentina introduces the Gaucho into U.S. markets after two years of sales in South America. The 2+2 coupe and convertible is powered by a new 300 horsepower “big block” version of the already famed Ford V-8 that rapidly becomes known as the 351 Caracas as well as U.S. produced 302 c.i V-8s.

Percentage of Western Alaskans who are “proficient” in English reached 65%, with 30% deemed to be fluent. First tentative push for Western Alaskan statehood begins.

U.S. concludes agreement with Lower Saxony for permanent storage of nuclear waste using salt mines. Contract includes provisions for non-local security and management. U.S. awards initial security contract to Polish military with SACEUR oversight.


French Nationalists carry supposed 96% of vote in elections. Lyon renews calls for withdrawal of foreign troops.

Significant protests at gates of several foreign military bases across France start on July 14th. Original protests are peaceful and are, to all appearances, reasonably spontaneous. On July 16th protests turn violent as ultra nationalists begin to infiltrate the original protest groups. Initial violence is limited to rock throwing which Canadian and British forces respond to with remarkably mild action, mainly tear gas. On July 17th protests in front of 25th Infantry Division Headquarters devolve into riots, including several Molotov cocktails being thrown at gates. American force respond with water cannon and low altitude passes by unarmed Phantom fighter bombers that create sonic booms as they pass over crowds. SACEUR places all forces in Europe on full alert.

On July 19th rioters attack gates of the BAF (British Army, France) outside of Bourg-en-Bresse with ferocity unseen over previous four days. Rioters are armed with both firebombs and numerous firearms of various types and vintage. After suffering six casualties, including two dead, from gunfire and failing to disperse the crowd with non lethal means, the garrison commander orders his troops to open fire against anyone seen bearing arms. The entire incident which results in 22 dead and 185 injured among the rioters (all but three of the dead and eleven of the injured are the result of the panicked stampede among the rioters when British troops begin to return fire) is captured on tape by a CBC news crew. While the tape become world-wide “must see” viewing, many European stations, particularly those in France and the various German states only show the incident from the time the British troops open fire, making it appear that the troops engaged in a massacre.

This edited coverage leads to vastly increased popular support for French government, both legitimizing it, and lending credence to French claims of abuse by occupying forces.

U.S. mid term elections result in minor gains in both Houses for Democrats.

Civil Rights Act passes both Houses of Congress by wide margins and is signed by President Goldwater. Act ensures equal treatment for all and is seen as end of legal discrimination against those of Asian and Native American origin.


Shah of Iran announces plans to Nationalize Oil Industry and intention to withdraw from leasing arrangements with UK & U.S. on May 23rd.

U.S. stock market suffers largest one day loss in 40 years after panic in oil stocks triggers massive sell-off.

101st Airborne & 173rd Airborne Brigade capture oil transfer facilities from Iranian forces in Persian Gulf on June 19th. Shah’s residence destroyed in joint USAF/RAF strike that marks combat debut of SB-1 on June 20th. Shah abdicates in favor of son on June 29th, flees to India.

Shah of Iran, in first official act since taking throne cancels predecessor’s “mad plan” to nationalize oil industry on July 5th.

Former Shah of Iran dies of apparent heart attack in Islamabad, India on August 9th.

A4 powers and allies take control of 80% of Korean Peninsula by year’s end.

French military acquires first supersonic combat aircraft as part major arms deal with India.


Chinese Nationalist Confederation attempt to provide significant reinforcement to fading Korean rebels is ambushed and destroyed on April 27th after having been detected by Eagle Eye II satellites three days previously. U.S. use of low yield nuclear weapons to destroy all four columns 15 miles into Korean territory is condemned by Indian representative to UN Supreme Council and is even questioned by several American allies, include The Philippines and Brazil. Indian resolution in Supreme Council is vetoed by U.S. and Australian permanent members, allowing all remaining Council nations to declare the resolution moot.

U.S. use of nuclear weapons without even a courtesy notice to Ottawa and London results in considerable, albeit short term, disagreement among the A-4. The controversy dies down as A-4 casualties in Korea drop by some 95% following the strikes.

1st Indian sub-orbital manned mission (Indian program is similar to OTL NASA, using disposable rockets and capsules)

XS-72 makes 1st successful orbital flight. The two stage space plane (the lower stage providing 70% of the lift to orbit) quadruples the payload the USAF can place into orbit.

India detonates her 1st nuclear weapon on October 12th. Test is in direct reply to U.S. actions of April 27th. After successful test, India announces it has a stockpile of some 14 weapons.

Korean Intervention ends with total defeat for insurgents. U.S. signs bi-lateral defense treaty with Korea.

Robert Kennedy, youngest surviving brother of ex-President Joseph Kennedy Jr., is elected to White House in landslide. RFK (as he becomes known) promises to “Get America back to work” in wake of recession triggered by June 1971 Market “correction”.

Wow. So is the SB-1 the OTL Dynasoar?
And has the B-70 entered service? And are ABM defences in place. And the administrative regions; are they based on historical states?
Polish Republic reestablished in former General Government regions initial population numbers 5.4 million Poles, 9 million Germans. German settlers in region are given 6 months to return to Occupied Germany. With U.S. assistance Polish government offers substantial bonus to anyone of Polish ancestry who chooses to immigrate to reestablished state.

Put 9 million people on the road in a land already full of starving refugees? Or let the Nazis win a permanent demographic victory after they've already lost the war?

Although there are all sorts of other people in this TL I should pity more, I have to feel sorry for whoever had to make that call.

First significant rift appears in wartime Alliance after “Atomic Four” refuse to share reactor/weapon design and production facilities with India. Despite near demands from A-4 to desist, India flatly states that it will nevertheless pursue an independent nuclear program.

“Nationalist Confederation” claims control of China, dethroning KMT as rulers of world’s most populous nation. The change replaces a well known nest of corrupt villains with well entrenched Western leanings with a much less known nest of corrupt villains with a strong leaning toward New Dehli. India, which had provided considerable support to Nationalist Confederation (including both material and advisors) beginning in late 1961, is first UN member to recognize new regime. U.S. expresses “concern” about instability in China and moves two Army Mechanized divisions and three USMC Phantom fighter bomber wings to Okinawa as a “precaution”, bring total force on island to four divisions and over 300 strike aircraft.

So India and China are going to be the Other Power Bloc… eventually.
I figured the US would be much more willing to use nukes in minor conflicts, but still, woah.

This will be an interesting world to come.
Treaty of Stockholm signed, formally ending war between Allies and France. While no sort of reparations of other payments are included, segments of French political Right find it to be exceptionally unfair, especially in that it fails to acknowledge that France was forced into its Alliance with the Reich and in that it allows Allied Powers to maintain troops on French soil “until stability of Nation is ensured”.

French Fifth Republic, declared just 10 months earlier in Lyon by the freshly repatriated Free French Government in Exile, falls. Significant fighting breaks out in parts of France between fascist leaning groups (many ex French National Army) and more liberal elements of Free French. While disorder does not quite reach full Civil War levels, the chaos seriously retards recovery efforts and has massive political impacts felt across the world.

Unexpected consequences from Right of Self Determination begin to surface.

Algeria and French Morocco both vote for full independence.

Former French overseas departments of Martinique and Guadeloupe vote overwhelmingly to express desire for Union with Canada. Canadian Parliament accepts.

French Guiana, Dutch Guiana (Suriname) vote overwhelmingly to request unity with British Guiana under British rule. Resulting colony is simply know as Guiana.

French Departments of Bretange, Basse-Normandie,, Nord-Pas-de- Calis, the western portion of Picardie (Somme), Seine-Maritime, citing ancient ties, request reunion with British Sovereign, leaving the UK, which is in the midst of disengagement from its costly colonial obligations, in a quandary. Eventually these Departments are placed administratively with the Channel Islands as Crown Dependencies. (This can be seen as a case of “Pottery Barn rules”).

It will be interesting to see whether the French born population stays in Algeria or not. Given the situation in France and elsewhere, I think that it is highly likely that the pied noirs will stay in Algeria, making the country a binational and bicultural state. The fact that the pied noirs will have been cut from mainland France for twenty years will also help in fostering a new common Algerian identity.

I have to think that I find it hardly plausible that the post war French government would behave in this way Calbear. To have France vying to become Germany best buddy was already a stretch in itself, albeit a semi-plausible one. But for the country to commit self-suicide by electing nationalist governments and such is very hard to understand.
Economically the nation is a wreck, so buying supersonic planes from India will the last of the government worry for a good while. With the loss of the Nord Pas de Calais to Britain, France has lost more than half of its coal supply. In order to reindustrialise the country will need large and secure supplies of energy. In order to reindustrialise and catch up with the rest, the country needs to modernise its agriculture to free up manpower.

No however politics driven by emotion can happen in the situation France is in. But the results won't be pretty at all. France could easily become some kind of North Korea or Albania like nation in this world. With a semi starving population, non productive economy and "defense first" policies which would be extremly harmful. Bokassa France's in For All Time might be a paradise compared to the Sixth Republic your posit.
It will be interesting to see whether the French born population stays in Algeria or not. Given the situation in France and elsewhere, I think that it is highly likely that the pied noirs will stay in Algeria, making the country a binational and bicultural state. The fact that the pied noirs will have been cut from mainland France for twenty years will also help in fostering a new common Algerian identity.

For that matter, North Africa will probably see a lot of French immigrants. Then there'll be complaints in Algeria and Morocco about jobs being taken by dirt-poor French who are probably infected with mutated plagues.
Whats the structure of the Commonwealth then? It sounds like its fracturing as much as it did in OTL. How much debt does the UK have btw.... it would be interesting to hear how huge it is.

I imagine Churchill's funeral was even bigger in this timeline..

We need a map! And lots of data on the rebuilding of Poland. And cultural stuff in regards to Belgium and Denmark etc... are they significantly de-Nazified?
[nasty politics mode]
Yanno, partitioning India along religious lines might have saved a certain amount of trouble later on. Easier to handle two smaller entities that hate one another.
[/nasty politics mode]
Here is the first installment covering the post war world.

I KNOW there will be plenty of comments.

1961 –

Full independence of India, already a practical fact, granted exactly 365 days after final defeat of Third Reich.

What does this mean? The last British Viceroy hands over to an Indian president, although the country has effectively been governed by a native parliament and prime minister for years, or something else?

Polish Republic reestablished in former General Government regions initial population numbers 5.4 million Poles, 9 million Germans. German settlers in region are given 6 months to return to Occupied Germany. With U.S. assistance Polish government offers substantial bonus to anyone of Polish ancestry who chooses to immigrate to reestablished state.
What happens if they don't leave within the six months? Are they forcibly expelled, or allowed to remain if they take up Polish citizenship and show progress in learning the language and culture?

French Departments of Bretange, Basse-Normandie,, Nord-Pas-de- Calis, the western portion of Picardie (Somme), Seine-Maritime, citing ancient ties, request reunion with British Sovereign, leaving the UK, which is in the midst of disengagement from its costly colonial obligations, in a quandary. Eventually these Departments are placed administratively with the Channel Islands as Crown Dependencies. (This can be seen as a case of “Pottery Barn rules”).
The British monarch has retaine the title of Duke of Normandy ever since the days of Guillaume le Batard, of course. I suspect in due course the Duchy will get revived...

When combined with Allied recognition of restored Tsarist Russia Republic as an independent state, of the Baltic Republics, East and West Ukraine, creation of the Belarus Republic as separate nations, and the almost unseemly flight of the Central Asian republics from Krasnoyarsk’s control, the establishment of Western Alaska leaves what had once been the world’s largest country, the Soviet Union, as a remarkably poor and landlocked war-torn country with negligible influence on the world stage.

Landlocked? The USSR still retains a coastline in the Arctic, surely?

First vehicles from Brazilian factories reach U.S. shores. Sold at Chevrolet dealerships the simple, inexpensive compacts quickly become a college student and senior citizen favorite.
Is this a (rebadged!) VW Beetle? The Brazilians manufactured it under licence OTL, it's possible they simply helped themselves to the machine tools and designs while on occupation duty in Germany ATL...
An interesting and sobering update that answers many questions. The swift movement to decolonization and effective dissolution of the remnants of the British Empire is not a great shock, nor the continued movement of Canada and Australia away from Britain. India pursuing its own interests and agenda is quite realistic.

This essentially kills off the Commonwealth as anything more than a political talking forum and loose trading bloc. That resolves several issues.
Is this a (rebadged!) VW Beetle? The Brazilians manufactured it under licence OTL, it's possible they simply helped themselves to the machine tools and designs while on occupation duty in Germany ATL...

Not so sure about that- a little while ago, I happened across some books on VW bugs, and in the early history of the company, there was supposed to be a massive factory complex at what's now Wolfsburg IOTL, but only a small part of it was built as a car factory- the war started just as production was coming online, & only a few dozen Beetles were built before production shifted to Kublewagens, staff cars based on a Beetle converted to 4wd using Kublewagen running gear, & some utility vehicles & power sources using the same components. The rest of the site was developed as an aircraft factory- lot of components for Junkers bombers were made there.

Even if the complex survived a much more intense bombing & demolition campaign TTL, there'd be a lot of pressure to simply strip out the machinery and parcel it out as reparations as almost happened OTL (the only reason that didn't happen OTL was despite a lot of pressure to parcel the machinery out as reparations, the British occupation forces claimed it for their own use, because a REME colonel thought it'd be a good source for the extra staff cars they needed & kept it running as such for the few years necessary for the fever to strip German industry for reparations & a German economy to recover enough for them to run it on their own IOTL.)

Furthermore, given how conservative Detroit was when it came to design & engineering, the bug could very well likely be seen as too small & different by the corporate brass, unless the market's changed so radically that there's more than a niche market for such small, low-powered cars-remember that OTL, the original 'compacts' introduced in 1960-61, such as the Nova, 1st-generation Tempest/F-85/Special, Falcon, & Valiant, let alone the Corvair were considered incredibly radical departures for a mainstream production model at the time. Not sure if there's anything in the GM pipeline could serve that niche & be seen as importable, as IIRC, US automakers' subsidiaries in S. America produced models based on the compacts such as the Nova & Falcon in the OTL 1960s-70s, and given that what appears to be TTL's Mustang equivalent is derived from a Ford of Argentina model, there might be a similar situation TTL. If I had to guess, this new Chevy might be something akin to a Nova or Corvair, possibly shrunken a bit, or perhaps a derivative of whatever Holden was producing at this time.

Personally, I would have thought that the Mini would have become TTL's VW equivalent, if the British auto industry could somehow avoid or at least not suffer from all its OTL issues as much of this timeframe TTL. *shrugs.


That's some pretty grim penalties on Germany.

And that must be a massive "nation building" effort in Western Alaska for them to be picking up English so fast.
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