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Are you going to have Russia go though a baby boom ? Seems like the only way for russia to prevent the demographic problem it has otl without a lot of immigration
Are you going to have Russia go though a baby boom ? Seems like the only way for russia to prevent the demographic problem it has otl without a lot of immigration
Actually the Russians went through a baby boom 1999-2008, however the government failed to act properly and add health incentives to have greater brith rates and demographic growth rates, which is being capitalized ITTL.
Really? I thought that it's been since before the soviet collapse that russia had anything close to replacement level fertility
No, under the Soviets, the decline was just barely becoming visible, under Gorbachev it became visible, but before him no one really saw the decline. The Baby boom of 1999-2008 was followed by a decline until 2012, and 2012-2014 saw another baby boom, and from 2015-2018 there was again decline, but now in 2019-2020 there is another boom going on.
What's Boris Nemtsov doing ittl?

Also, I personally think it unlikely that Roman Abramovich would be caught out here. In otl, he was able to gauge which way the wind was blowing and aligned himself with Putin in 2000, so it wouldn't surprise me if he did the same with Yavlinsky here or transferred as much as he could to a Swiss bank account before heading for Israel (being Jewish, he qualifies for Israeli citizenship automatically).
What's Boris Nemtsov doing ittl?

Also, I personally think it unlikely that Roman Abramovich would be caught out here. In otl, he was able to gauge which way the wind was blowing and aligned himself with Putin in 2000, so it wouldn't surprise me if he did the same with Yavlinsky here or transferred as much as he could to a Swiss bank account before heading for Israel (being Jewish, he qualifies for Israeli citizenship automatically).
Nemtsov is OTL for now; as the energy reformer in Russia.
why would russia support pakistan?After the afghan war cluster fuck where pakistan was a willing participant against them?And wouldnt pakistan joining russia lower their standing among their terrorist proxies especially taliban, al qaeda and the various other groups like let, hjm etc?
On February 28th the Russian government announced that the railroad to Anadyr would be completed within three months. This was met with widespread celebrations, as it would mark the end of the first megaproject of the Russian Federation after the collapse of the Soviet Union.

I would be very interesting to know how one's manages to build a railway across 2000 km of taiga, tundra and permafrost in a matter of years. It means a tracklaying rate of 3km per day which is almost impossible to achieve and that's assuming that all of the time on the project is spent laying tracks.
This is completely ASB, the Amur–Yakutsk Mainline is still not finished OTL and that's after billions of rubles were invested in the project. The bridge spanning the Lena in order to get to Yakutsk is still a challenge.

It would take years to just survey the land needed to build a railway all the way to Anadyr. Then even if a decision to build the railway is made, another few years will be needed to build the permanent way, embankments, bridges, tunnels etc. Only then can track laying commence.

I'm sorry but this is wholly unrealistic. Not to mention that the return on investment of building a railway to Anadyr is zero.
I would be very interesting to know how one's manages to build a railway across 2000 km of taiga, tundra and permafrost in a matter of years. It means a tracklaying rate of 3km per day which is almost impossible to achieve and that's assuming that all of the time on the project is spent laying tracks.
This is completely ASB, the Amur–Yakutsk Mainline is still not finished OTL and that's after billions of rubles were invested in the project. The bridge spanning the Lena in order to get to Yakutsk is still a challenge.

It would take years to just survey the land needed to build a railway all the way to Anadyr. Then even if a decision to build the railway is made, another few years will be needed to build the permanent way, embankments, bridges, tunnels etc. Only then can track laying commence.

I'm sorry but this is wholly unrealistic. Not to mention that the return on investment of building a railway to Anadyr is zero.
Construction time? You are correct I will edit that. Return investment? No. According to the Russian Economy: From Lenin to Putin it's actually a very lucrative project as upkeep price, airport price, seaport price etc would decrease and the project was proposed but was derailed due to the 1998 crisis.
why would russia support pakistan?After the afghan war cluster fuck where pakistan was a willing participant against them?And wouldnt pakistan joining russia lower their standing among their terrorist proxies especially taliban, al qaeda and the various other groups like let, hjm etc?
Geopolitics. Nothing else. Terrorists? Slightly yes.
Chapter 6




The new millennium in Russia began with the millennium celebrations as celebrations, fairs, etc took place all over the country. Meanwhile the government also announced the 1st of January to be the start date of their ‘Poverty Alleviation Program’ which was 12 years long.


Millenium Celebrations in Russia.

Meanwhile the Russian government was also becoming increasingly happy at their economic performance. Last year, the Russians had managed to upkeep their economic growth with 9.7% and the economy was slated to grow even more in this year, as the agricultural imports from other countries steadily grew lower and lower, the government’s revenues were growing throughout the nation. The Russian government had turned entire ghost towns from the Soviet Union down and had converted the areas in the North Caucasus and the Volga Basin and Volga Delta into massive farmlands the agricultural yields were now starting to grow. In 1999l, the agricultural yield grew by 19%, and this year it was slated to grow by even more.

On January 2, the government of Russia started to officially collaborate with the Orthodox Church of Russia to start reconstructing old churches destroyed by the Soviet Union, which was officially an atheist state. The government also made forced conversion of religion in the country illegal; this garnered some criticism, however was mostly glossed over.


The Construction of a new hospital in Novosibirsk.

The new hospital building plan as a part of the FHSR was also going down smoothly as new hospitals were being built in places which needed them. The 150 planned hospitals were ‘large’ hospitals, and however, small clinics and small hospitals were funded and opened by the government in almost every section of the country. The country was also starting to think about a highway project to link the isolated villages of Siberia.

On January 5th the Russian military reforms which were enacted some years prior were fully filled up and completed. An exercise called Zapad-100 was planned to see the full capabilities of this exercise, the new exercise was touted to become the greatest military exercise committed by Russia after the fall of the Soviet Union.


Russian Armed Forces in the exercise of Zapad-100

Meanwhile the guerilla movement of the Chechens finally died down fully as the very last holdout was stormed by Russian Spetznaz units and the leaders of the Chechen guerillas executed in the battlefield under a ‘gunfight’. In reality they were captured and killed, however the Russian government really didn’t wish to have headaches later on with the Chechens and the executions were seen as the best defense against potential future headaches, and considering they were traitors to the nation, none of the soldiers really had any qualms of killing the Chechen leaders.

In Belarus, Lukashenko, the First President of Belarus, campaigned for a ring railway around Belarus to increase the logistical and infrastructural set up of Belarus, which had grown old and frail, and the government of Russia debated the proposal set forward by the Belarusian Duma. It was later agreed and official construction began soon thereafter, to build this railway as well as to upgrade the old and useless tracks.

Meanwhile the world experienced a commodity boom in the markets. The Russian commodity industries, which were more than fully sufficient for the nation, experienced a double export to foreign nations as ‘Made in Russia’ goods became more apparent in stores of Canada, and European nations. Of course there was a bit of stigma because of the old communist feeling, however the stigma was quickly going over the head, as Russian commodities proved its quality among the market.

Meanwhile due to a falling out about campaign proposals, Boris Nemtsov left the Union of Right Forces Political Party in Russia and joined the Yabloko who he praised as being the Party ‘which brought economic stability to Russia’.


Boris Nemtsov.

Boris Nemtsov was a conservative Liberal in his views, and the man was the quintessential example of a Russian social democrat in his views, and he was accepted into the Yabloko with open arms by the political party. Nemtsov was an influential figure in post-soviet Russian politics, and the party supported his entry into the party.

On January 10th, the government of Russia announced that the government was going to finish the FHSR and welfare state program by 2005 in the fullest which was met with harmonious agreement from the people. So far, Yavlinsky’s government had been a monumental success for Russia, and the Russian people loved it. Even the population decline was stagnating and demographic researchers predicted that between 2005-2010, the Russian population would stop declining and start growing once again, though at a rate lower than average, however for a nation whose population was declining, that was very good news.

Meanwhile as a part of Russia’s new geopolitical game to strengthen ties with China, Yavlinsky had arranged for a visit to Beijing as a diplomatic visit. The Chinese government had initially been slightly wary of the visit proposal, however after some internal debate, had accepted it. Yavlinsky became one of the first country leader to visit China after the Tianmen Square Massacre.

In January 14th the Russian President, Grigory Yavlinsky set foot in Beijing where he was greeted and welcomed by Chinese President or the Chinese Paramount Leader, Jiang Zemin. The two sides remained in Beijing with one tour of the forbidden city discussing about future deals with the two nations. Yavlinsky and Zemin managed to procure an economic deal regarding the Russian and Chinese industrial sharing and procurement in the Far East and Manchuria.


Jiang Zemin.

Yavlinsky returned to Moscow on January 26th. On January 31st after a series of aerial accidents in America and around the world, the Russian State Duma announced that Airplane safety measures in the country were being upped, and the airlines not meeting these standards would not be allowed to fly.

On February 4th, the Russian government passed a new Military Reform bill. The 2000 Military Reforms included:-

  • Increased logistical software and hardware in the Armed Forces.
  • Professional NCOs to be trained specifically for logistics of the armed forces.
  • The Russian Logistical Corps to be founded.
  • A country wide logistical operation regarding, rations, weapons and arms and the military to be conducted.
This reform was short in words, but its effect was huge. Russia had always in her history went with the infamous “screw logistics, go human wave” doctrine, however this now meant that the Russian military would gain a lot more soft power if it was able to successfully complete this reform.

The military also made the Logistical Lines Map in Russia which denoted specific logistical lines where the country must have the best logistical capability. These lines were: St. Petersburg to Rostov Line, Grodno to Brest line, Ashmyanu-Minsk-Gomel Line, Anapa-Sochi Line, Sochi-Derbent Line, Moscow-Novosibirsk Line, Vladivostok-Khabarovsk Line, Sakhalin Island Line, Anadyr-Yakutsk Line, and the Kuril Islands Line.

Construction and reforms were immediately being implemented and the new construction was starting to worry NATO.

On February 14th the government of Russia and the Government of Mozambique signed a deal with each other with the Russian government managing to secure infrastructural investment deals into the now destroyed country which had been destroyed by torrential rains and the subsequent flooding of the nation. Russia managed to secure a deal to build a hydropower dam and to and create floodbanks, roads, and bridges across the poor state of the country.

In March 26th, FSB leader Vladimir Putin announced on behalf of the Russian government that the FSB was now receiving increased funds from the state due to the massive export increase of the nation, which had the Russian economy growing on overdrive. Employment opportunities in the FSB grew as advertisements for 1000 new recruits per 2 and a half years were called out by the FSB for new potential recruits and intelligence operatives. Vladimir Putin stated that the government had implemented a new training system and standard, however like all intelligence agencies, the new regime and change was kept a state secret and wasn’t revealed with the only thing being revealed was that in the application forms there was a clause which stated – “The government will not be at fault for any physical or mental damage garnered by the recruit during the training phase. An insurance shall be arranged by the government for this worst case scenario however.” This phrase of course made it clear the FSB had upped its game.


Putin announcing the new recruitment drive and economical drive of the FSB.

On March 28th, the Republic of Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kryrgyzstan, and Tajikistan, declared that they were going to peg their currencies to the Russian Ruble as was confirmed in the CSTO meeting last year. This was a declaration to the world to the skeptics about the Russian economic miracle, about the validity of the Russian economic miracle and growth.

On April 3rd the Russian government announced that a new highway scheme was in the development for the isolated parts of the Russian country in Siberia, where many villages were isolated from the main country. The government announced that this highway scheme was to make interconnectedness between the Russian states and villages and towns to be easier, and to make transportation in the country much easier.

Russian construction workers and firms working in Izmit, Turkey finally return after the reconstruction of Izmit, where Russia helped rebuild around 12% of the entire reconstruction process, which was no laughing amount. Russia had invested a lot into the Turkish city and many Turkish shares had been swooped and bought by Russia in the city.

The Russian government was now however becoming increasingly worried about the Abkhazian and South Ossetian Wars in Georgia with the separatists and the country folk of the men. Russia was increasingly becoming worried and the government was starting to entertain thoughts about intervention. However for now, the Russian Duma and the Cabinet voted that the dispute should be allowed to resolve itself and that if the war spilled into Russia, then and then only would Russia intervene.


Abkhazian Guerillas

On April 17th the government of Russia publically announced that the Chinese and Russian governments had agreed for a swap of investment deals as the Russian government announced investment deals in Manchuria and the Chinese government announced investment deals in the Far East.

During this time, Russia was also starting to invest a heavy amount of money into Sakhalin Island and the Kuril Islands to up their infrastructure and to make the two island(s) into a tourist hotspot for hikers and nature lovers. It was also aimed at creating the island’s infrastructure, which was basically non-existent.

On April 22nd the Ukrainian and Russian governments signed a trade agreement for Russian oil and commodity and the Russian government also extended an offer to build a bridge to Ukrainian Crimea through Anapa and a railway line through it between Anapa and Sevastopol. The Ukrainian government was now currently debating upon this offer made by the Russian government.

On May 1st, a new kind of composite material, the Negative Index Metamaterial was found, and the Russian government and SM started insights into the new finding to see if it could work with in production and research of the SM-Boggrom.

On May 4th, the Sulawesi Earthquake managed to kill and destroy much of the island’s infrastructure. Indonesia and Russia had always been kind of ambivalent with each other, however Russia managed a medium scale reconstruction deal with Indonesia and started to rebuild the destroyed areas of the Makassar Port and the Makassar City.

On May 5th, the ILOVEYOU computer virus started to spread around the world penetrating even governmental servers. This raised alarm in the Russian government and the Russian government officially started to focus on its cyber-security and their cyber warfare capabilities of their armed forces. The Russian government officially funded the establishment of the Russian Federal Cyber Armed Forces (RFCAF) which would be responsible for the cybersecurity of the nation as well as the cyber warfare capability of the nation.

Russia also passed its first major educational reform in May 19th which basically turned the entire curriculum around. The new curriculum would start to be implemented with new batch. The new curriculum was focused onto more technical aspects of subjects like Economics, Computers, Technology etc, to increase the country’s pool of future manpower resources.

On May 29th the government stated that the new reforms were for grades 4-12 of the Russian schools and curriculums.

Throughout the month of July, the government of Russia began to in earnest drive towards its Poverty alleviation program, as pensions were increased in the country, and public works such as Public Homes and Public Shelter construction in the country started to grow. The country was also nearing the end of the first 3-year plan, and till now the plan was been an astounding success with Russian agricultural, medicinal, herbal, timber, mining, electronic, motors, etc industries increasing their exports on the world stage by a huge margin, and the dependence on oil and gases in the Russian economy going south. The government was also looking into the many hydropower pools of the country to start a hydropower run state as well as to export energy of the Hydropower obtained throughout the nation, which if could be done, would make Russia one of the most energy rich nations on the planet.

On June 5th, the construction of the Logistical depots began to take place on the Logistical lines. The government had funded this to make sure that the Russian logistical capabilities would become on par with the NATO logistical capability, at least within it’s own borders. Logistical capability outside its borders would be thought off later after the achievement of logistical capability within the country itself.

On June 10th, the government of Estonia and Russia signed a deal regarding the ethnic Russians in Estonia, which made up around a fifth of the Estonian population. The government of Estonia was looking towards naturalized citizenship and was going to keep 3rd generation Russians in the country. Other 2nd generation or 1st generation Russian families would be sent back to Russia. However to do this in a planned manner, the Estonian government would provide compensation on property and lands value and the deal would be implemented in a slow manner so that the Russian government could properly provide homes and jobs for these Russians.

This deal was another step forward for the Estonian-Russian rapprochement. Estonian-Russian ethnic tensions were still high in the areas, however they were largely reduced from the violent sense of tensions of the previous time, however the tensions had been reduced by a huge margin.

On July 7th, the Russian government announced that a modernization program in the Russian Navy was being announced for old naval ships, and a supervision and analysis of the submarine fleet was being done to scrap old and obsolete submarines of the Russian Navy.


Admiral Kutznetsov.

2000 Navy (After Reforms and refitting)

1 Aircraft Carrier (Slated to be retired in 2015) (2 to begin construction in 2003)

2 Battlecruisers (2 more in construction; modernized versions)

15 Cruisers (5 to be retired/sold in 2005, and 6 in construction)

20 Destroyers (8 to be retired/sold in 2008. 10 in construction)

30 Frigates (10 to be retired/sold in 2008. 12 in Construction)

90 Corvettes (15 to be retired/sold in 2008. 16 in construction)

15 Ballistic Missile Submarines (4 to be retired/sold in 2010, 5 in construction)

12 Cruise missile submarines (4 to be retired/sold in 2008. 5 in construction)

20 Attack Submarines (SSN) (7 to be retired/sold in 2008. 10 in construction)

28 Attack Submarines (SSK) (8 to be retired/sold in 2010. 10 in construction)

40 Landing Ship Tanks (8 to be retired/sold in 2003. 5 in construction)

50 Landing Ships (10 to be retired/sold 12 in construction)

50 Patrol Boats (No Change needed for the time being)

60 Minewarfare Ships (12 to retire/sold in 2005. 15 in construction)

The new construction program was ambitious and slow funds allocation was being used to fund it. The new commodity and Russian goods boom, was certainly made procurement of monetary resources for the construction much easier. The government was also looking into constructing 2 new aircraft carriers and to retire the Admiral Kutznetzov after they were completed. The Russian Naval R and D department was currently looking into the idea. Russian shipyards had been upgraded as a part of the Russian infrastructural development plans in the 720 Days Program, which made the ease of constructing these ships much easier, and the value of Russian production grew, as Russia began to use robotic construction methods in their shipyards for the construction. The only controversial portion of their construction program was the Ballistic Missile Submarine Construction, however the government had made it clear that they were simply replacements of the old aging Ballistic Missile Submarines of the Russian Naval fleet.

In August 12, the Russian submarine Kursk is scrapped by the government for having obsolete systems and safety measures on board of it. It’s metal was to be taken down and used to construct the new submarines. Covering the cost of even one submarine was a good exchange for the Russian government.

On August 14th, the Russian Orthodox Church officially made Tsar Nicholas II a part of their synod, stating that despite his largely mistakes which led to the rise of authoritarianism in Russia, the man had been a part of Russian history, and had played an instrumental role, and for even that reason, the Russian people must know him for what he was.

As a part of slight contrast, whilst in Europe, religious feelings were declining, in Russia, it was growing with church attendees in 1993 from 67% growing to 78% in 2000. This was encouraged by the government. The Russian Orthodox Church contained much part of the authentic Russian nationalism, and promoting it, would promote Russian nationalism in the country. In the Orthodox Majority districts of the nation, church festivals etc, were made compulsory in schools, with people not of Orthodox fate made exempt for these events.

On August 23rd, the Russian government announced they had completed 1.5/3 of their hospital program.

On September 6-8, Yavlinsky took part in the Millennium Summit with all of the world’s leaders and signed and ratified the Millennium Development Goals of the meeting. Yavlinsky called the Summit ‘A Momentous day in History for the mutual development of the world.’

On September 19th, the Yugoslav government announced that they would a referendum with the Serbian and Montenegrin populace about whether the union between the two states should be kept. The referendum was slated to happen in October 30th.

On September, the 2000 Summer Olympics in Australia began to start, and the Russian team took part in the Olympics, and the Russian teams performed pretty good, winning a number of medals. On September 29th the government of Russia passed a plan to make Sochi one of the replacements for Sevastopol in Russia. The plan was to expand the harbor and the port and make it one of Russia’s best ports in the nation.


The Summer Olympics 2000 Sydney.

Meanwhile in October 1st, the Russian government after finding about links of Chechen separatists and the Taliban began to threaten the Taliban with aerial strikes against the Taliban State in Afghanistan, unless they stopped supporting the Chechens separatist movement.

The Taliban quietly withdrew their support however maintained a strong face in public. They could not afford to fight with the Russians opening a second front.

On October, the government began the last phases of the first 3-year plans and the government had been extremely happy with the progress and results of the 3-year plan made by the government.

On October 30th, the Yugoslav Federation Referendum takes place. 78% of the Serbs vote in favor of the federation and 61% of the Montenegrins voted in favor of the Federation, and the Yugoslav Parliament announced that the Federation was to survive, and Serbo-Montenegrins who had intermarried with each other throughout the decades, started the infamous October 30th celebrations.

The next day, the first 3-year plan came to an end in Russia as the government was pretty enthusiastic with its results which showed a huge increase in Russian exports, and that the Russian agricultural sector was now basically very powerful and more than enough to supply the entire country. It was already a strong force before, however the 3 year plan had made it even stronger and export able.

In November 2nd, Alexander, Prince of Yugoslavia made a speech thanking the people of Yugoslavia for keeping the federation that his ancestors dreamed of alive. He called it a momentous day in their history which showed the democratic nature of the Yugoslav people and populace. This as expected also made a surge in the popularity of the monarchy in Yugoslavia, the government was seriously considering a monarchical restoration under a constitutional monarchy. However that was still in debate.

On December 12th, George W. Bush is elected as the President of the United States. In December 15th, the last reactor in Chernobyl is closed by Russian and Ukrainian scientists.


