Photos from Alternate Worlds

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The "Black Police" (the slang term for the officers of the so-called "Party of Justice") march down 14th St. shortly after the election in 1938, during the "Empire State" incident in New York.


One of many resistance posters posted up by the various underground groups that cropped up during this dire period. The costumed vigilante, The Spider, (once believed to be mere urban legend) was the centerpoint of many of these pictures.


Got these from a very interesting promotional site for a trilogy of novels based on the pulp hero, The Spider. Basically in the 30's, there was this unofficial trilogy about facists taking over New York.
meh. In Star Trek TOS, klingons were guys with hairy eyebrows and shoeshine on their faces and romulans had wigs. At least the daleks were distinctives for their time period. Granted nowaday they look patently quaint but you have to put things in perspectives.

Good gravy, don't even go there. Star Trek was so low, that they'd start the filiming with only half the script finished. I think that's why Kirk always had that weird stutter, cause the actor was trying to remember his lines (or so I've read).


Got these from a very interesting promotional site for a trilogy of novels based on the pulp hero, The Spider. Basically in the 30's, there was this unofficial trilogy about facists taking over New York.
That's actually a really underused concept that ought to be explored; fascism at a State level instead of a Federal one in the United States.

Getting fascists in the White House is pretty much ASB--but the governor's mansion may certainly be doable.
I don't find this the least unthinkable. Didn't Don Bluth at one point make a movie in which there's a Zombie-Wizard Rasputin having a talking bat and igniting the Russian Revolution? :rolleyes:

Give it half a century. I can almost guarantee it will happen.

that would be so disgusting
If anyone can come up with a photo of Woodrow Wilson and his Sec'y of State William Jennings Bryan shaking hands, here is an alternate caption:

"U.S. President William J. Bryan shakes hands with Confederate Sec. of State T. Woodrow Wilson after signing the Treay of Cincinnati, returning Kentucky to the C.S.A. after last year's plebiscite."

The spelling of "plebiscite" is probably wrong.
If anyone can come up with a photo of Woodrow Wilson and his Sec'y of State William Jennings Bryan shaking hands, here is an alternate caption:

"U.S. President William J. Bryan shakes hands with Confederate Sec. of State T. Woodrow Wilson after signing the Treay of Cincinnati, returning Kentucky to the C.S.A. after last year's plebiscite."

The spelling of "plebiscite" is probably wrong.

Couldn't find a picture of the two handshaking and couldn't really find ones of the two in the right position. Anyway here is my attempt;
If anyone can come up with a photo of Woodrow Wilson and his Sec'y of State William Jennings Bryan shaking hands, here is an alternate caption:

"U.S. President William J. Bryan shakes hands with Confederate Sec. of State T. Woodrow Wilson after signing the Treay of Cincinnati, returning Kentucky to the C.S.A. after last year's plebiscite."

The spelling of "plebiscite" is probably wrong.

Why not just call it a referendum? Sounds more American than plebiscite, and since we're talking about two American nations, referendum sounds more appropriate.

The flag of His Majesty Richard III of York and of The Renewed Kingdom of England.

Adopted after the succesful coup on 15th May 1937 AD, which overthrew the English Solidarist Politea (installed some 8 years previously by revolutionary agents of the Solidarist Politea of Scotland and the Caledonic Isles).

A picture of the news report detailing the distaster that befell the Columbia, the world's first FTL ship, after nearly 3 decades of service. The Columbia and its crew was instrumental in establishing contact with civilisations orbiting stars such as Alpha Centauri A, Sirius, and Tau Ceti. In 2003, the Columbia's warp drives malfunctioned between Bernard's Star and Wolf 359, causing it to explode.

A picture of the news report detailing the distaster that befell the Columbia, the world's first FTL ship, after nearly 3 decades of service. The Columbia and its crew was instrumental in establishing contact with civilisations orbiting stars such as Alpha Centauri A, Sirius, and Tau Ceti. In 2003, the Columbia's warp drives malfunctioned between Bernard's Star and Wolf 359, causing it to explode.


and now a spot of good news from that same TL 7 years latter.


The flag of His Majesty Richard III of York and of The Renewed Kingdom of England.

Adopted after the succesful coup on 15th May 1937 AD, which overthrew the English Solidarist Politea (installed some 8 years previously by revolutionary agents of the Solidarist Politea of Scotland and the Caledonic Isles).

And it's an awesome movie, too. ;):p
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