Map Thread III

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So, in the event the French liberated the Irish totally from Britain, what would be likely to happen? Could the UI reform significantly to appease the Catholics...and in the event of a collapse, would another republic likely emerge? In any case, I don't recall specifying anything other then the French liberated the Irish under the UI, and approximately 100 years later (in 1900)it was a united state. I said nothing about what occured between those occurrences.
It's rather disingenuous to use the word 'liberated'. For a start there wasn't any British presence in Ireland before the United Irishmen rebellion - the Act of Union was imposed basically because William Pitt the Younger thought that the (Protestant-dominated) Irish Parliament had failed to stabilise the situation and put down the rebellion. The only 'liberation' was in that the UI wanted to sweep away old feudal laws and the Test Acts i.e. the same as in France, Italy and the Rhineland (which usually came down to 'liberating' peoples' heads from their necks :rolleyes: ).

If it did happen, and if you don't have French troops holding it down, then expect the UI to hold Ulster, Dublin and parts of Leinster, but the rest to break up. Possibly Chinese-style warlord states in Connaught and Munster, or the two united as some sort of Jacobite kingdom (or with a king drawn from Irish nobility, as the only remaining Jacobite claimant at this point was a dead duck). If Napoleon takes over in France as OTL he might unite the two as a kingdom but with Napoleonic institutions.

True, it could have broken up and reunited later.

Valdemar II

Spanish Bavaria - Well that would mean the Witselbach (sic.) candidate got the throne...


But Spanish Tyrol and Voralburg -

Bavarian Tyrol and Voralberg
Spain-Bavaria invaded Austria under the war of Austria Succession which they started instead of Prussia.

How did Prussia get Hanover?

They joined with France in one of alternative french-british wars around 1750 (let us say it this way French India survived, while the british took over the entire French Northamerica east of the mississipi)


Basically just that it was rather unlikely to succeed, even with French help. You can eject British influence from Ireland by all means, but the resulting state wouldn't hold together for five minutes. In theory the UI was supposed to unite all Irishmen (hence the name) but in practice it was a bourgeois, intellectual-Protestant organisation whose French Revolutionary ideals (particularly anti-clericalism) alienated the Catholic majority to the extent that even the British seemed preferable to UI rule to many Catholics.


I dunno. The French, fr instance might provide a moderating influence towards Catholics.


Europe in 2000

Apperently, stuff like this happens when you like althistory, like Ace Combat, and are very bored. Based off of THIS map, I decided to use our world for an Ace Combat equivilent from in the game. Antarctica is still there, just not on this map...tried my best do have a similar layout of sorts...

You misspelled 'Caledonia', but otherwise the map is just :eek::eek::eek::cool::cool::cool:.

A couple of questions though,

What's the story behind the Iberian Federation's flag?

Why is the Free State called Brandenony? Shouldn't it be Brandenburg?

Lacustria = Lake Country, no?

I see Nullarbor, Adirondack and Pamlico are named after natural features, nice twist. ;)
You misspelled 'Caledonia', but otherwise the map is just :eek::eek::eek::cool::cool::cool:.

A couple of questions though,

What's the story behind the Iberian Federation's flag?

Why is the Free State called Brandenony? Shouldn't it be Brandenburg?

Lacustria = Lake Country, no?

I see Nullarbor, Adirondack and Pamlico are named after natural features, nice twist. ;)

Yeah, I can't believe I misspelled that, especially since Mom was from Scotland, and I'm a dual citizen! :eek: Anyway, on to the questions:

  • Iberian Federation flag is based off of THIS rendition of Charlemagne's flag or Oriflamme. I wanted something different then a simple combination of the French and Spanish flags.
  • I didn't want to use Brandenburg directly, even though that woul dfit the nation there. So, since I didn't have anything ending in -ony, I decided to take some liberty with the names.
  • Lacustria is Lake Country; that was a suggestion that someone had posted in a thread I had asking for names of a nation located there. While it didn't fit my storyline, which I should have explained better at the time, it's too good of a name to pass up!
  • And yeah, I tried to name stuff after towns or features to make it seem different...I mean, here North Point is a good name for a town or feature, but it's a nation in the Ace Combat world. Just trying to create the same effect here.
Glad you like it, by the way. :D
here's a map I'm working on of an Athenian Empire
I'm not relly done with perfecting it so if anyone has a suggestion of what to add or lose I'd like to here them
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I'll post the explanation for this in a bit, kinda pressed for time right now . . .

And now, some explanation.

This series (there will be something like six maps, hopefully) highlights a US which is highly centralized, in which large dynasties emerge in the political world. The POD is Jefferson stays on with state making; the others sent to France for rights to Louisiana aren't given as great a deal. A system is set up where the US has rights to the Mississippi, and states can be carved up as they organize. The citizens of Louisiana, once hearing of this, are appalled. They see it as being shunned by the three of the four major powers of the continent, and rebel as a nearly independent state.

In the first map, the year is 1860; or before the Great Revolutions. Not long before the US annexed the Texas Republic, the Republic of California, and the lands in between; they forced Mexico to surrender Sonora and Chihuahua territories. Although the US tries to stomp out Nationalism within these annexed countries, much still survives, and, do to a sense of a lack of representation, Civil War breaks out.

Completely and utterly outlandish, I know, but what can you do? :D
Wrong way round. You shouldve asked how Italy managed to lose eastern Istria ;)

And no more comments? :(

Great map, and... interesting Hungaro-Romanian border...

Highlander - you realise you have two adjacent states labelled "CA"? (Neither of which are California, but that's Highlander for you... ;))
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