Poland Defeats Germany (Its a timeline)

This is a alternate history where
essentially Poland after the the failed Soviet Invasion in the 20s realizes it needs to get into shape
and rapidly Modernizes adapting a Military Junta
and forcing the Polish Nation into a growing Industrial Power
and by the 1939 it was a modernized nation
and so when Germany Attacked the Poles were able to hold them off and the Germans were quickly losing lots of men
this causes the Soviet Union to rethink there Invasion of Poland in 1939 and decide to call it off and aid the Chinese Communist by Invading Manchuria
Poland after 3 years of fighting was able with French and British assistance
were able to conquer Nazi Germany and the poles after losing 3 Million men and 5 Million civilians decided to annex Germany and formed the Polish-German Federation
now this war is not the last one as the French feeling Impowered right winged members begin growing in power talking about French Superiority
and that the French were the destined ones of glory ect essentially in 1945 The French Imperium Was established
And in 2 years they were able to take Iberia and launch a invasion into Greece
the Allies licking there wounds from fighting the Nazis let this happened
even letting France form its own Alliance known as the Imperial Alliance
with Italy
so how do you things will happen next?
So basically the Timeline is POLAN STRONK KURRRRWAAAAA and Europe returns to early to mid 19th Century politics.

Seems a bit improbable if you ask me, more a Poland wank than anything.
Even a better prepared Poland will still be fighting a two front war against the Germans and Soviets, so I dont know how much their chances would be changed.
So basically the Timeline is POLAN STRONK KURRRRWAAAAA and Europe returns to early to mid 19th Century politics.

Seems a bit improbable if you ask me, more a Poland wank than anything.


Even a better prepared Poland will still be fighting a two front war against the Germans and Soviets, so I dont know how much their chances would be changed.
we the Soviets dont invade instead opting to invade Manchuria and help the Chinese communist
ok so what happens is that in 1948 both sides of the Imperial Alliance Invade Yugoslavia.
the Allies of PGF And England Invade
the French army being modernized because of its wars with iberia and Greece are able to hold off a naval Invasion of the UK
and were able to punch through the PGF
and to protect the Slavs
in Yugoslovia The Soviets joined the war
but once the French push the PGF forces back to Radom
and begin pushing through Russia
and the French reach Moscow now the Japanese join the Imperial alliance they have a common enemy
and begin pushing back the Russians through Siberia
and the French are able to land on the British south coast
and begin pushing North while the Italians begin pushing through yugoslavia
and it looks like all hope is lost
until......a unlikely ally joins
Well I've not fleshed it all out yet but this is just a basic fleshed out timeline of the major powers
(Maybe who knows what will happen next in the timeline and what do you guys think of it so far and do you have any predictions? )
we the Soviets dont invade instead opting to invade Manchuria and help the Chinese communist
Except the USSR favored the KMT over the Chinese Communists at first and the Soviets wee more or less going to invade Poland regardless of industrial capacity.
Except the USSR favored the KMT over the Chinese Communists at first and the Soviets wee more or less going to invade Poland regardless of industrial capacity.
(I had to essentially remove them invading Poland for the whole Timeline to work and i do admit this is not a realistic scenario and i like it do you guys like what you have seen so far)
(I had to essentially remove them invading Poland for the whole Timeline to work and i do admit this is not a realistic scenario and i like it do you guys like what you have seen so far)
This should really go in ASB, dude. It was improbable enough sith Poland annexing Germany, but then you had to add France not only push to Moscow and invade the British south coast at the same time.

Thats not good military knowledge dude.
This should really go in ASB, dude. It was improbable enough sith Poland annexing Germany, but then you had to add France not only push to Moscow and invade the British south coast at the same time.

Thats not good military knowledge dude.
(I am new and i consider my self a WW2 and Hd metal history buff i have to admit i took some extreme liberty's in this scenario but i will post it there)
PGF, dude, you might need to be a little more specific in the POD that results in Poland defeating Nazi Germany or at least is able to avoid its OTL defeat; already the whole post sounds like some AAR from something like HOI or Making History.