Prince Arthur lives

Prince Arthur, eldest son of Henry VII, died in 1502.

Consequently Henry VIII succeeded Henry VII.

What if Arthur lives longer? He will still be married to Katharine of Aragon, let us assume she still has problems providing an heir.

Only, he does not have Henry's excuse to divorce her (ie how own marriage.)

So he dies, a couple of decades later than OTL. "Mary" or equivaleny takes the throne earlier than OTL, and promply dies roughly as per OTL.

So it goes back to Henry's line, who has he married? And how do the children of that issue feel about religion?
Henry's daughter Caterina is of course Catholic, but the illegitimate daughter of the Pope is not eligible to inherit the English throne.

-- Rick
Check out the novel, The Alteration, by Kingsley Amis. It is intimated that the English Civil War happened earlier when Arthur and Henry fought over who would get the throne.