Map Thread XXI

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Yes - there are supposedly oil fields in those regions.
That would explain it.

Is the yellowy green thing next to Ukraine a state founded by ethnic Russians living in Ukraine?

I'm also surprised that Georgia is so large, but Azerbaijan has barely expanded at all. And no attempts by the other Black Sea region countries to expand into southwest Russia?

Any Canadian attempts to grab bits of Russia?
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What's the situation like in China?
The southern provinces have de facto broken off from Qing rule and are setting up their own governments/cliques. They pretend to still be subordinate to the Qing but in reality they aren't. They are also backed by Britain who had a falling off with the Qing following a slightly different Boxer Rebellion.
This has taken me way longer than I care to admit, but here it homage to pixel art. (Yes, I made each of the flags from scratch.)

A very different Cold War. PoD 1936ish. Spain, Portugal, and Turkey join the Axis. The Western Allies take a lot longer to make any sort of headway in Europe, so the Soviet Union comes out a lot stronger. Unlike IOTL, there are a lot of emphatically neutral buffer states between the NATO-equivalent and the Warsaw Pact-equivalent. This includes the neutral Germanies and the neutral Italies. Decolonisation - where it has happened at all - has also gone quite differently to OTL for various reasons (though I'll admit the only reason I made the Karens independent is for the meme...)

As you can see, a lot of other stuff happened too, but I started this a month ago and didn't take notes, so I no longer remember everything off the top of my head. Please feel free to ask away about anything that sticks out to you - I'm sure that'll jog my memory! :)

Crossposting from the MotF challenge. You know the drill, questions, comments, anything welcomed, although do understand it's a silly map please don't take it seriously.



Ok I'm not going to add context to this silly thing :coldsweat: I wanted to do a satire of bad educational maps and take it to the unrealistic extreme. WW1 in Pangea was the logical conclusion of that thought process. I find it to be a very funny map, and that was the purpose of this exercise.

I used that base map that has Pangea with modern states on it and just applied it to the 1914 borders. Which means that are two types of mistakes:

1) Ones that originate from the fact the base map insists of showcasing every country with recognizable borders when there would be regions that didn't exist in that time period that nevertheless exist here

2) Mistakes I did copying the base map and generally illustrating the map (maybe I got some borders wrong, maybe I forgot on colony or the other, and I certainly didn't label everything, so there's that)

My answer to that will be: it's supposed to be a bad map, so those mistakes are justifiable 🤷‍♀️ and besides, it's World War I in Pangea, once you get to that point, small mistakes are forgivable.

The point of this was to make a fun silly map to play with the theme of the challenge. I think this one does that decently well. Hope people like it. My only regret is never truly having decided whether or not to separate different parts of empires so there are some inconsistencies, and not trying to put some lines between islands to better highlight the countries (this is most glaring in Canada, ofc)
Who won?
View attachment 732835
The World of Red Europe

In 1983, many parts of the world are in chaos. In southern Africa, a war rages between the Socialist Republic of Congo and the South African Federation, a war for supremacy. China is gearing up for a second showdown against its foreign occupiers. Communist regimes across Europe are crumbling down and the government-in-exiles are on their last legs. The USSR is slowly eroding as its overextension is taking a toll on its economy and on the morale of the populace. The USA is restarting to spread its influence as the streak of isolationist presidencies ended and the issue of civil rights is fixed (some sort of).

Will communism survive into the 21st century?

This is the worldwide situation of my map, which I posted here earlier and I changed some parts.
Regarding the Africa part, I had a similar idea once about a war between a socialist Congo and South Africa.
Honestly, I'm disappointed nobody thus far has asked how it was landlocked Belgium managed to grab landlocked Congo, but I supposed OTL's Congo Free State is already too much of a wild ride for this version to be significantly weirder
Indeed, given how IOTL it was given to a person/charitable society and not Belgium, it would still work. Besides, not like being separated from the sea stops Portugal, Britain, or the Netherlands getting colonies here. But really, you posed it is a silly map and not tot see it seriously, so I don’t see why anyone would ask about something like that.
This has taken me way longer than I care to admit, but here it homage to pixel art. (Yes, I made each of the flags from scratch.)

A very different Cold War. PoD 1936ish. Spain, Portugal, and Turkey join the Axis. The Western Allies take a lot longer to make any sort of headway in Europe, so the Soviet Union comes out a lot stronger. Unlike IOTL, there are a lot of emphatically neutral buffer states between the NATO-equivalent and the Warsaw Pact-equivalent. This includes the neutral Germanies and the neutral Italies. Decolonisation - where it has happened at all - has also gone quite differently to OTL for various reasons (though I'll admit the only reason I made the Karens independent is for the meme...)

As you can see, a lot of other stuff happened too, but I started this a month ago and didn't take notes, so I no longer remember everything off the top of my head. Please feel free to ask away about anything that sticks out to you - I'm sure that'll jog my memory! :)

View attachment 733022
How does kashmir become part of khalistan?

And I see india and china have gone through some balkanization.

How did the southern portion of Japan split off?

And a Balkanized Saudi Arabia I suppose.
A remade map of the U.S. in the FNM-verse. Crossposting:


[For this map in American Standard English, please see reverse side.]

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The United States is divided into 56 states and three territories. The most populous state in 2021 is East Florida, while the least populous state is Pacifica. The twenty-five largest cities are, in order:

1| Chicago, Washington (2020: 3,451,554 | 237.7 sq mi | 14,520.6/sq mi)
2| New York City, New York (2020: 3,106,454 | 64.8 sq mi | 47,940.5/sq mi)
3| Toronto, Huron (2020: 2,484,356 | 243.3 sq mi | 10,211.1/sq mi)
4| Brooklyn, New York (2020: 2,548,771 | 70.8 sq mi | 35,999.6/sq mi)
5| Tempa, East Florida (2020: 2,482,762 | 240.7 sq mi | 10,314.8/sq mi)
6| Greater Queens, New York (2020: 2,205,464 | 92.3 sq mi | 23,894.5/sq mi)
7| Seattle, Jamison (2020: 2,069,675 | 123.9 sq mi | 16,704.4/sq mi)
8| Terminus, Georgia (2020: 1,726,710 | 380.82 sq mi | 4,534.4/sq mi)
9| Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (2020: 1,703,717 | 134.3 sq mi | 12,685.9/sq mi)
10| Mokintis, Ward (2020: 1,456,784 | 240.1 sq mi | 6,067.4/sq mi)
11| Hendricks, Columbia (2020: 1,251,301 | 166.9 sq mi | 6,299.0/sq mi)
12| Union City, District of Columbia (2020: 1,237,655 | 100 sq mi | 12,376.5/sq mi)
13| Columbia, Ohio (2020: 1,205,648 | 231.1 sq mi | 5,217.0/sq mi)
14| Liberty, Eustis (2020: 1,172,389 | 290.5 sq mi | 4,035.8/sq mi)
15| Boydville, East Florida (2020: 1,119,611 | 306.3 sq mi | 3,655.3/sq mi)
16| Harrison, Wabash (2020: 1,118,466 | 361.7 sq mi | 2,851.7/sq mi)
17| Eureka, Sequoia (2020: 1,109,905 | 83.3 sq mi | 13,324.2/sq mi)
18| Charlotte, North Carolina (2020: 934,579 | 307.3 sq mi | 3,041.3/sq mi)
19| Stratkona, Ward (2020: 918,502 | 627.2 sq mi | 1,464.5/sq mi)
20| Lawrence, Ohio (2020: 897,778 | 118.4 sq mi | 7,582.6/sq mi)
21| Louisville, Kentucky (2020: 873,045 | 380.5 sq mi | 2,294.5/sq mi)
22| Baltimore, Maryland (2020: 849,708 | 81.0 sq mi | 10,490.2/sq mi)
23| Tekesta, East Florida (2020: 847,963 | 73.5 sq mi | 11,536.9/sq mi)
24| Fontanel, Platte (2020: 827,445 | 184.6 sq mi | 4,482.4/sq mi)
25| Gaitlin, East Florida (2020: 811,862 | 257.0 sq mi | 3,159.0/sq mi)

Some in the U.S. refer to the current federal government as the Third Republic, accounting for: the first, under the Articles of Confederation; the second, under the First Constitution; and the third, under the governing Second Constitution. After a civil conflict in the 1920s, the leading politicians of the time who emerged from this conflict organized a new Constitutional Convention as a means of righting the ship. Some of its major changes involved the restructuring of the Senate into a largely passive role, delegating a larger share of the legislative functions to the House of Representatives, the separation of the Justice Department wholeheartedly from the executive branch, among others. The House also adopted a mixed-proportional districting scheme, such that each state has an equal share of FPTP and corrective seats.

The major sports watched in the U.S. today are taunsbol, barolbol, stix, and gridiron.​
Do I detect spelling "rationalization"?
Oh, if you saw the depths of ASE (in my own head at least) you'd probably cringe - but the FNM Americans would tell you that their English certainly is more rational than the English across the sea.

Some examples of true ASE as opposed to OTL:

OTL: Philadelphia
ASE: Filadelféa

OTL: Mobile
ASE: Móbél

OTL: New York
ASE: Nú-Yórk
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