Map Thread XIII

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After the Kaiser won the First Continental War, he would go onto become more of a figurehead mostly in charge of the military. With the power to dismiss extremist governments, as determined by the Imperial Court, he watched as a few radicals in France took over.

Bulgaria, Greece, Romania, Italy, Serbia, and Mexico fought against the Quadruple Alliance. The Quadruple Alliance was the German Empire, the United States of America, the United Provinces of Poland, and the Kingdom of Spain. With help from the Netherlands, the Grand Duchy of Krimya. and several other minor countries, the Kaiser's Alliance won.

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Where did you get the internal division of France?
The Confederates are wanked even by TL-191 standards. They have got nearly all the claims they made and yet still are claiming not only all the former slave states and Washington DC (which seems to be either annexed to Maryland or Virginia on this map) but extending claims into the parts of New Mexico they pointedly did not claim, plus snagging the northern section Oklahoma that was pro-Union. The southern portions? Yah, Texas might have tried snagging Greer or whites purging the Indians to make way for Okies. No real reason for the U.S. Strange the U.S. Is claiming all of the Confederacy, as if they had not come to peace terms then there would be little reason to evacuate the third of what this shows as Confederate. The Trent Affair ended in December 1861 OTL, so if it got hotter it would likely have resulted in the intervention happening in the beginning of 1862 after diplomatic means we're exhausted. Strange for the Americans to claim Cuba. Do they just claim Confederate States but not territories? As for the British and French.... They would turn on the Confederates. Having the Southerns invade and take what had been a British Protectorate until a year before the Civil War in the Mosquito Coast would have been frowned upon, while they and the French would be enraged about the Confederates moving in on an area both claimed in the Nigeria region. Also, the slave trade would cause the Confederates to lose any legitimacy and for their ships to be boarded on a regular basis. It would also be pointless, as the aristocrats in Carolina, Virginia, and Georgia bred slaves to sell further west and partially agreed to ending it a generation back because it meant the price of their own slaves rose. Fun map, though.

I like the criticism here, but it's meant to be a wank of the CSA, so that the USA can get wanked later on.;):p
Teaser: Map of Glorious Norway after the Great War.

Dat Ethiopia...

Meanwhile, why do folks demand the major WW1 style military campaigns in this area:

Because fighting in the Amazon's farthest reaches is soooo easy. I'd much rather dispatch a fleet and shell a few coastal cities before I go traipsing off into the jungle to have whole battalions die of malaria and worse.

No one is willing to send army into the region. It's a pretty difficult fight. Why bother? Even if you somehow get natives on your side, how do you expect to withstand disease and an army better suited to the terrain?
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How fast was the war and how the Hell Germany do that well in France? Also the US didn't do as well in the North American Theater as I thought they'd do. Still I'd imagine they'd want the CSA to be reabsorbed at least.

The time of that map is roughly near the end of 1918.
They'll probably annex almost half of it, but the Marxist slave revolts will make it unlikely for the USA to integrate the heartland of the South.
No one is willing to send army into the region. It's a pretty difficult fight. Why bother? Even if you somehow get natives on your side, how do you expect to withstand disease and an army better suited to the terrain?
They sent armies through tropical Africa. Compare to that the disease load in South America is like an operating room. (Okay, maybe not that far, but still, it's worse in Africa.)
It's a secondary front of a world spanning war. I see no specific mention of huge armies in the rainforest. The conquest of Germany's colonies involved quite a bit more than a few minor rainforest skirmishes, whole nations were conquered (though with fairly small armies).

Did no one notice Lettow-Vorbeck's army in Zambia?
The Dutch is at war with British? That is idiotic. There is reason why Netherlands is neutral.

That is just lazy recoloring without regard for Geography of Kalimantan and Papua which is mostly forests...

That Madura, Yogyakarta, Surakarta, Banyuwangi, Bali, Nusa Tenggara are also idiotic

Sunanate of Surakarta and Sultanate of Yogyakarta only have De Jure power the De Facto power is in Resident

Don't make me even start about that Banyuwangi.

Benifit of controling Madura, Bali, Lombok, Sumba, Sumbawa, Flores are very outweighted by the loss.

If they have that time and forces, just send army to take Batavia if Netherlands colonial authority do not surrender right away the best they can do is to retreat to Bandung which is mountainous and need to be sieged

What can I say? It's meant to be a wank. But, I see what you're saying. So here, a revised map of the conflict, with less Brit-wank in Indonesia and more carefulness with the terrain.

StupidCP-Wankification- The Victorious Limit..png
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The New World Still Stands!

In the 1750s, the supernatural came back. Faeries, monstrous beings like goblins, trolls, and even the alluring sidhe overwhelmed Europe within five years, with the continent eventually being united under the Winter Queen, Mab herself. Now Europe is ruled by a petty mob of squabbling fae, all vying for Mab's attention or assistance in some manner. Mab herself rules from Prague, and pays little mind to her suitors or servants, instead focusing on the Silver City.

The Ottomans were almost overwhelmed by the fae, until an angelic visitor visited them, and offered them help in their darkest hour. The angels have converted the Islamic world into a gestalt, in which their is no anger, no fear, no hope, no happiness, only contentment and satisfaction.

In China, the Monoliths appeared. Enormous beings, dragons, giants, mountains of people, they took one year to completely take over China, and from there, it was a straight shoot to Siberia, Korea, and Central Asia. Unfortunately, Bharat is posing quite a threat, with its terrain and their own spirits that they managed to summon. Siamia has its own monstrosities to call, as well as official support from the American governments, to say nothing of Nihon's abominations or Goryea's resistance.

Ah yes, the American remnants. The European powers mostly had enough left to flee the Old World with their tail between their legs. The United Kingdom of America is the strongest of these powers, and relies upon a steady peace between the natives to the west, the settlers to the east, and the newer immigrants and refugees from the Old World that still come in at a steady trickle. It allows considerable autonomy for its Quebecois and Cherokee populace.

On the other hand, there's the Spanish Empire, a genocidal empire that was recently forcibly dissolved by the Americans, who carved out the nations of Platinea, California, and Mexico from the remains. Today, Spain is vying for a chance to rejuvenate its old power, but they're finding fewer and fewer options.

Brasil, the inheritor of Portugal. The Dutch and French Republics, close friends and allies after the loss of their homelands. The Russians, a hardy people who are still struggling to settle their new homeland, and are also still fighting a heavy resistance in eastern Siberia. German Patagonia, a refugee nation for Central and Eastern Europeans.

Africa is the new goal for the human powers, with the Monoliths not caring and the fae that rules Morocco barely moving down the coast at all. Millions of humans pour into the new colonies, and what they discover appalls them. The native Africans were consumed and devoured by feral supernatural monsters, and barely any above the Congo have survived without calling upon their own eldritch monsters. An estimated seventy percent of natives died during the war.

Brasil has drawn controversy for holding the largest claims over Africa, but it defends this by pointing out that the others are no better, with America having colonies in both Australia and Africa already, as well as dominating North America. Spain is crazy, France and the Dutch have enough land to work for them, and the others are too small.

Ignoring the latest land dispute, there is one major upcoming event that could prove...problematic. The Americans are pointing out to their French, Dutch, Brasilian, and Russian allies that they have superior weaponry now. It's 1925. They have flying machines, gatling guns, warships of metal, and the fae, according to every recent escapee, have stagnated. They stand a chance of retaking their home!

Comments, questions, and criticisms wanted.
Awesome concept.
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First-time Map

After several years starting and retstarting maps with the QBAM in paint and never posting them, I give you my first attempt (after several restarts) to make a map in inkscape. I will probably come back to it some time in the future to add internal and external divisions, so let's do this:cool:

The time of that map is roughly near the end of 1918.
They'll probably annex almost half of it, but the Marxist slave revolts will make it unlikely for the USA to integrate the heartland of the South.

Hello reconstruction! Also if the south looks like it's gonna fall to a Marxist slave revolt the US is most certainly gonna "intervene" in it.
After several years starting and retstarting maps with the QBAM in paint and never posting them, I give you my first attempt (after several restarts) to make a map in inkscape. I will probably come back to it some time in the future to add internal and external divisions, so let's do this:cool:

Greater Poland is Best Poland. :D
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