Nuttier Vietnam war weapon concept


In Vietnam the U.S military faced his worse adversary ever: the goddam JUNGLE in which NVA hide and raided SV.
For many years I have been puzzled by all those stupid weapons the Pentagon dreamed about to get ride of North Vietnam. Agent orange is only the tip of the iceberg. It seems that any MAD scientist (bar Emmett Brown maybe) was drafted into that effort.

They tried this

also, this

In search for a solution, the Pentagon looked at more exotic options like
- artificially increasing rainfall
- dumping chemicals to gum up dirt roads
- and building an electronic fence that would warn American jets of guerrilla activity.
The Air Force and the U.S. Army both tried
- dropping huge tear gas bombs to make specific zones uninhabitable.
Navy scientists considered using
- nonlethal bacteria
- or glowing chemicals to mark individuals passing through insurgent-controlled territory.
- modify the Lunar Module to carry giant mirrors to illuminate the jungle at night
- Firebombing, also (but the wet junlge didn't burned like Tokyo or Hambourg, unfortunately)
- use Sikorsky CH-54 Skycrane to drop 10-tons bombs to make large holes into the jungle


And on, and on.

Your mission is to found the whackier and silliest weapon system dreamed by the pentagon in vietnam war (ASB isn't allowed, through; neither are tactical nuclear weapons)
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