Stronger Czechoslovak Legion on Western front

Bright day
The time has come for me to post another stillborn thread about my own country (though I plan to find something with France later on).

Okay, OTL only 10 000 men fought under czech banners for France. Their reinforcements several tens thousand Czecho-American men were eventually incorporated into US expeditionary force.
Let us swell the numbers to, say, at leats 60 000, not unreasonable number. Do you believe this would lead to an increase of czech popularity among French, enough to have them help Czechoslovakia two decades later?
Hm, since the Czechs are Slavs, it was quite logical that they fought on the Eastern front against A-H, together with thr Russians.
Maybe in 1917 after the revolution happened, some wiser leader of the Czechs can see that Russia won't be able to stand up against germany any longer and manages to get the Czechoslovakian legion transferred to France or Italy. Or the Communists decide not to disarm the Czech legion but let them pass to Vladivostok, and after that they return via America to Europe.
Thus, the Reds never lose control over the Transsib; their social-democrat and nationalist opponents might still fight, but they'll be weaker. That's why, the western Allies (France, Britain, Italy, Japan, USA) are less inclined to meddle in the Russian Civil war since they consider it a lost cause. (Japan could still try, but I doubt they'll be very successful alone.) The situation for Lenin is better, transition to Communism might be smoother. Germany might be defeated some weeks earlier, since the Allies have the Czechs and the troops they don't send to Russia TTL. Or they advance further and actually get into Germany, other than OTL. (This might help a bit against the Dolchstoßlegende, since the nazis and other right-wingers pointed out that no foreign soldier had actually put his feet on German soil.)
Bright day
Well, I actually thought about the 40 000 Czecho-Americans joining earlier and under Czech leadership (as was original plan) and more troops surviving the retreat from Serbia to Albania- nothing alltogether drastic.
OTL minimal (have seen greater) numbers: France- 10 000; Italy- 20 000; Russia- 100 000.
I tried for opinion change, OTL after WWI Czechs were very popular with Entente powers, they were also quite darling to American press. My main interest was if this could butterlfy away WWII as we know it. More french support, and maybe closer alliance with Romania?- as Czechs will be able to more effectively fight Soviet Hungary. (But it also could push Poland into German camp as Czechs will also be in better terms to fight in Czecho-Polish war over Teschen duchy, but that's secondary).

The best to what you propose would be after the February government. But OTL Legion was only excuse by Entente, which only Wilson took semi-seriously, they would find some other in ATL.
If what you propose happened it would not give that much men much less than half million, two-three hundred men? I am not really that knowledgeable about British and other power's intervention. But it would change international politics of post-war era for sure.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but weren't the Czech Legion far more prominent in Russia, fighting alongside the Whites after rebelling against the Reds and seizing part of the trans-Siberian railway during the CW, than in France ?
Melvin Loh said:
Correct me if I'm wrong, but weren't the Czech Legion far more prominent in Russia, fighting alongside the Whites after rebelling against the Reds and seizing part of the trans-Siberian railway during the CW, than in France ?

Bright day
I beg your pardon, but have you read previous posts?
And yes OTL three-quarter fought in Russia, my PoD is about there being more people and more prominence in west- not enough to change war, but enough to change sentiments.