Pop Culture Timelines Go-To Thread

I don't know if this is ASB but...

What if there was a timeline, in which all video games from our world were movies and tv-shows there and vice versa?

For example, in 1979 they had Ridley Scott's Half-Life, while in the year 1998 Valve Corporation developed a game called Alien.
Like Hayao Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli's 1986 animated film the Legend of Zelda. With Nintendo's 1986 classic adventure game Laputa: Castle in the Sky designed by Shigeru Miyamoto.
Sorry for the double post. This is about something else.
"What if Kanye West lost his big feud (vs. Taylor Swift) in 2014-2016? How would this change him and his music, and how would it have affected the music scene. My cousin likes him, so I'm asking this for him.
Would this also have ripple effects (ex. reality television?)."

Edit. Post #1300!
Its hard to say how much would change, although I suspect he'd find himself somewhat discredited rather earlier than OTL, however I think we can assume Kim and her family would find a way to milk it for ratings as they always have. It could also lead to his mental illness (he's bipolar) causing him serious trouble earlier than OTL if he's had his reputation trashed and he's been beaten by the girl he's been fueding with for ten years.

In terms of the effects on Taylor its hard to say, that said I think her "year off" was always part of her plans although without the hell Kayne put her through in 2016 she probably doesn't drop completly out of sight and possible TS6 comes out a little earlier. reputation might be somewhat different as well since Taylor might be in a better place and won't make mistakes like "Look what you made me do" and instead focus on her relationship (which still seems likely to happen) and maybe track closer to what she wrote on "Lover." That said she still has the lawsuit coming up in mid 2017 and its hard to say how much that effected her thoughts and with it her song writing while reputation was coming together.

One major question is will she still turn to political activism as hard as she did if the President she was opposing wasn't championed by her bitter enemy?

If Enterprise had completed its seven season run, what might a sixth Trek show have been like c. 2008?

Also, if Spielberg and co hadn't caved to network pressure, what might a second season of Seaquest DSV have been like?
Hard to say really although any new show would probably have to take in some of the lessons from nBSG both in terms of production design and also that any show really has to be serialised at this point and to plan everything out first! You probably would also see a move back to the post 24th century era as the prequel will still be seen as limiting and also without the failure of Ent there will be no desire to turtle back to the TOS era.

As to Seaquest its hard to say but probably more of the same that we saw in Season one which is almost universally seen as a good show. What would be better is if they can avoid the massive cast turn over that was seen between the three seasons.


Gone Fishin'
As to Seaquest its hard to say but probably more of the same that we saw in Season one which is almost universally seen as a good show. What would be better is if they can avoid the massive cast turn over that was seen between the three seasons.

I think there were several things in the first season that could have been used to make the things in the second season seem relatively - grounded?

As an example - Telepathy or at least ESP sensitives had been introduced in the first season story about the Library of Alexandra. Instead of the sudden full blown telepathy of Doctor Smith, make her more like the sensitives in the first season -

If we can keep Beacham as Dr Westphalen, then make Smith a Mission Specialist who floats round in the background, like Dr Levine and Dr Crane in the first season.

Jettison Chief Crocker and Lieutenant Krieg and retain Shen as the new Chief of the Boat and if you want another female cast member, then slip a Henderson type role into the Morale Officer slot.

Of course, you've then got Brody, Piccolo and Dagwood missing but Shen would also for the "young, attractive" mould in place of Brody, but also allow some further diversity. I think there was probably enough room for SeaQuest to handle an LGBT character and I think making Piccolo and Lukas roommates did lots for Lukas as a character, so I wonder if we completely revise Piccolo as a gay mission specialist (EVA Activity Specialist, but not biologically enhanced) and still have him as Lukas' roommate.

As for Dagwood, I'm a little unsure how you could adapt the Dagger Arc and still fit in with the science as established in the first season.
I think there were several things in the first season that could have been used to make the things in the second season seem relatively - grounded?

As an example - Telepathy or at least ESP sensitives had been introduced in the first season story about the Library of Alexandra. Instead of the sudden full blown telepathy of Doctor Smith, make her more like the sensitives in the first season -

If we can keep Beacham as Dr Westphalen, then make Smith a Mission Specialist who floats round in the background, like Dr Levine and Dr Crane in the first season.

Jettison Chief Crocker and Lieutenant Krieg and retain Shen as the new Chief of the Boat and if you want another female cast member, then slip a Henderson type role into the Morale Officer slot.

Of course, you've then got Brody, Piccolo and Dagwood missing but Shen would also for the "young, attractive" mould in place of Brody, but also allow some further diversity. I think there was probably enough room for SeaQuest to handle an LGBT character and I think making Piccolo and Lukas roommates did lots for Lukas as a character, so I wonder if we completely revise Piccolo as a gay mission specialist (EVA Activity Specialist, but not biologically enhanced) and still have him as Lukas' roommate.

As for Dagwood, I'm a little unsure how you could adapt the Dagger Arc and still fit in with the science as established in the first season.
Good ideas but this is 1994 so LGBTQ+ is right out as its to early for a mainstream show (Willow/Tara is six years away at this point and even Xena/Gabrielle was a couple of years later). If Star Trek wasn't ready to take the risk and Babylon 5 barely put in half a dozen lines on the subject I can't see Seaquest (a show on the brink of cancellation every year) taking that level of risk.
Pop-Culture Timeline Idea.

I call it: "What If They Never Ruined It?"

When speaking about alternate timelines, there's an endless amount of possibilities. Some outcomes are worse, some are better and some just plain different.

Whenever there's a fandom, there are disappointments. Sometimes it's a bad adaptation, sometimes a terrible sequel.

And fans then say:

"Damn, the Star Wars prequels suck!"

"Man, Alien 3 was terrible!"

"Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull was disappointing!"

"The Super Mario Brothers movie is a terrible adaptation!"

"My childhood is ruined!"

"This rapes the franchise!"

But What If They Never Ruined It?

What if the Star Wars prequels were awesome?

What if movie sequels were not made if they were not necessary?

What if TV shows like Simpsons ended after a good run and didn't continue forever?

What if adaptations were respectful of the source material?

What if things ALWAYS turned out okay?

Basically imagine a timeline where things never go wrong!
Imagine you are Dave Gibbons and Alan Moore in 1985, but instead of the Charlton Comics, you are called upon to do Fawcett Comics:


Imagine you are Dave Gibbons and Alan Moore in 1985, but instead of the Charlton Comics, you are called upon to do Fawcett Comics:


View attachment 506417
Moore: https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/025/605/showtime.jpg

We already knew he could make Captain Marvel/Shazam into the dr manhattan equivalent, not the same but heavily inspired(with some rosarch shades like crappy childhood)

Minute Man...why is so easy?

the rest dunno, never cared those comics book
Moore: https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/025/605/showtime.jpg

We already knew he could make Captain Marvel/Shazam into the dr manhattan equivalent, not the same but heavily inspired(with some rosarch shades like crappy childhood)

Minute Man...why is so easy?

the rest dunno, never cared those comics book
Consider that the characters in the early 1940s were so popular that DC Comics sued Fawcett over its creation of Captain Marvel. In the meantime, what if its a commentary on the characters about how Great Britain reacted to the IRA. If anything, terrorism and proportionate force is often a theme in Alan Moore stories (e.g. V for Vendetta)....
Consider that the characters in the early 1940s were so popular that DC Comics sued Fawcett over its creation of Captain Marvel. In the meantime, what if its a commentary on the characters about how Great Britain reacted to the IRA. If anything, terrorism and proportionate force is often a theme in Alan Moore stories (e.g. V for Vendetta)....
Possible, the point would be the 'desconstruction of super hero' maybe in a way he make a 'watchmen meet Stormwatch' with criticism how the old super become the enemy with the envy of the new ones? that could be an angle very moorian itelf...
Possible, the point would be the 'desconstruction of super hero' maybe in a way he make a 'watchmen meet Stormwatch' with criticism how the old super become the enemy with the envy of the new ones? that could be an angle very moorian itelf...
Definitely bring it to the thread, I have already thrown in a few PODs. My guess is that the "Society of Evil" could also be seen as a manufactured group.
You're talking about the era where Marvel was known for dumb movies like the dorky Daredevil? (This was pre-2007, before Iron Man was in development)?
90's before spiderman, and cap america was a mess to keep rights, so this might be before x-men even or pararell to that