Map Thread VI

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Some sort of random alternate Cold War (With extra large font! :D)

World Powers.png

EDIT : Forgot to color in Japan and South Korea as members of the Alliance of Freedom.

World Powers.png
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Important Nations:
-Empire of the Kolads (Russia)
-Republic of Western Kechikalia (U.S.A)
-Southern Empire (India)
-United Kingdom of Great and Lesser Talla (U.K.)
-Highlands Confederacy (H.R.E.)
-Blaskal Emirate (Persia)
-Pipirii Empire (France)
-Pyotlia (Prussia)
-Swefadoal Empire (Sweden)
-United Hechlite Kingdoms (Austria)
-Great Kechikalia Sultnate (Arabs)




My Kaiserreich Game in September 1940. And it is scary.

The Syndicalist International declared war on "MittleEuropa", aka "Germany and dudes" after Germany came to the aid of La Plata in the Great South American War against syndicalist Bolivia and Brazil. Germany utterly routed the two countries, of course.

Syndicalist France was initially fairly successful against Germany, taking all of Wallonia. But once Germany pulled in the air force back from South America, it was over. France was defeated, annexed, and divided into Brittany, Normandy, Orleans, and France Occidentale, with the rest of the country being annexed by Germany.

Over in North America, I managed to win as the American Union State against the Combined Syndicalists of America. Initially what happened was I defeated the CSA and took over their industrial heartland, then ransomed it back to them for peace (I used "acceptall" because they were being unreasonable). Then I strengthened ties with the Entente, declared war again, and destroyed them with the help of the huge air force.

Asia is a mess. By some miracle the Turkmens won against Alash Orden (Kazakhstan) and have also annexed Afghanistan. The Mongolians have annexed Xiben San Ma, while German corporations have turned the Qing Empire into basically a German colonial appendage.

I don't know who I will play with next, the American Union State was fun. Honestly, though, the Germans look unbeatable unless somehow the Russians side with the Entente against Germany. Actually, I might play as Russia and do that.

Kaiserreich map.png
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A bored ASB makes this world, however he gives them all otl 1915 tech and no memory of anything better. He is the world one year later when he is ready to add some more guests. (Mongolia seems to merely be a place holding empire)

A bored ASB makes this world, however he gives them all otl 1915 tech and no memory of anything better. He is the world one year later when he is ready to add some more guests. (Mongolia seems to merely be a place holding empire)
That should win a award for being the most dystopic map in existance.
This is beyond Vlad Tepes, this is a world that would make Vlad look like mother Teresa crossed with a puppy.
I think only Blackwave, DValdron and Darkshtroumph working together could give us insight into how evil it is.
I can only guess.
Like a gold rush for maps.

From my TL (Which is still in the brainstorming stages lol).

Russia on December 1st 1924, a month after the end of all hostilities within the Czardom, and 8 months after the official end to the Russian Civil War.

Like a GREEN rush for maps.

From my TL (Which is still in the brainstorming stages lol).

Russia on December 1st 1924, a month after the end of all hostilities within the Czardom, and 8 months after the official end to the Russian Civil War.
Fixed it comrade.
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