
The battle of Liegnitz in 1760 was a lucky escape for Frederick the Great. The Austrians had the Prussians hemmed in between two armies under Loudoun and Daun. the plan was to march through the night and attack simultaneously from two sides. In the event Loudoun's part came off too quickly and Daun was too slow, leaving each to face Frederick by himself. Frederick was able to fight off Loudoun after a tough battle. Daun when he finally turned up then didn't press things.
It had been the best opportunity for the Austrians to decide the 7yrw to their advantage.

So (POD) suppose Loudoun had lost his way on his night-march and found himself at daybreak way off from where he'd wanted to be. So he only finds the Prussian positions by the sound of battle between the Prussians and Daun. Fully engaged with Daun's forces the Prussians have no answer to Loudoun's attack in their rear and are crushed. Frederick leads a last desperate charge and falls mortally wounded. The Prussians army is practically destroyed with 9000 dead and 18000 prisoners.

Thereafter Loudoun marches to join the Russians who were facing off with a second Prussian army under Prince Henri. Together they maul badly this army. By the end of the year the Prussians have been cleared out of Silesia.

1761: The Russians take Kolberg. The Swedes take Stettin. The Prussians are evicted from Saxony. An Austrian-Russian army takes Frankfurt-on-the-Oder and Berlin. An Austrian-Saxon army drives up the Elbe. Together they drive the Prusians back to the Elbe.

1762: (March) Capitulation of Mmagdeburg. Austria gets Silesia, Russia EastPrussia (which is exchanged for Kurland), Sweden gets western Pomerania (Vorpommern), Saxony gets Magdeburg, France Prussia's western territory's.
Ferdinand of Brunswick is forced back by the joint efforts of French and Austrian-Saxon troops.
Tsarina Elizabeth dies (May). Her succesor is soon replaced with Catherine.
Britain's remaining German allies make their peace.
(Oktober): Hanover capitulates. Remaining British troops hold out in Bremen until evacuated.
Convention of Kassel. France gets the Southern Netherlands. Austria gets Hanover and Prussia's western territory's.

1763 Peace of Paris. To keep the Southern Netherlands out of French hands (an axiom of British foreign policy) Britain disgorges all its overseas conquests barring Pittsburgh (too many
colonists) in exchange for the undoing of the convention of Kassel - all these lands going back to their original owner. Dominica and StVincent (having been declared no-man's land after the previous war) and Bengal remain British.

1768 Louis XV considers but rejects the notion of buying Corsica from Genoa. The rebellion continues.

[1772: There is no First Polish partition]

1775 Dunmore's War. The battle of Point Pleasant is a sound British defeat thanks to the presence of French regulars [In OTL the British force had a hard time holding off the Indians alone]
When news of the fighting on the American frontier reaches Europe war is declared.

1776 Battle of [Ouessant?]. British admiral is court-martialled for transgression of the rigid British naval code. The more competent British admirals remain ashore at protest against the proceedings.
Southern colonial miltias savage the Cherokee. Only Chickamauga remain fighting.
Massachusets rebellion detours troops earmarked for assault on Louisbourg. Boston holds out to April next year.
French take Dominica, St-Vincent and Minorca. Latter is given to Spain for Spanish participation.
First settlers in Kentucky.

1777-1778 French have the better of fighting in Caribbean, Indian Ocean and Mediterranean. Siege of Gibralter ultimately futile. They assist the Marathas in their war against the British of Bombay.
The British Madsas government provokes war with Hyder Ali of Mysore.
Massachusetts remains under military occupation. Sam Adams et al. executed for High Treason.
Montserrat and British posts on Sumatra captured. Spanish clear British settlements on Miskito coast and Honduras and capture Bahamas.

1779 Austria annexes Bavaria [In OTL Prussia stopped this].

Virginian column under George Washington captures St-Louis.
Attack on St-Augustine is botched through lack of cooperation between militia and regulars and especially poor naval performance. French capture Jersey and St-Kitts and Nevis.
British capture Louisbourg.
Major British defeat at the hands of the Marathas at Talegon. Treaty of Wadgaon restricts British to Bombay.
Hyder Ali inflicts another major defeat on the British.

1780-1781 Rodney, the one capble British admiral in this war, drives the French out of the Leewards. Canada is conquered.
The Creeks are driven west of the Chattahouchee. Nashville settlements founded.
A joint operation by Hyder Ali and French forces takes Madras and drives the Nawab of the Carnatic out of his dominions which are divided between the French and Mysore, the latter getting the northern and bigger part. Attempts to stave off this disaster keep Warren Hastings from reopening the Maratha war.

1782 Peace of Versailles. The French keep Dominica and St-Vincent. Spain keeps Minorca, Miskito coast and British Honduras. The British frontier in North America advances west to the Tennessee and Ohio rivers. Everything else is restored.
French broker Maratha-Mysore alliane.

1782-1784 Renewed Anglo-Maratha War is basically a draw.

1784 British incite Nizam of Hyderabad to attack Tipu Sultan, Hyder Ali's successor. The Nizam's
still-feudal army is soundly thrashed.

1785 Tipu Sultan advances on Hyderabad. British intervention is necessary to save the Nizam.

1788 Due to the financial problems exacerbated by the last war Louis XVI calls the States General.
"1768 Louis XV considers but rejects the notion of buying Corsica from Genoa. The rebellion continues."

General accounts mostly make out that the French bought Corsica as a way to compensate for their losses in the 7yrW. In the meantime I have learned that they actually had troops on the island since 1756.
So maybe Corsica still becomes French?

"Battle of [Ouessant?]. British admiral is court-martialled for transgression of the rigid British naval code. The more competent British admirals remain ashore at protest against the proceedings."

This particular bit comes from Barbara Tuchman's The first salute. Problem is I can't find confirmation elsewhere for this. Does anyone know more about this than I do?

"1788 Due to the financial problems exacerbated by the last war Louis XVI calls the States General." - Right now I can't come up with anything more interesting than basically a replay of OTL's Revolution so I appreciate any help.
Second instalment

1788 [The British found no colony at Botany Bay: convicts continue to be sent to North America]

1792 Radicals have captured Revolution. Louis XVI beheaded. War breaks out. Slavery abolished.

1792-1795 Back and forth fighting over Southern Netherlands.
Colonial-British forces overwhelm Canada/Lousisana.
In StDomingue slave rebellion/civil war. Toussaint floats on top [more or less as in OTL].
British capture other French sugar islands with little trouble, except Grenada and StVincent, where an army of freed slaves is put together.
Hugues recaptures Guadelpoute [as in OTL].
French reactivate Maratha-Mysore alliance. British repulse joint invasion of Hyderabad.

Poles, resenting Russian dominance, revolt; this is crushed. Ducal Prussia gets West-Prussia. Austria gets Galicia and an equally-sized piece bordering Silesia including Posen. Russia annexes rest.

1795 Monarchist revolt in Paris, Bourbon restoration. Spain changes sides.
Peshwa defeated.

1795-96 The Dutch Republic has been paralyzed by the struggle between Prince and Patriots, the Prince wanting to honor the British alliance, the Patriots favoring France. This paralysis also prevented them from joining the neutral league of the Kingdom of Prussia, Sweden and Denmark. By 1795 the contest degenerates into civil war as the French revolutionary armies came closer.Both sides intervened, the French won, establishing the Batavian Republic (1796).

1796 Prussians join in on French side.

1796-98 Prussians capture Magdeburg and invade Hanover (in conjunction with a French-Dutch army) and Saxony. They lose Ansbach-Bayreuth.
Colonials overwhelm Florida and east-Texas.
StVincent falls to British 1796, Cuba and Grenada 1797, Guadeloupe 1798.
British overwhelm Dutch colonial empire barring Java and points east.
Marathas are defeated and lose territory.

1798 Pondicherry falls.
French invasion of Ireland overruns southern 2/3ds except Dublin and some other ports. It takes the British till early 1800 to clear them out again.

1799 Tipu Sultan left on his own is defeated

1800 Decisive French victory of [Hohenlinden].
Peace with Austria: France gets Southern Netherlands and Germany up to the Rhine. Redistribution of trans-Rhenish teritories. Prussia gets Munster, Paderborn and Osnabrück. Austria is allowed to swallow Venice. Savoy loses Savoy and Nice.
Peace of [Amiens]: France gets Guadeloupe, Martinique, StLucia, Indian Ocean Is., Senegal, Cayenne back, Holland Antilles, Guyana, Cape, East Indies without Malacca, Gold Coast posts.

1801 Piemont invades and annexes Genoa.
I have three scenario's as to what happens to Corsica in this TL which I can't decide between. Which one do you like best?
(As you may have observed, I'm quite keen on keeping Napoleon out of France)

scenario I:[1768 Louis XV decides not to buy Corsica. Paoli does nothing, status quo persists.]
1776 At outbrak of war Britain makes deal with Paoli, British Navy helps evict French garrisons, Corsica serves as alternative base to Minorca.
1782 all parties recognize independence Republic of Corsica.

scenario II:[as per OTL:] Paoli makes his move against Republic of Genoa. France buys Corsica and squashes Republic of Corsica
1792 Paoli, re-instated after the Revolution, rebels against the French Republic. A young artillery officer by the name of Napoleone Buonaparte, who happens to be at hand is instrumental in evicting the French from Ajaccio. The refounded Republic of Corsica obtains the protection of the British Navy.
1801 Its independence is recognized.

scenario III:1768: Paoli invades mainland Genoa, France does nothing. Genoa seeks help Savoy. Piemontese army drives out Corsicans. When he finds out that the Genoese treasury is empty and the promised financial recompense will not be forthcoming the duke of Savoy annexes (mainland) Genoa. The duke accepts Corsican independence.


JHPier said:
Convention of Kassel. France gets the Southern Netherlands. Austria gets Hanover and Prussia's western territory's.

Hmm. This wasn't what was planned, though.

Massachusetts remains under military occupation. Sam Adams et al. executed for High Treason.
Montserrat and British posts on Sumatra captured. Spanish clear British settlements on Miskito coast and Honduras and capture Bahamas.

You might wanna go into detail, exploring just what's been going on in the 13 colonies.

1779 Austria annexes Bavaria [In OTL Prussia stopped this].

Austria wanted to trade its Belgian territories to the Duke for Bavaria.

Major British defeat at the hands of the Marathas at Talegon. Treaty of Wadgaon restricts British to Bombay.
Hyder Ali inflicts another major defeat on the British.

What happened to Bengal, and why are the British doing so much more poorly in India?
JHPier said:
I have three scenario's as to what happens to Corsica in this TL which I can't decide between. Which one do you like best?
(As you may have observed, I'm quite keen on keeping Napoleon out of France)

scenario I:[1768 Louis XV decides not to buy Corsica. Paoli does nothing, status quo persists.]
1776 At outbrak of war Britain makes deal with Paoli, British Navy helps evict French garrisons, Corsica serves as alternative base to Minorca.
1782 all parties recognize independence Republic of Corsica.

scenario II:[as per OTL:] Paoli makes his move against Republic of Genoa. France buys Corsica and squashes Republic of Corsica
1792 Paoli, re-instated after the Revolution, rebels against the French Republic. A young artillery officer by the name of Napoleone Buonaparte, who happens to be at hand is instrumental in evicting the French from Ajaccio. The refounded Republic of Corsica obtains the protection of the British Navy.
1801 Its independence is recognized.

scenario III:1768: Paoli invades mainland Genoa, France does nothing. Genoa seeks help Savoy. Piemontese army drives out Corsicans. When he finds out that the Genoese treasury is empty and the promised financial recompense will not be forthcoming the duke of Savoy annexes (mainland) Genoa. The duke accepts Corsican independence.

Why not go with II? Just replace Napoleon by Pozzo-Borgho, who did engineer the Anglo-Corsican Kingdom OTL.
Faeelin said:
Hmm. This wasn't what was planned, though.
What was?
I understood Austria was supposed to get Prussia's western territories; Hannover I added myself, Prussia's western territories seem to me a rather poor swap for the Southern Netherlands.
Faeelin said:
You might wanna go into detail, exploring just what's been going on in the 13 colonies.
You're quite right, I will have to get around to that.
Faeelin said:
Austria wanted to trade its Belgian territories to the Duke for Bavaria.
:eek: I missed that.
The perils of relying too much on memory :eek:
Faeelin said:
What happened to Bengal, and why are the British doing so much more poorly in India?
Bengal remains British as in OTL.
In OTL Calcutta was able to intervene in Bombay's war with the Maratha's and reverse the initial unfavorable outcome before the outbreak of war with France. Since I moved up the outbreak of war with France with 2 yrs they can't do that. The war with Mysore started because the British demanded to be enabled to attack French territory across Mysore's territory, so is also moved up 2 yrs. And in OTL in 1780 the British declared war on the Dutch Republic but not before allowing enough time to send word overseas so that British forces could mount surprise assaults on Dutch outposts, without those outposts being aware there was a war on. The French commander in the Indian Ocean spent most of the rest of the war recovering his ally's territories, Ceylon notably. This does not happen in this TL, there is not enough of an American Revolution to create sufficient bad blood between Britain and Holland.
One slight correction: Russia didn't want to trade East Prussia for Courland, but instead the territories it took in OTL in the First Partiton. Courland stayed part of Poland (Though with it's own Prince) until the third, it wasn't exactly the most wanted state.
Europe in 1801


"1779 Austria annexes Bavaria [In OTL Prussia stopped this]."


"1778 Austria first partitions Bavaria with the Count Palatine, then exchanges the rest for Luxemburg, Limburg and Vorderösterreich [In OTL Prussia stopped this]."

Faeelin: Consulting Joseph II and Bavaria / Paul Bernard. - The Hague, 1965. and Joseph II Pt. I / Derek Beales. - Cambridge, 1987. I learned that Austria only seriously contemplated swapping the the whole of the Southern Netherlands for Bavaria in the 1780's after the war with Prussia. In 1778 the above was the best offer they came up with.