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The Afghanistan part reminded me of The Great Game in many ways than one, only different time. Won't be surprised if NATO and CSTO bickered heavily on how things should be done in Afghanistan.

Makhmud the Chechen soldier in the Russian Army is right, religion is nothing to do with it, it's war, no matter what era or technology, human barbarity is the same.
Indeed. War is always the highlight of human barbarity.
Man, it sucks when religion is used to justify barbarity. TBH, opportunists will use any excuse ideology, religion, or whatever to justify them being at the top. We can see this happening with communism in Cambodia especially, under Pol Pot I mean. That man was a vile human being, more people should know about him. Killing anyone remotely intelligent because they were enemies of the revolution or whatever.
Seems like Russia is gaining quite a bit of tensions from these last two chapters, as its subtle influence and soft/hard power grow day by day. Things will definitely be really interesting by the end of 2007.
Interesting that the Crown Prince of Afghanistan is making noise and gaining the support of the Government from his words, wonder if all going well that the Purple Revolution will happen in Afghanistan if the country can come out of this in better shape?

Ethiopia looks like they are going to gain access to the sea (always a good thing in any TL for me! :p ) and knowing the past history of Russo-Ethiopia relations if you know the history, things look to be quite rosy with the two nations and maybe as a thanks if Ethiopia's economy starts to grow, they'll join the CSTO as a thanks? Not sure about their return of Monarchy but who knows...
Interesting that the Crown Prince of Afghanistan is making noise and gaining the support of the Government from his words, wonder if all going well that the Purple Revolution will happen in Afghanistan if the country can come out of this in better shape?

Ethiopia looks like they are going to gain access to the sea (always a good thing in any TL for me! :p ) and knowing the past history of Russo-Ethiopia relations if you know the history, things look to be quite rosy with the two nations and maybe as a thanks if Ethiopia's economy starts to grow, they'll join the CSTO as a thanks? Not sure about their return of Monarchy but who knows...
Ethiopia will have an interesting future indeed!
Wonder what NATO reaction be if Germany or Spain joined the Russian economic alliance/group (as a joke not in real life)
Truth be told, Spain and Germany would rather stay neutral than to joining Russia.

If they do join with Russia, the US and NATO's overreaction will understatement.
Chapter 38: This War of Mine.
Chapter 38: This War of Mine.


Tensions mount as Bomb Blasts rock Israel

May 6th, 2007

With the arab region exploding in tensions regarding Israel once again, the region is in a hotbed of tensions due to the fact that 16 Israelis have been killed in massive bomb blasts conducted by suspected Palestinian agents within Israel, or perhaps Hezbollah as well.

With the recent accession of Bashar Al-Assad to become the President of Syria in a formality election, as strongman of Syria, he has clearly stated that Syria will not accept Israeli mobilization as it would be a concise threat to the Syrian Golan Heights and the Syrian border. He has stated that if by the end of the week, the Israeli mobilization order is not rescinded, then Syria will mobilize as well.

The Lebanon government has already mobilized its forces and has stated that a repeat of 2006 will not happen, stating that the sovereignty of Lebanon would not be broken again by the Israeli government.

Israeli prime minister Ehud Olmert has stated in a press conference recently that Syrian provocations on the border would not be accepted by Israel and that the situation was escalating only because Syria was making it so.


Ehud Olmert.

The international community has called for calm especially as Olmert’s statement of the last year comes into mind when Olmert listed Israel as a nuclear power. Russia is currently threatening economic sanctions against Israel if Israel doesn’t sign the Treaty of Non Proliferation, and abandon its policy of nuclear ambiguity, and the United States has called for negotiations between all sides.

Massive protests have rocked Turkey, Iraq, Jordan, Syria, and Palestine which all have an anti-Israeli tone with them, as they perceive Israel as the aggressor in this current hotbed of tensions. Russian Chancellor Grigory Yavlinsky has clearly stated that the Black Sea will be off limits to Israel should Israel escalate the situation.

The IDF has already gone into full mobilization, and it is now only a matter of time until the tensions reach its limit, and these tensions spillover into the battlefield.


Russia Announces New Trade Deal with the European Union Amidst Tensions in the Middle East

May 10th, 2007

Amidst massive protests and tensions in the Middle East, the Russian government has signed a new trade deal with the European Union, this time in part with Sweden, Greece, Italy, Spain and Portugal, as well as Great Britain and Ireland. The major details of this trade deal are blurry and at best vague, however the terms that have been provided to us show a great deal of new things that have been added to the former trade deals.

In particular what is a major deal is of course the Finnish, Swedish and Russian governments agreeing to build one railway line from Murmansk to Sodankyla in Finland all the way to Kalix in Sweden, with a gauge break in the Finno-Swedish border. This will bring much more connectivity between the states in the north, and the Russian minister of economics has shown his delight in the deal by stating that the Russian government is open for even more deals. The Norwegian government has also shown interest in the railroad project which has already begun small scale constructions, stating that a rail line from Kalix to Narvik would not be out of the question, even though some doubt the feasibility, considering Norway’s mountainous north.


A Russian train operating in Finland.

In the European union itself, Germany has renewed talks with Russia over a gas pipeline from Moscow to Berlin, and the Italian government has also signed a deal with the Russian government which gives more lax tariffs in their trade between one another and the increase scholarship programs with one another. This will of course allow more innovativeness in the economies, and Portugal and Spain have also signed a deal with Russia in this mega trading deal with one another in which they have increased the scale of the trading with one another.

With Great Britain, the Russians have signed a mutual technological transfer deal with Britain and Russia transferring and buying technology off one another, and with the Irish, an agricultural deal regarding crop rotation and trade has been reached with the Irish.

The French in particular have reacted aggressively against this deal with the French MPs in the European Parliament boycotting this deal with the Russians, and have stated that the deal was unfeasible and only beneficial to Russia. However the Russian government has declined this allegation, and has stated that the current deal was beneficial to both sides, and would be more than willing to extend it to France as well, which has been rejected, and currently with tensions in the Middle East becoming higher every day, especially considering the Egyptian Civil War, it seems that this trade deal is taking a backseat in response to the tensions and flashpoints.


Russian Space Probe Passes Through Venus

May 13th, 2007

A Russian space probe, with the engine Sputnik-7 had been launched in the past months by Russia repeatedly with their new developments in space technology, and recently news has arrived that it has circumvented the planet of Venus.



Sputnik-7 is a Russian robotic space probe that orbited Venus from 2004 to 2007 studying Venus’s chemical composition, geology, and magnetic field. Sputnik-7 was designed by the Russian Applied Physics Laboratory of Moscow. Science operations were managed by the Russian Space Agency. The Sputnik-7 is measured as 1.85 meters tall, 1.42 m wide, and 1.27 m deep. The bus was primarily constructed with four graphite fiber or cyanat ester composite panels that supported the propellant tanks, the large velocity adjust thruster, attitude monitors, and correction thrusters, the antennas, the instrument panel and a large ceramic loth sunshade, measuring 2.5 meters tall and 2 meters wide, for passive thermal control. At launch, the spacecraft weighed approximately 1,100 kilograms with its full load of propellant. The spacecraft’s total cost has been estimated to be $450 million.

The Russian Aerospace Industries are also not sitting lightly this year as recently the government in tandem with the industries have announced that a new fourth generation Soyuz Space Shuttle will be constructed by the end of the year named the Soyuz TMA. The Soyuz TMA spacecraft will consist of three parts from front to back, which are a spheroid orbital module, a small aerodynamic reentry module and finally a cylindrical service module with solar panels attached. The Soyuz will also be able to carry up to three cosmonauts and provide life support to them for about 30 days The life support system will provide a nitrogen/oxygen atmosphere at sea level partial pressures. The atmosphere will be regenerated through KO2 cylinders, which will absorb most of the CO2 and water produced by the crew and regenerates the oxygen, and LIOH cylinders which will absorb the leftover CO2.


A design work of the Soyuz-TMA.

The new Soyuz spaceshuttle will consist of the following spacecraft systems:-

Thermal Control SystemSistema Obespecheniya Teplovogo Rezhima, SOTR - Cистема Обеспечения Теплового Режима, COTP

Life support systemKompleks Sredstv Obespecheniya Zhiznideyatelnosti, KSOZh - Комплекс Средств Обеспечения Жизнедеятельности, KCOЖ

Power Supply SystemSistema Elektropitaniya, SEP - Система Электропитания, CЭП

Communication and Tracking Systems – Rassvet (Dawn) radio communications system, Onboard Measurement System (SBI), Kvant-V spacecraft control, Klyost-M television system, Orbit Radio Tracking (RKO)

Onboard Complex Control SystemSistema Upravleniya Bortovym Kompleksom, SUBK - Система Управления Бортовым Комплексом, СУБК

Combined Propulsion SystemKompleksnaya Dvigatelnaya Ustanovka, KDU - Комплексная Двигательная Установка, КДУ

Chaika-3 Motion Control SystemSistema Upravleniya Dvizheniem, SUD - Cистема Управления Движением, СУД

Optical/Visual Devices (OVP)- VSK-4 (Vizir Spetsialniy Kosmicheskiy-4 - Визир Специальный Космический-4 ),Night Vision Device (VNUK-K, Visir Nochnogo Upravleniya po Kursu - ВНУK-К, Визир Ночного Управления по Курсу), Docking light, Pilot's Sight (VP-1, Vizir Pilota-1 - ВП-1, Визир Пилота-1), Laser Range Finder (LPR-1, Lazerniy Dalnomer-1 - ЛПР-1, Лазерный Дальномер-1)

Kurs rendezvous system

Docking System
Sistema Stykovki i Vnutrennego Perekhoda, SSVP - Система Стыковки и Внутреннего Перехода, ССВП

Teleoperator Control ModeTeleoperatorniy Rezhim Upravleniya, TORU - Телеоператорный Режим Управления, ТОРУ

Entry Actuators SystemSistema Ispolnitelnikh Organov Spuska, SIO-S - Система Исполнительных Органов Спуска, СИО-С

Landing Aids KitKompleks Sredstv Prizemleniya, KSP - Комплекс Средств Приземления, КСП

Portable Survival KitNosimiy Avariyniy Zapas, NAZ - Носимый Аварийный Запас, НАЗ

Soyuz launch escape systemSistema Avariynogo Spaseniya, SAS - Система Аварийного Спасения, САС

All in all this project is an extremely ambitious one, and only the future will tell us what it holds for space exploration and the future of space technology.


World Holds Breath as war breaks out in the Middle East….again

May 20th, 2007

Last night a report was published in the international community which highlighted the fact that artillery exchanges had taken place between Israel and Syria and Lebanon against each other, with Lebanon and Syria attacking Israel and vice versa. This was met with international condemnation and an offer of mediation, however these talks seem to have led to nowhere as just this morning the Israeli AirForce launched multiple attacks deep into Lebanon and Syria attacking key strategic sights.

However what is interesting to note is that Russian made S-300 air defense systems downed multiple Israeli planes over Syrian airspace making the Israeli air offensive into Syria a very Pyrrhic victory as Syria has stopped partially in their offensive in the Golan Heights. Israel has denied to release their aerial losses however videos of Syrian S-300s downing Israeli planes is currently going viral in the digital world.


The S-300 Air Defense System.

Nonetheless, this attack from the Arabs and Israelis at one another has provoked Hezbollah and the Palestinians to attack as well gunfire has already been exchanged all over the border, and the Hezbollah guerillas have already detonated multiple bombs all over Israel killing many.

The Russian government and the American governments have spearheaded the efforts for negotiations between all sides, however both sides are unwilling to back down now with all of their national prides at stake. With all three side’s having their militaries mobilized to wartime footing, this war seems to have been the product of decades of tensions.

In order to analyze the difference in the militaries of the nations, involved, we will have to analyze their militaries.

The Israeli Defense Forces have a total number of 160,000 active personnel all of whom are mobilized as of this moment. Out of them nearly 100,000 are conscripts taking their conscription training. Israel also has 450,000 in reserve and has mobilized a good portion of them for this conflict that has broken out. The Israeli military budget is about $20 billion, the fifteenth largest in the world, and spends around 5.2% of their GDP in the military. The Israeli military is full of modern weapons, ranging from missiles to tanks, to handguns as well. Their navy is small but powerful and modern as well.

Lebanon and its armed forces has an active personnel of 86,000 men of which half are conscripts and has a reserve personnel of around 30,000 men of all, all are mobilized by the Lebanese government. The budget is also $2.5 billion dollars and the country spends around 2.5% of their GDP on the military. The Lebanese military is small but it is by no means a weak opponent and can be a ferocious opponent, with modern weapons and veterans from the 2006 Israeli-Lebanon War.

The Syrian Military has around 142,000 active personnel and 120,000 reserve personnel, of which around two thirds are conscripts. The country spends around $3.8 billion in the military spending around 5% of their GDP on the military. The Syrian military may be dountful in their quality to us atleast, however the weapons used by Syria with aid from Russia and Iran is anything but weak and the military is powerful in its own right.



  • ARMY


The Russian Army.

Active Personnel: 720,000

Reserve Personnel: 1 million

Professional troops: all of active troops, half of reserves.

Defense Budget: $85 Billion (4.5% of GDP)


  • Ratnik
  • MP-443 Gracch (small arm):
  • SR-2 Udav (small arm):
  • PSS Silent pistol (small arm):
  • GSh-18 (small arm):
  • SPS (small arm):
  • OTs-14 Groza (assault rifle):
  • AK-74M (assault rifle):
  • AK-12 (assault rifle):
  • AN-94 (assault rifle):
  • SR-3M (suppressed assault rifle):
  • Dragunov SVD (semi-automatic sniper rifle):
  • SV-98 (bolt action sniper rifle):
  • ASVK-M Kord-M (anti-material rifle):
  • VSS Vintorez (Suppressed sniper rifle):
  • RPK-74 (squad automatic weapon):
  • RPK-74M (squad automatic weapon)
  • PKM (general purpose machine gun):
  • PKP Pecheneg (general purpose machine gun):
  • Kord (heavy machine gun):
  • GP-25/30/34 (Grenade launcher):
  • BS-1 Tishina (Grenade Launcher):
  • AGS-30 (Grenade Launcher):
  • RPG-28:
  • 9M111M Fagot-M (anti-tank guided missile):
  • 9M131 Metis – M/9M131M Metis-M1 (anti-tank missile):
1. 2B9 Vasilek (600 Active, 900 reserve)
2. 2A18 D-30 (700 Active, 1400 reserve)
3. 2A29 MT-12 Rapira (600 Active, 1200 reserve)
4. 2A36 Giatsint-B (750 Active, 1400 Reserve)
5. 2B16 Nona-K (950 Active, 1500 Reserve)
6. 2SI Gvozdika (750 Active, 1500 Reserve)
7. 2S34 Chosta (350 Active, 500 Reserve)
8. 2S35 Koalitsiya (200 Active, 350 Reserve)
9. BM-21 Grad (1250 Active, 1800 Reserve)
10. BM-30 Smerch (100 Active, 80 Reserve)
11. Tornado-G (400 Active, 600 Reserve)
12. TOS-1 (220 Active, 300 Reserve)

Tactical Ballistic Missile System:-
1. OTR-21 Tochka (600 Active, 800 Reserve)

Anti-Air Artillery
1. 9K22 Tunguska (600 Active, 600 Reserve)
2. 9K35M3 Strela-10M3/MN (820 Active, 600 Reserve)
3. 9K33 Osa (550 Active, 500 Reserve)
4. 9K331M Tor-M1/Tor-M1-2U and M2 (300 Active, 400 Reserve)
5. 2K12 Kub (500 Active, 500 Reserve)


  • Black Eagle MBT: 700 Active
  • T-90 MBT: 1400 Active (1300 reserve)
  • T-80 MBT: 700 active (2600 reserve)
  • T-72 MBT: 1200 Active (6200 reserve)

Infantry Fighting Vehicles:-
1. BMP-2 (5000 Active, 8000 Reserve)
2. BMP-1 (2500 Active, 3500 Reserve)

  • NAVY

The Russian Navy.

Personnel: 160,000

Aircraft Carriers:-

  • Shtorm (Will be completed in 2008)
  • Lightning (Will be completed in 2010)

  • Peter the Great
  • Catherine the Great
  • Ivan the Great (In Construction)
Cruisers: 8 (6 in construction)

Destroyers: 14 (3 in construction)

Frigates: 16 (3 in construction)

Corvettes: 70 (10 in construction)

Landing Ships: 18 (2 in construction)

Landing Craft: 33 (3 in construction)

Mine Countermeasure Ship: 48 (3 in construction)

SSBN subs: 12

SSGN subs: 12 (3 in construction)

SSN subs: 15 (1 in construction)

SSK subs: 27 (5 in construction)

  • Air Force

The Russian Airforce organization.

Personnel: 96,000

MiG-29: 375

MiG-31: 275

Su-24: 150

Su-25: 150

Su-27: 400

Su-30: 175

Su-47: 500

Tu-22: 180

Tu-95: 65

Tu-160: 45

SM-Boggrom: 200

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