The Anglo/American - Nazi War

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One question, whatever happened to the people behind the Soviet space program, specifically Korolev and Glushko? Died in Nazi work camps? Somewhere in the chaos that is Soviet Russia? Escaped to America?


Monthly Donor
Saying that is somewhat irrelevant. You can still find ruins of Carthage. Of Berlin, not so much.

Berlin is still somewhat intact. Not that it matters. No one outside of a Bunny suit will be visiting the place for the next 800 years or so.
That reading this filled me with grief and sadness testifies to the story's realistic portrayal of the horrors that might have been so much worse.


Monthly Donor
One question, whatever happened to the people behind the Soviet space program, specifically Korolev and Glushko? Died in Nazi work camps? Somewhere in the chaos that is Soviet Russia? Escaped to America?

HALF of the people who were alive in the USSR in 1939 are not alive in ALT 1960.

Most who survived are living hand to mouth.

Vietnam and the Philippines send food to the USSR as part of a deal with the U.S. if that gives you an idea of how bad it is.
Berlin is still somewhat intact. Not that it matters. No one outside of a Bunny suit will be visiting the place for the next 800 years or so.

How would one go about attempts to clear out heavy anthrax contamination, especially over such a wide area?

Presumably some experimental attempts are made, for scientific curiosity, if nothing else.
How would one go about attempts to clear out heavy anthrax contamination, especially over such a wide area?

Presumably some experimental attempts are made, for scientific curiosity, if nothing else.

I see the area around Berlin becoming the source of many thesis papers and documentaries on what is probably a true City of the Dead. :(
and the war staggers to it's bloody bitter end. Great work, Cal... this is easily one of the best timelines on any page, old board, new board, what have you... :)
Here is the update.




Well I will repeat what I said several hundred pages ago, Turians from ME would be proud of us:

I have a gut feeling that some succesors to WWII legacy will in future conflicts use the (Mass Effect)Turian-like merciless tactics and brutal methodology.
Like : "Central command issues order to create safe-zones-Y for combat-zone-Y(part of the front, part of a city) from xx-1day date to xx-0days0sec for any enemy "personel" to evacuate. They wil be informed by the means of radio or means A or B of its existance. They will be disarmed,not harmed in any way and given non-weaponazeable suplies the moment the countdown ends, if they chose to surrender peacefuly inside the boundries of safe-zone-Y.
After the countdown ends ANY personel remaining within combat-zone-Y is to be ELIMINATED."
Without mercy :eek:, everybody, the entire Y-zone will be DEVOID of ANY SENTIENT LIFE, by any means necessary bare the usage of planetary ecology damaging-WMDs.
The Turians don´t reckognize civilians, only combatants(soldiers) and non-combatants(techies, medical personel, ... but all capeable and trained to wield wepaons) :eek:
Great final of the War.:D now lets see the aftermath, well to clean the areas of massive use of Antrax and other quemicals and biological agents will take a massive investment in new tech .Also its best to develop Space tech to explore our solar system, who knows if the answer to such devasted earth will be in materials found in asteroids, and in tech discoverd in low gravity labs in orbit.:)
Grim and morbid.

And most assuredly excellent.

Finally, it ends.

I've always read TLs with a sense of detachment, but not this one - it sends an inhuman chill down my spine EVERYTIME I read it (especially the post-first nukes updates... :eek::eek:). I'm glad it's over - at least everyone can get a respite. Us included.

As a side note: if tech. development pattern follows OTL, methinks they're will be a host of RTS/RTT/FPS games based on the war. Ditto for TV shows. Call of Duty: Shores of France, maybe?

Marc A
Well I will repeat what I said several hundred pages ago, Turians from ME would be proud of us:

I'm sorta surprised we didn't see ERW (aka neutron bombs) used by the allies to clear out the last resistance. Along with some form of last ditch WMD attack by the Reich (ie Nazi sleeper agents poisoning water supplies or what have you.). Glad this is fictional.
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