Keynes' Cruisers Volume 2

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Scrap her. Barely even worth the bother of dragging her back into Guam, not when there so many more potent capital ships available including the RN/MN battlefleet on the scene.

Even better, drag her into Guam, use her as a base ship hulk until the preservation era gets swinging.
Long run she is a CTL in 1945 otl and TTL but likely would have gone to Puget in 1942
Fester the next destroyer you should sacrifice IMO is the USS Tucker a little too late for the Miles or Orgeron...

Now another butterfly you've never discussed. Does the Oregon avoid the 1942 scrap drives and stay intact in Portland?
Story 2942
Tokyo, July 19, 1945

The meeting ended. The vote had been indecisive. Every member of the Cabinet checked the men that surrounded them and hoped that they had been exceptional judges of character and obligations months if not years ago when these men were chosen to protect themselves. Within hours, half a dozen men had made quiet inquiries to classmates, in-laws, former commanders and colleagues. Some of those men were contacted multiple times during the night. One man received five phone calls that he managed to juggle even as the American B-29s raided the city that his division garrisoned. He listened even as he gave orders for his soldiers, mostly draftees in their thirties and forties, to assist in both fire fighting and rescue operations. Almost no one made a commitment, but attitudes and loyalties were hinted at but never stated.
I'm actually stumped as to what this is about. The Kyūjō incident maybe?
The war has not turned out the way that was expected. The Japanese elite are discussing their alternatives both with the Allies and with each other... and at this moment, everyone is feeling out who they think they can count on in case there is one more round of inter-Japanese conflict before a final set of decisions are made. At this point, it is the preliminary to a coup, a counter-coup or just taking out insurance.
The war has not turned out the way that was expected. The Japanese elite are discussing their alternatives both with the Allies and with each other... and at this moment, everyone is feeling out who they think they can count on in case there is one more round of inter-Japanese conflict before a final set of decisions are made. At this point, it is the preliminary to a coup, a counter-coup or just taking out insurance.
It sounds like some of these men may be doing all three at the same time.
Story 2943
South of Port Arthur, July 20, 1945

The Navy Privateer banked to the left and then steadied. The mission specialists looked at the barometer and anemometers. Observations were recorded. Soon a weather dropsonde was sent out the door. It gave data for twelve thousand feet before it hit the sea.

Several hours later, the new information was fed back into the prediction models that determined what the 21st Bomber Command would do tomorrow.
Story 2944
Bear Island, Norway July 20, 1945

Eight men and three women walked down the gangway of the Norwegian destroyer Tor. Her sailors then proceeded to lug several dozen crates and boxes. The six men who had landed on the island at the height of darkness helped the new crew bed down in the small wooden cabin next to the radio station. Seven of the eleven were scientists, two were radio operators and the last two men would be keeping camp. By the time the sun had dipped as low as it would dip, the old crew was back aboard the destroyer and it had started to head to its next destination.


Bear Island, Norway July 20, 1945

Eight men and three women walked down the gangway of the Norwegian destroyer Tor. Her sailors then proceeded to lug several dozen crates and boxes. The six men who had landed on the island at the height of darkness helped the new crew bed down in the small wooden cabin next to the radio station. Seven of the eleven were scientists, two were radio operators and the last two men would be keeping camp. By the time the sun had dipped as low as it would dip, the old crew was back aboard the destroyer and it had started to head to its next destination.
Reasserting Norwegian sovereignty over Svalbard etal?
Story 2945
Potsdam, Germany July 21, 1945

A dozen diplomats hurried to their respective communication sections. An ambiguously worded declaration promising terms and totality, mercy and vengeance, endings and beginnings would be released to the world in mere hours. The final phrases had been agreed upon. Now the diplomats needed to make connections to their colleagues from neutral nations who could pass on messages to and from the intended recipients of the declaration.

Twenty hours later, American and British heavy and super-heavy bombers began to carpet the Japanese Home Islands with pamphlets. Some threatened a dozen cities with destructions. Others distributed the surrender demands. On the ground, soldiers hurried to collect the drifting papers. Information was as deadly to morale as incendiaries were to bodies.
Story 2946
Western Pacific, July 22, 1945


Jaroschek carefully popped up from his rack. He had fallen asleep in utter exhaustion in the few seconds after he had closed his eyes just before midnight. The berthing compartment had been quiet with the few exceptions of the snorers in the back row of racks and the ever present throbbing hum of the engines that propelled USS North Carolina forward at twenty two knots. Now it was chaos. For him, it was a simpler job, he had fallen asleep in his uniform and merely had to put boots back on, and then scramble forward half a dozen compartments and up two decks to get to the Bofors mount. It took him just under three minutes to arrive after the first gong. He was not the first, and he was not the last. Everyone was hurrying to secure their helmets, their anti-flash and their life jackets. By the time that he was battle dressed, the last straggler had arrived. A moment later, the ready ammunition clips were being loaded into the gun and the directors were spinning up.

The battleship stayed ready for the next hour as night fighters from Enterprise and Constellation hunted snoopers. Off in the distance, tracers crossed the sky as a picket destroyer defended itself. The ship was secured from General Quarters an hour before dawn. There would be enough time for everyone to hit the head and perhaps the coffee urn before the regular early morning call to battle stations came over the speakers.
Story 2947
London July 23, 1945

The clerk moved an envelope containing the requirements for the new diesel powered anti-aircraft and anti-submarine frigates. The Admiralty desired ships that could be built relatively quickly at multiple shipyards and which were capable of defending themselves against current and the next generation of jet aircraft. Naval architects and the shipyards would have eighteen months to submit design concepts and then the program would likely choose one, or perhaps two, designs for low rate production for the 1948, or perhaps the 1949 estimates.
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