The Anglo/American - Nazi War

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Ah, so this is what the Nazi leadership really had in mind. Interesting to see that in submarine and missile technology at least, the Third Reich has not stagnated.
The A-12 had similar performance to the U.S. Army’s MGM-3, but it entered service a full two years before the Lance missile was ready for production. It had been designed specifically to carry a cluster bomb unit warhead, with each bomblet containing 1.5 liters of Taubin nerve gas. While a finicky weapon, the rocket’s warhead could, under ideal conditions, spread Taubin over a four square kilometer area (an area smaller than the circular probability of impact point for the weapon itself).
Don't you mean Tabun?
Instasun, available in your nearest air base.

Warning: Prolonged use of Instasun may increase risk of developing certain varieties of cancer or nuclear winter.
Oh, damn. The Reich is almost certainly feeling instant sunshine now, and it will be the RAF that gets the honor of dropping it. The only reason the Brits didn't nuke the Reich after the St. Patrick's Day attacks was US intervention. Now, with much greater and more psychologically damaging losses, the Brits will attack the Reich with everything they have, and the US will not try to stop them.

That bit about the "first WMDs to be used in combat" only seals the deal.

Interesting developments in missile technology, otherwise. Are there any attacks on UN supply centers in Northern France? So far, WMDs have been used strategically (relatively) against the Brits, and tactically against the UN troops in France, so it makes sense to target the main supply lines of the UN forces. Is this a case of the Nazis choosing to use their limited weapons for maximum psychological effect, or did they just overlook it?
Wow. That was brutal, but it seems that it could have been far worse had the Nazis been a little more lucky. That said, the Royal family didn't have any such luck. I wonder if these attacks will change the general European view of the Nazis in the immediate sense or in the post-war world. Once (if?) evidence of the attacks can be shown to the world after the war, it will be evidence that the Nazis were simply murderous pyschos intent on bring misery to the European continent. Italy, especially, bearing enormous damage after the missile attacks, will be infuriated with German for decades. And that last sentence makes me think mushrooms will soon be sprouting over Germany....


I'm a little confused as to who was killed in the royal family. Is Queen Elizabeth dead?
No, Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother was the formal title used by Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon, as she was Queen Consort of George VI, and mother of Elizabeth II. Confusing, I know.


God, what a shitty world, that I can say this with a straight face... but the strikes against the former New European nations are the best possible thing that could happen to the Allies as regards the long-term stability and sanity of Europe. Only something that stupidly ridiculous could reveal to the populace of those countries just how insane and evil the Nazi leadership is, and it came in a form they won't want to ignore or gloss over; a deliberate and barbaric attack against them and their own country's civilians. Goodbye, major post-war resistance outside German-speaking areas.
So long live his majesty King of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Louis Mountbatten?

Honestly with these deaths I have no idea who would inherit the throne, and Moutbatten has living children (and heirs) along withthe whole ''war-hero'' aspect. Or he might be named regent instead of king...

Edit: Whoops I thought the Queen had been killed...Still having Moutbatten as King would've been intresting.
No, Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother was the formal title used by Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon, as she was Queen Consort of George VI, and mother of Elizabeth II. Confusing, I know.

Okay, I think I get it now. It's too bad there are no maps for this TL. There are few things I love more than a good map.
So long live his majesty King of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Louis Mountbatten?

Honestly with these deaths I have no idea who would inherit the throne, and Moutbatten has living children (and heirs) along withthe whole ''war-hero'' aspect. Or he might be named regent instead of king...

Edit: Whoops I thought the Queen had been killed...Still having Moutbatten as King would've been intresting.

It would be Princess Margaret, after that it would be the Kents. The Battenburgs are well down the line of succession.
I love how you repeatedly ask for comments despite having almost 4 pages of discussion to every update.

Anyway, the Nazis are about to feel the heat. Quite literally.
Oh dear... continuation of series of "interesting" updates. Greatly written TL.

Now, while there are no chances of anything being changed, I must repeat my complaints. Even though Allies have nearly full OTL Cold War air force (one built in peace time, in specific Cold War conditions, and Allied aeronautics and rocketry greatly helped by German scientists and engineers); Germans are stuck with stuff from Luft '46 dreams and a few extras.

Explanations author gives could hold at restart of hostilities and period near that; but it has been years now where Germany was faced to see how much has Allied airpower outmatched them.

Power of B-52s and U-2 to smash any German attempt to develop new stuff to contest the skies appears to be a bit too great. Germany more or less invented SAM, and with only hostilities for over a decade being Bomber War they had all incentives to continue to develop and improve them.
Yes there is mention of sporadic SAM success... but overall Germany is smashed without mercy and all defense so far has been insignificant.

Overal tempo and flow of war more resemble '91 Desert Storm and USA rolling over Iraqi forces than USA and UK trying to take on Eurasia spanning victorious Third Reich.

And for all my complaining I will continue following TL as it is very interesting concept and writing is good.


Attention, Attention. This is the Bomber Controller for Bomb List Delta. SCRAMBLE. Authentication WHISKEY NINE JULIET. E-Hour One Zero Zero Zero Zulu.

Positive Release Authorised.

I can't see this not happening. Berlin has one hour and ten minutes left.
If I remember correctly, the allied air offensive earlier in the war suffered heavier losses than the OTL air campaign did. The Germans are losing strategically, and it is the strategic part of the war that Calbear's TL focuses on.

Oh, and Berlin: This bomb has been brought to you by 617 Squadron, the world's specialists in thermonuclear delivery. We use the latest Avro Vulcans to deliver our thermonuclear weapons to you. Have a nice day, however short that might be.
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Attention, Attention. This is the Bomber Controller for Bomb List Delta. SCRAMBLE. Authentication WHISKEY NINE JULIET. E-Hour One Zero Zero Zero Zulu.

Positive Release Authorised.

I can't see this not happening. Berlin has one hour and ten minutes left.

*bows* You put it perfectly, dear sir.
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