Map Thread VI

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My entry for MoF18. Description can be read here.

New Rome Map.png

New Rome Map.png
My map for Map of the Fortnight 18: I Am Become Death:
By 1985 Poland, Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria and East Germany have been integrated into the USSR. General Secretary Andrei Gromyko and Mongolian President Jambyn Batmönkh announce plans to integrate Mongolia into the USSR, drawing the anger of the People's Republic of China. The depth of the Sino-Soviet split shows when, on the 30th of March, 1985, the Politburo of the Communist Party of China under Hua Guofeng - Mao Zedong's designated successor - declares war on the USSR. The hope is that the other nations of the world will declare war on the Soviet Union, and that their combined might could overcome that of the USSR. The hope is forlorn on both counts.

After the swift and brutal crushing of Chinese military forces, China is reorganized with a pro-Soviet government in charge. Manchuria is annexed directly into the Soviet Union as the Manchu People's Soviet Socialist Republic.

Following pressure from Moscow, and increased US military presence in South Korea and Japan, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea is incorporated into the USSR in 1988.


Why do Manchuria and North Korea integrate, but not Xinjiang? Or Outer Mongolia? Otherwise, excellent map!
I doubt that the Western Roman Empire would try to recapture Lydia and Hellas, while abandoning Gallia. Gaul was one of the most important regions of the empire (much more so than Greece), so it seems unlikely that they would mount such an expedition while a large sector of their northern frontier is occupied. A loss of North Africa and maybe the northern part of Gallia seem more likely that a territory loss, then gain from the former Eastern Empire.

Like the map though.

I know that Gaul was very important, largly due to it's vast swathes of fertile land. However the Germanic tribes occupying it are very well dug in after their many decades of integration into the local population and generally benevolent rule. Also the legions aren't really up to much anymore, many of them followed General Aetius and other commanders to the Barbarian kingdoms and those left are small, ill-disciplined and decaying. Plus, the Emperor of the time pulled a Theodosius II and bought of the more threatening ones, so they're at peace and don't want that to change.

The Western reconquista of Greece and Judea was at the request of the Eastern Emperor in Exile, who thought his western bretheran could reconquer the whole damn eastern empire. They obviously couldn't, so have basically taken a few token regions. It's also a prestige thing, I mean what self respecting roman would want to see Athens, Alexandria or Jerusalem in the hands of godless savages?

Thanks by the way.
This is a rather implausible, but fun map where ALBA (Alianza Bolivariana para los Pueblos de Nuestra América, or Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America) becomes a political union, expands its membership, and then Hugo Chavez goes even more apeshit crazy, and then proceeds to invade everybody that has pissed of ALBA;s members. This shows the opening shots of an eventually curbstompy war. I'll be posting the aftermath later. Enjoy!

This is a rather implausible, but fun map where ALBA (Alianza Bolivariana para los Pueblos de Nuestra América, or Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America) becomes a political union, expands its membership, and then Hugo Chavez goes even more apeshit crazy, and then proceeds to invade everybody that has pissed of ALBA;s members. This shows the opening shots of an eventually curbstompy war. I'll be posting the aftermath later. Enjoy!


The map is fine. The colors gave me epilepsy.
Yet, I see that ALBA accomplished much before the inevitable NATO-American curbstomp.

It actually makes some sense, I mean who would actualy think they'd be insane enough to not only invade their neighbors, but the U.S. itself, their would definately be a period of time where people are just collectively shocked.
Just a simple BAM of the Old World, which I rustled up, showing a Central Powers victory in early 1915 against the Entente with a twist. William II died before the fall of Paris and his son came to power with the aims of patching relations with Britain and creating a lasting peace with France and Russia.

In stripped are regions to be occupied by Germany till 1918 then to become demilitarised zones (in France and Russia).

Note a war between Japan and Germany is brewing with the the Japanese refusing to evacuate Shandong.

And the German Empire loses German-New Guinea to the British Empire??
And the German Empire loses German-New Guinea to the British Empire??

Probably that's what it will take to get Britain to make peace with Germany et al, and acknowledge Germany's ambitions in Africa. Maybe...just maybe they can convince Britain (and through them, Australia) to let Berlin buy German New Guinea back. Seems a stretch, though. Germany may be able to get her pacific possessions back from the Japs through a decisive naval war.

?Perhaps the Czar would allow a German army to be transported to the Far East via the Transiberian Railway? Wow, actually that sounds like a fun timeline:D

On a different theme, Berlin "recognizes" Japan's ownership of the Marianas, etc, when Japan offers a bag of money and gives back Tsingtao.


A mix of "Made it up as I went along," persistent ASB Brit-Wanking, and "Do whatever the hell I want." I had no POD in mind for this, but do have a little idea of what's going on;

- Britain and Russia are in a cold war.

- The USA and Mexico are in a regional cold war.

- Constant social breakdown renders the African Nations, or the European Nations in charge of slices of Africa, Unable to hold on to territory in the Sahara. Escalating tensions in said area.

It's my first map on this thread, and I mainly went for aesthetically pleasing borders rather than plausability. I would love some feedback please! :)



Oh crap, it won't show up, even with the marks. heres the link;

Looks cool, but why would Romania and Yugoslavia have split? Or are those divisions their internal borders?

Because the U.B.S.R. formed directly out of the collapse of Austro-Hungarian and Ottoman Empires following the Belgrade Uprising and Balkans Revolution. What we'd call Yugoslavia was divided between the two. Romania was not independent before hand, and Wallachia and Moldova were Ottoman provinces (or whatever the Turks called their states).
A mix of "Made it up as I went along," persistent ASB Brit-Wanking, and "Do whatever the hell I want." I had no POD in mind for this, but do have a little idea of what's going on;

- Britain and Russia are in a cold war.

- The USA and Mexico are in a regional cold war.

- Constant social breakdown renders the African Nations, or the European Nations in charge of slices of Africa, Unable to hold on to territory in the Sahara. Escalating tensions in said area.

It's my first map on this thread, and I mainly went for aesthetically pleasing borders rather than plausability. I would love some feedback please! :)

Well, you certainly wanked Greece, Venice, Romania, and Italy.

I like your lack of OTL in North America, Europe, and South East Asia, it makes things look interesting. My only problems are what happened with the US ;) and the Caliphate that united Shia and Sunni.
Here we got a map of Carribean colonialisation. Yellow dots are major settlements and brown are forts. It isent really done it but some comments would be nice :)

You can proberly gues the colonial empires by the name of the colonies. The striped are is a contested area between Spain and England. In a twist of irony the spanish fort in the contested area is named New Gibraltar.

War is brewing between the nations. France and Portugal will most likely side with Spain. NL is leaning to supporting England. Sweden is most aligned with England but if Sweden goes to war with France and Spain her colonies are at risk. The New World Trading Republic will most likely take a neutral stance, assuring safe passage for its trading fleet. If the colonial powers are thrown into a war the free buccaner port might become consolidated and perhaps even form a nation.

NOTE: It is not done yet :)

^ Very nice. Complex, as how Colonization really is.

Europe after the Treaty of Zara. Year is 1358.

BTW, forgot to save if PNG, so it saved JPEG. Too lazy to clean it up now lol.

Balkans 1358.jpg
That's a cool map, but how could there really be a "kingdom of Bosnia" when, presumably, during this period of history there would only be Croats and Serbs living there (I don't have any idea which would be the majority), seeing as how the "Bosniaks" (ie, muslim inhabitants) only came later on?
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