Map Thread XXII


Gone Fishin'
Wasn’t it written two years before Wikipedia existed?
Yeah resources for foreign languages outside of maybe Spanish, French, German, Italian, Japanese and possibly Mandarin in his part of California may have been limited in the local library
Yeah resources for foreign languages outside of maybe Spanish, French, German, Italian, Japanese and possibly Mandarin in his part of California may have been limited in the local library
With Spanish and Portuguese known to be so similar, I can definitely understand the error (since it’s de in Spanish) if no broader resources were available.


It also explains human experimentation legalisation. Doesn't directly explain the birds tho.
Birds are more sensitive to some chemicals like pesticides and cleaning agents than human beings are. You can accidentally kill a parakeet with febreeze.
My guess: Zombie apocalypse.

"Why am I so hungry" - people turning into Zombies.

"Why are state borders closed" - government trying to contain them.

"Why did the government move to Hawaii" - attempt to find safe place.

"Why don't dixie rioters shoot back" - they are zombies, they can't use guns.
It might be that the birds fled from either the lights in the sky or the zombies, or the government is specifically culling them because they're a transmitter of the zombie virus
The lights in the sky might suggest the problem is caused by either Aliens(TM) or supernatural shenanigans
Yep, this is the zombie apocalypse. I was curious if you would understand what was going on here if I posted the map without further explanation.
Yep, this is the zombie apocalypse. I was curious if you would understand what was going on here if I posted the map without further explanation.
So aliens arrive and trigger a zombie apocalypse in the South through some weapon and all the rest is consequences of this? But what's happening to the dogs? Are they zombified too?
Little map of my surviving Stem Duchy of Saxony idea. I know butterflies yada yada. I'm just gonna use ASB in attack mode.
Anyway, other small changes are that Anhalt belongs to Meißen (Basically OTL Saxony), Prussia is beaten in a 7 Year's war like war, the Habsburgs are able to trade their part of the Netherlands with Bavaria, the Netherlands itself is a bit smaller, missing Oversticht, Drenthe and Frisia.
Also France made smaller gains in the east compared to OTL. Especially in the Netherlands and in Alsace.
Idea for an alt WW2 in my little Weimar world. Basically with the goal of making Germany part of the Allies while still having a big meanie club for the Allies to fight against. So doing a bit of wanking for the Rome-Moscow-Tokyo-Indraprastha Axis.
Osmanlı UK (status of Crimea).png

Map showing international recognition of the status of Crimea.

White is internationally recognized Crimean territory (administrated by the Crimean Peoples Republic).
Red recognizes the Crimean Peoples Republic.
Yellow/Gold continues to recognize the pre-revolutionary status of Crimean Khanate as a vassal/protectorate of the Russian Empire.
Blue recognizes the Crimean Khanate as a fully independent sovereign state, also recognizing the Crimean Khanate Government in Exile based in Constantinople.
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How is there an independent India?
Indian Independence was already foreseen in OTL during the 30s.
So without WW2 and the Muslim-Hindu split, we could see an independent Dominion of India emerging in the 40s. Maybe some years earlier or later than OTL.
View attachment 881607
Map showing international recognition of the status of Crimea.

White is internationally recognized Crimean territory (administrated by the Crimean Peoples Republic).
Red recognizes the Crimean Peoples Republic.
Yellow/Gold continues to recognize the pre-revolutionary status of Crimean Khanate as a vassal/protectorate of the Russian Empire.
Blue recognizes the Crimean Khanate as a fully independent sovereign state, also recognizing the Crimean Khanate Government in Exile based in Constantinople.
This is a very interesting scenario! I would love to see more of this world.

Some questions:
  1. What happened in Crimea that resulted in the establishment of a People’s Republic?
  2. What are the major powers of this world?
  3. How are the Ottomans doing ITTL?
This is a very interesting scenario! I would love to see more of this world.

Some questions:
  1. What happened in Crimea that resulted in the establishment of a People’s Republic?
  2. What are the major powers of this world?
  3. How are the Ottomans doing ITTL?

Thanks! I think I had posted the political map before but it has probably been more than a year since then. I am unsure if I posted the alliance systems, democracy-freedom status and forms of government maps. I do have some text based posts connected to this world in my test thread as well.

1. Late 1910s saw the start of the "Great Workers Revolution" in the Swedish Realm (thought China and French Indochina also saw contemporonious socialist revolts). which soon expanded into Norway, Lithuania and Russia. This lead to elements of the Russian Black Sea fleet also mutiny and join the revolutionaries. This saw the Swedish Realm, mainland Norway, Grand Duchy of Lithuania, all of European Russia including Crimean Khanate but not Transcaucasia fall to the revolutionaries by 1930. While socialist states were also established in Indochina (which later federated) and a semi-stable power base for socialists was established in Southeast China.
As for why there are two options for not recognizing the Peoples Republic, the Khan and a good portion of the Giray family made it to Constantinople. Where he declared the full independence of the Crimean Khanate from the Russian Empire for what little it mattered since the Peoples Republic controlled Crimean territories. But was soon recognized by the British Empire, followed by its allies.

2. There are three major alliance systems. First there is the Socialists, most significantly the Workers Federation of Scandinavia which leads the Stockholm Pact, which includes the Crimean Peoples Republic. Other major socialist states are the Russian Democratic Republic and the Indochinese Workers Federation (there is also the Chinese Workers Republic, three socialist states in Africa and also Bolivia, somewhat). Secondly there is the reactionary authoritarian Monarchist Compact lead by the Russian Empire, Kingdom of France and the Mexican Empire. Other members include Empire of China (or Qing), Emirate of Afghanistan, Ethiopian Empire, Kingdom of the Spains and Kingdom of Denmark-"Norway". Also aligned with the Monarchist Compact are the Holy Empire of the German Nation (Austria, Bavaria, Saxony, Prussia and Mecklenburg) and the Christian Fundamentalist League of Krakow (Kingdom of Poland, Neo-Hussite Republic of Bohemia, Holy Apostolic Republic of the Lands of the Crown of Saint Stephen (Lands of St. Stephen or Hungary for short), Romanian State and Prince-Bishopric of Montenegro). Finally the third alliance block is the more liberal and democratic one, lead by the British Commonwealth. Other significant powers in that alliance being the Empire of Brazil, Empire of Japan, Kingdom of the Portuguese and the German 3rd Republic. Republic of China is also aligned with the Commonwealth. As for within the Commonwealth itself the UK, North American states (especially New Albion), Rumelian Empire, Indonesian Federation and Indian Federation are probably the most significant ones.

3. Ok so that's pretty weird ITTL. I could ask the Dynasty or the State? The state was technically annexed by the British Empire after the Anglo-Turkish War of 1919-1922. But the Ottoman Dynasty of OTL (well, there would be butterflies affecting them but a close approximation) after that remain the Caliphs of Islam and the hereditary Governors-General of the Rumelian Empire. But there is also another thing about this particular timeline and the Ottoman Dynasty. That is to say that the ruling dynasty of the UK and British Empire/Commonwealth is the House of Osman-Tudor (namely the Edinburgh/Netherlands branch). The cause for this is the OTL war of succession between the two sons of Mehmed the Conqueror, Beyazid II and Cem. That happened in OTL, up to including Cem's exile in Italy. ITTL his line continues and converts to Christianity. First operating as Catholic Mercenaries in Italy and Germany, later hired by Queen Mary of England to keep order in England against Protestants. Around the time of her death and coronation of Elizabeth I the commander Osman/Otto became a Protestant and married the queen. Thus the House of Osman-Tudor. Their sons fight a war of succession for England against Scotland in 1603-1607, winning it, with the second son first becoming the Marquess of the Scottish March and later Duke of Edinburgh. In 1673, after the Great Anglo-Dutch War of 1665-1673, the 2nd Duke of Edinburgh was elected King of the Netherlands. Hence the Edinburgh/Netherlands branch. King Alexander III of the Netherlands, 7th Duke of Edinburgh became King Alexander III of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland after Queen Elizabeth II died in 1820. With the 3rd Act of Union unifying the Netherlands with the UK happening in 1848. House of Osman-Tudor always maintained the mostly symbolic claim on the Ottoman throne which lead to the full annexation of the Ottoman Empire after the Anglo-Turkish War of 1919-1922, the main core becoming a Dominion under the name the Rumelian Empire. Egypt also became a dominion, as did Bengal and India (thought the latter soon became a Republic). Iraq/Mesopotamia and Levant were annexed as colonies but later became Dominions. Rumelian Empire overall is a relatively wealthy, rich and democratic, thought the Balkans other than Greece (and Bosnia, thought that doesn't border the Rumelia) is not a nice place + there is the Stockholm Pact to the north of the Black Sea. Bulgarians, Greeks, Jews and Armenians are all pretty well integrated into the state, thought it is mostly a Turkish state (I guess you could compare with England in the OTL UK).
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Another map from my current TL, this time showing a second partition of Poland proposed by Potemkin in October 1791. It was intended to bribe Prussia and end the war with Britain and Prussia in one go. Further details can be found here.



Another map from my current TL, this time showing a second partition of Poland proposed by Potemkin in October 1791. It was intended to bribe Prussia and end the war with Britain and Prussia in one go. Further details can be found here.
Your TL is really good, I've been reading some of it, I hope you keep going with it.