Starship Troopers Anime OAV-Type Thing

It dragged on for a bit, but it stayed away from the book's politics, (which I did not like at all) and the 'bugs'...what were all those? Space amoebas?


Seen those too. They're good, but they're not this.

Funny how Johnny in this ^ looks almost exactly like Xander Barcalow in that.

If those hadnt been made I wouldn't even know who Heinlein is.

I quite liked that too, actually. Took the best parts from the book and the movie, and truth be told I prefer it over this anime, although not by much--they're rather different overall.

Yeah, but the RCs are better than the movies. Also: Dizzy is alive!
Ah yes... Diz. One of the most popular and lasting characters. Spunky, pretty, quick to anger and always ready with a quip.

In the book, he's (yep) mentioned in passing as having died on the op they started the book on.



Seen parts of it on streaming sites. Loved the powered armour- it looked just like I imagined it would be from the book. Glad, also, that it generally shied away from the book's Author Tract aspects.
Not so glad that it made Rico a blond Argentine, when he's supposed to be Filipino. But it's not a big deal.

I did like Roughneck Chronicles a bit more, though, if only because they captured the feel of the books. But not much better, because the anime OVA was just so well-done.

The Verhoeven movie doesn't count. It was originally something different, then someone noticed superficial similarities to Starship Troopers, and he bought the rights so he could use the title. His film was more of an action-satire on militarism.


Seen parts of it on streaming sites. Loved the powered armour- it looked just like I imagined it would be from the book. Glad, also, that it generally shied away from the book's Author Tract aspects.
Not so glad that it made Rico a blond Argentine, when he's supposed to be Filipino. But it's not a big deal.

I did like Roughneck Chronicles a bit more, though, if only because they captured the feel of the books. But not much better, because the anime OVA was just so well-done.

The Verhoeven movie doesn't count. It was originally something different, then someone noticed superficial similarities to Starship Troopers, and he bought the rights so he could use the title. His film was more of an action-satire on militarism.

However isn't the Japanese Anime kinda degraded after all these years? :confused:
Having seen that all the way through now... I agree, much of it does drag on. Still great though - brilliant battle scenes, excellent aliens - very alien indeed.

Not sure what's up with Cherenkov exactly.


Watched part of it already. Too anime looking (I guess this goes with the territory) and some of the dialogue is doofy.

What they did with Johnny's dad is interesting--in the book, he thought the military was a waste of resources, but here, he knows the war is coming and doesn't want his son dead.

I'm thinking animation might be the best way to do an ST movie. No need for giant SFX budgets, all you need to do is pay voice-actors, and the political message might come through better.