NOT DA VINCI CODE-related: Templars fight back against France

WI during the early 1300s, in response to the French crown declaring them heretics, arresting and torturing confessors from knights, and seizing their property, the Knioghts Templar had decided to forcibly resist these secular attempts to undercut their authority and taken up arms, instead of meekly ssubmitting ?
Either king Philippe was very desperate, or we don't know the full story: Umberto Eco mentions in Focault's Pendulum that it is a mystery why the strike against the templars happened without them making problems. Although only a short time ago the king had sent his officials to register the templars' property, preparing the later confiscation - but the templars didn't do anything.

Maybe they really trusted him that much that they didn't get suspicious? Or their obedience was that high that they'd never dare to rebel?

No wonder some people started inventing conspiracies...
They'd be beaten. The Templars may have been rich but they couldn't contend with the might of the French kingdom.
Though much of the profits would elude king Philippe in that scenario. A good amount of the lands would have to be awarded to the lords and knights who helped him in putting down the Templars.
This opens up for an ASB question:

WI the templars were as powerful as the conspiracy theories pretend they are...
I don't see what the point would be. They'd all be killed. As it was, very few suffered, and the rest dispersed into other orders (probably). It's not like they were some big army, there were only a few thousand in France and they were more into banking than fighting.
They did not sit around in full armour. Nor were most of their facilities fortified - the Europe end did finance and administration. The Templars did not really have the chance to resist.