Map Thread XIII

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Hi, someone was asking about an old map of mine where the US, USSR, and UK vanished. I forget when it was, but some of you guys are practitioners of the dark arts and can find things with super human speed, so I thought I might ask if any of you remember it?

Mind giving me a bit more info on it? Any possible description you used that I could use as a keyword to find it better? Or the approximate date it went up?
Mind giving me a bit more info on it? Any possible description you used that I could use as a keyword to find it better? Or the approximate date it went up?
I think it was WWII era, but that's really all I can remember about it. It was probably a bit more than a year ago? (There may have been a conversation about whether or not Newfoundland should stay, but that's all I can remember.)
Hi, someone was asking about an old map of mine where the US, USSR, and UK vanished. I forget when it was, but some of you guys are practitioners of the dark arts and can find things with super human speed, so I thought I might ask if any of you remember it?
I think it's this? It's not in order, but well.

I MIGHT have it stored in my computer, in case you need it.:)
Yes, that's the one. Thank you.:)
Here's (part) of the write-up:
1.In December of 1939 a mysterious even occurs which causes all SRs of the USSR, all States of the USA, and all direct London administered segments of the British Empire to vanish. Here's a map of the start of the world 1 day PE (post event).

2.1945: Canada, New Zealand, Australia, and the remnants of the USA have joined up as one nation. They've effectively sold their souls to both Japan and Germany in the name of breathing space, accepting large numbers of European and Chinese refugees making life easier for the Axis powers. However things are not rosy in Axis-land. Italy's made an idiot of themselves a few times, and without the USSR to scare them both Germany and Japan have found themselves with very little in common.

3.1952, on the eve of Hitler's death. The Nazis have no understanding of overextension, but luckily for them neither do the Japanese. The Japanese do realise that they are outclassed industrially against the Germans (after the past few years of the Germans funnelling weapons into the hands of most of their enemies) and so have been forced to ask the Democratic Commonwealth for help, this comes at the cost of having to negotiate with the Chinese.

4.Hitler's death was not a good time for the Third Reich. A power struggle ensued between the various factions. In the end the SS forces took over, however the navy managed to gain Italian (and later Japanese) backing and managed to break away, establishing themselves on the still semi-empty British isles (over the previous 10 years about 300 000 settlers were set up, however the Navy and their Kaiser Reich faction brought nearly a quarter of a million more civilians (mostly the family of sailors) along with 125 000 sailors and pilots. While they could have never withstood a landing from the mainland their enemies had almost no ships left with which to stage an invasion. The aftermath of the German Anarchy period saw Japan and Italy ally against the Reich with the treaty of Istanbul, most independent European powers were also signatories (with the noticeable exception of Hungary which was pro-German). Meanwhile with Germany having been weakened the Japanese broke off their Commonwealth moderated negotiations with China and launched another full assault.
We now see the world in 1960, as the Commonwealth prepares to enter the nuclear age. She's accepted huge numbers of immigrants from around the world (so much so that whites would be barely a plurality against Chinese and African immigrants if they hadn't agreed to count Hispanics and Arabs as fully white), however the population has only managed to reach about 40 million, a minor power compared to the well over 140 million in the German Reich, or 160 million citizens of Japan (Koreans have been given extra rights due to manpower drain against China).

5.The world by 1968. German-Istanbul Pact tensions worsen. The Germans see the Italians as weak due to their struggles to control Africa; they see the Japanese as weak due to similar struggles in China. The Communists and Japan have reached some partial cease fire agreements, but not all Communists are listening.
By this point the nuclear club consists of:
The Commonwealth (400-600 warheads)
The 3rd Reich (300-500 warheads)
Italy (200-400 warheads)
Turkey (50-100 warheads)
Brazil (20-80 warheads)
South Africa (10-30 warheads)
Scandinavia (5-10 warheads)
Japan has focused on conventional and chemical weapons. Mexico and India are debating the idea. China is constantly getting bombed.

6.1971- 4 months after the 11 month war. The winter of 70-71 was extremely harsh as a side effect of the nuclear exchange. Germany was hit hard as the main target of the Istanbul pact, they felt that breaking Germany would allow their allies to break free. The Germans on the other hand hit everyone they could so as to try to threaten everyone on the other side and break the resolve of more minor players. Japan to everyone's amazement collapsed when the war broke out. So many of their citizens had accepted the endless war with China as a mess they couldn't easily back out of, but starting a new war was a step to far and the citizenry rebelled. To further the surprise many began waving a red flag, Chinese Communists having apparently inspired the Japanese with discrete propaganda.
Africa isn't looking so nice right now as the Italians effectively beat a hasty retreat to a handful of strongholds. The French meanwhile have emerged as the only unscathed power in Europe in the nuclear exchange, however the Germans had effectively gutted their industry and shipped so many dissidents east that the French are about on par with OTL's Spain in the 1970s for GDP and are sitting at only about 40 million citizens.
In the aftermath of the war millions of Europeans have been turned refugee, and let's just say the Germans especially aren't taking it very well. Food shortages across the continent have forced the gutted militaries to take drastic measures, and the serfs in the Lebensraum have broken into full revolt as the undermanned SS tried to steal the food that essentially defined all they had.


I know that they exist, but I am not aware of how they work. Pujie never ruled in OTL so I'm not sure if a regnal name was ever even decided for him. I know of the specific naming format for Japanese current and past emperors, but I'm not sure how it works for China. And besides, anglophones don't usually call foreigners by their proper names anyways, such as in the case of Chinese and Japanese monarchs and their titles.

It is the scholarly standard even in the west to refer to Emperors of China by either Posthumous, Temple, or Era Names. Posthumous is used in the case of dynasties from the Han through Jin to Sui, as in the name of Wen Di of Sui (Emperor Wen of Sui). This is primarily due to the fact that the tradition of Temple Names hadn't fully developed and not all emperors even had them. Temple Names are used for Emperors of the Tang, Song, and Yuan dynasties and all in between, for example, Emperor Qinzong of Song. This is primarily due to the fact that by these times the Posthumous names had become extremely long and complicated and unuseful for common discourse or scholarship, and the Emperors of the times often took numerous era names during their reigns. The Emperors of Ming and Qing are known primarily by their era names because it had become common at this point for emperors to take only one era name during their reign.

An era name is usually constructed of a poetic and auspicious statement about the Emperor's goals and ambitions for his reign and for the time, whether cultural, martial, and industrious. It can be a flowery, head-in-the-clouds Daoist or Buddhist phrase or a down-to-earth declaration of quality. It is used by the Emperor or whoever controls him as propaganda for whatever is to be achieved or maintained, or simply a declaration of the circumstances of the Emperor's rise.

If you want some really good examples of Era names, go to Wikipedia's lists of the Emperors of Tang, Song, and Yuan, as these emperors produced dozens of them and looking at them can give you an idea as to what the conventions are. Here are several good examples of different kinds of Era Names:

Hóngwǔ - Vastly Martial, used by the first Emperor of Ming

Dàoguāng - Luminous Dao, used by an Emperor of Qing

Bǎoqìng - Celebration of Treasure, used by Lizong of Song

Yǒnglì - Perpetual Calendar, used by the last claimant of Southern Ming

Yìníng - Tranquil Righteousness, used by Gong of Sui

Wénmíng - Bright Culture, used by Ruizong of Tang

Jiànzhōng - Build up the Centre, used by Dezong of Tang

Wǔdé - Martial and Virtuous, used by Gaozu of Tang

You get the idea.

As for Temple Names, they are rather easy and much more systematic. The founders of dynasties are typically reserved the "-zu" ending and typically are given either Taizu or Gaozu. All others get the "-zong" ending save for extremely exceptional Emperors within a dynasty. For example, Genghis Khan was given the Temple Name Taizu of Yuan, while Kublai Khan was given the name Shizu of Yuan for his achievements. The character at the start of the Temple Name is a characterization of the Emperor's reign (they are given posthumously), like Wǔzōng, or "Martial Ancestor", Guāngzōng or "Brilliant Ancestor", etc. Like Era Names, just look at precedent.

These names have certain conventional forms. Era names are stated as "The X Emperor", the conception being that the Emperor in question was Emperor during X Era. For example, the "Xianfeng Emperor". Temple names are often stated as-is preceded by the name of the dynasty. For example, the Hongwu Emperor of Ming would be referred to as "Ming Taizu". Shortened posthumous names can also be used, and they are typically stated in a similar way to western regnal names. For example, Emperor Wu of Liang.
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But Russians are greatly outnumbered within that state, surely it should be called something like Novo-Tatar-Heilongjiang-Bator? Ore something more universal, like Socialistium or The Proletariat's Paradise?:p

Russian and Turks - one people.
Gagarin's mother was hidden Kazakh. And so on.:D

In The Confederation building socialism with computerized economy.
The Reverse Russo-Japanese War Part 8

20 years have gone by and the times they are' a' changing.

One of the most long lasting wars of the 20th century was the infamous Afghani-Bukkhara war, lasting from 1974 to 1982. The war was a stalemate for most of its duration due to the mountainous conditions of both nations, along with fanatics on both factions. The democratic government soon suffered a coup by a group of Islamists, which repelled many of hte foreign diplomats and purged the country of democrats and socialists, angering many foreign powers, and even causing some to support Bukhara instead, despite its totalitarian tendencies. Eventually, the Afghans were forced to come to the drawing table, ceding areas that once belonged to Bukkhara back to it. In the country, it was seen as a great national victory, resulting in a great amount of national pride and increased arrogance of its grand leadership. Pan-Turkic forces recieved increased support in Kokand and Kwarzestan as a result, with the latter facing more pressure from the Russians to cede territory, though refusing to do so each time. The war however was overshadowed by two major events in teh world. One was the nightmarish conditions of Khiva, as the nation collapsed into chaos under its agrarian problem, with ethnic cleansing taking place as well. This along with border disputes caused the neighbouring nation of communist Turkmenistan to launch an invasion and depose the horrifying 'Free Khivans', replacing them with a more orthodox communist government instead. Millions of lives were lost before and during the invasion due to the Khivan governments disastrous policies. An even bigger war was the implosion of South Africa following the failure to peacefully abolish apartheid. The nation thus collapsed into ethnic cleansing and destruction on a huge scale as a result, with it taking years for the world to recover in many ways.

In comparison, the 1980s was a relatively stable decade economically, as the power blocks were consolidating themselves and beginning to pick up, with the exception of the Japanese, who in funding various AFrican and Latin American communities, and spending more and more money on nuclear warheads, were becoming increasingly bankrupt, leading to them making increasingly rash decisions elsewhere. Around 1987, the first major crisis occured as the country underwent reforms that allowed the member states of the Eastern Pact to decide for themselves. The first to go was Hainan, which almost immediately voted to reunify with the Republic of China. Next came the various Indochinese nations, followed by East Mongolia, quickly reunifying with its western partner, Manchuria, which briefly went independent but was annexed by China, Korea, East Russia, and finally in 1991, Japan itself. The new government is reasonably powerful but corrupt, and is fighting insurgencies in Formosa against natives who desire independence, though are too weak to achieve this realistically. The collapse of the block made many other communist nations follow suit, leading democratic reforms. Some that stayed loyal to Japanese-style communism were Turkmenistan and its puppet of Khiva, Sardinia and Yucatan. The People's Federation lasted a while, but the country was irreversibly destablised, and now one of the greatest civil wars since the Taiping Rebellion is taking place there, along with genocide on all sides. Who knows how this will turn out, other than badly.

Moving towards completion. (Well, apart for the key and comments... that's going to be massive and complicated.:eek:)

I've begun work on another side project, the Arsenal of Democracy.

Below is an ongoing WIP, the planet Nemesis, which is the fifth world orbiting Azure in the Helios cluster. As with all the other habitable worlds of the Helios cluster, Nemesis is divided between the fascist Axis powers and the democratic/communist/authoritarian Allied powers.

Moving towards completion. (Well, apart for the key and comments... that's going to be massive and complicated.:eek:)

I'm liking your Finland *solitary tear falls on cheek*
Is that Turks in Russia? Apparently the Romans held together and Europeans just danced around the borders willy-nilly. Amazon blob: might this possibly be a civilisation founded on Terra Preta?
And another future history map
Very brief TL

2015-2025 - a global loss of the West. The collapse of the US, the EU disintegration, the collapse of the welfare economics, market collapse, civil war, etc.
2025-2035 - The beginning of the Second Cold War.
Anti-Chinese coalition - India, EAU, partially Europe, ASEAN, and others.
Beijing Treaty - China, Japan, MERCOSUR, Korea, EAF and others.
2035-2095 - Second Cold War
2040-50 - The first permanent colony on the Moon.
2060-70- beginning of "New Renaissance" in the West. Innovative economic doctrine, rapid economic growth.
2070-2080 - The first permanent colony on Mars
2095 - China goes the distance, the Second Cold War comes to naught.
2097 - The collapse of the MERCOSUR.
2098 - Foundation of the United States of Euromerica. Start of the Third Cold War.
2101 - Foundation of the Atlantic Alliance as a counterweight to EAU. Atlanticist allies: Islamic Confederation and South Africa.
EAU allies: La-Plata
2101 - The collapse of China.
2101 - Secession of the most developed Chinese lunar colonies. The first alien state.
2110 - The political crisis in Chinese Union. Government asks to enter the EAU peacekeeping forces, for that would not start a nuclear civil war.
07/25/2120 - The Last War. Nuclear bombs and bombs with antimatter destroy virtually all of humanity.
I've begun work on another side project, the Arsenal of Democracy.

Below is an ongoing WIP, the planet Nemesis, which is the fifth world orbiting Azure in the Helios cluster. As with all the other habitable worlds of the Helios cluster, Nemesis is divided between the fascist Axis powers and the democratic/communist/authoritarian Allied powers.

I like this. I like this A LOT.

How do you make the basemaps for your alien worlds?

It reminds me a bit of a thing I wrote where WWII ended with an American-Nazi Cold War, but Britain refused to surrender and in the present is a North Korea-esque pariah state, still trying to fight WWII and funding/arming/training partisans and exile governments across Europe.
I like this. I like this A LOT.

Thanks! I should hopefully have more coming down the pipeline...soon

How do you make the basemaps for your alien worlds?

I use various fractal world map generators online and slam things together until I get something that looks right

It reminds me a bit of a thing I wrote where WWII ended with an American-Nazi Cold War, but Britain refused to surrender and in the present is a North Korea-esque pariah state, still trying to fight WWII and funding/arming/training partisans and exile governments across Europe.


This is an idea for a never-ending WW2 in space--stupid and pulpy with no particular reason behind it other than aesthetics
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