Supreme Commander

Has anybody here played it and its standalone expack Forged Alliance?
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I've played the vanilla plus patches (god those patches are ****ing annoying to download. ) I just don't have any rl isk (err.. I mean money... I've been playing eve too much) to buy the Forged Alliance.

I find it a really fun game. I can only play it well on maps that are 40km or under, due to my PC only have 2gb of memory. :eek:

I tried playing that giant ice map with a kind of spokes coming our from the center surround by water... and after I got owned by Monkey lord and a Fatboy... I had learned the lesson of spreading my forces... but I had not learned the lesson of SAVING MY GAME... and SupCom crashed... I think due to a nuke blowing up somewhere, and the sound overloading my PC.

I like playing as Cylon. Don't know why, but their unit setup just fits my playing style. Plus I like the fact that for Assasination mode their Commander can optical cloak and be invisible to radar.

Plus nothing beats 10x AntiAir tech 1 Cybran units for early air defence in conjuction with radar. (The stupid little scouts planes... SWAT! SWAT!!!:D:D:D)

Although I still suck at the t2 stage of the game in my economy. I always retard myself there... can't make enough mass. :(

I once played a guy as Cybran and he was Aeon. He just kept me penned in on my Home Island, but I thought I was doing good and building a hearty economy while fending off his rush attacks. Meanwhile my Nuclear Missile Silos were being built! (NUKES!!! I R TEH PWNAGE! :rolleyes:)

It was my first multiplayer game... I was such a noob.

After awhile my radar picked up something odd. Everything to the North was grey... :eek:

And then 5 Aeon Mothership units and about 200 supporting aircraft wiped my "indestructible base" off the map. :mad:

But I saved the replay and I watched how he did things and a lot of preconceptions on how to play got shattered. You can learn a lot by watching replays of your multiplayer games.
I really like the original and unfortunately my messed up computer cannot seem to download the patches. I have Forged Alliance but I've heard unless you download the patches for it there are some issues. Sadly my aforementioned problems of installing the patches keeps my from playing the game.
Until I get my net router fixed, win my first skirmish match and solve this lagging problem I'm currently having on FA, I probably won't be playing online for some time.

(I shoulda listened to Thande on getting TA instead, but I wasn't able to find it anymore here so the next best option was FA)
I really like the original and unfortunately my messed up computer cannot seem to download the patches. I have Forged Alliance but I've heard unless you download the patches for it there are some issues. Sadly my aforementioned problems of installing the patches keeps my from playing the game.

Did you download your patches 'manually' or rely on GPGnet for it?


(I shoulda listened to Thande on getting TA instead, but I wasn't able to find it anymore here so the next best option was FA)

You can probably get TA for free on t'internet somewhere. It's hardly software piracy, as it's not as though Cavedog is still around...
I really like the original and unfortunately my messed up computer cannot seem to download the patches. I have Forged Alliance but I've heard unless you download the patches for it there are some issues. Sadly my aforementioned problems of installing the patches keeps my from playing the game.

Have you read the ungodly amount of threads on the official forums on how to fix this?

I literally had to change the name of my patch file, delete some other file, and then start a .exe manually instead of having it being accessed from the original... and I still only had a 50/50 patch complete sucess rate. :eek::eek::eek:


Have you read the ungodly amount of threads on the official forums on how to fix this?

I literally had to change the name of my patch file, delete some other file, and then start a .exe manually instead of having it being accessed from the original... and I still only had a 50/50 patch complete sucess rate. :eek::eek::eek:

That's why I like the simplicity of TA. You could install five zillion fanware add-ons and the only thing that would go wrong is that it would refuse to load Barathrum maps.