Keynes' Cruisers Volume 2

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Story 2869
Pearl Harbor, May 10, 1945

28,015 men and 5,419 women slowly made their way out of the ball field. Williams had cleared the bases with a training tape perfect line drive that had bounced around in the right field corner. He probably could have made it home as the right fielder had the bat to make it to the PCL but the arm to keep himself in only barn storming independent leagues but the two men in front of him had touched the plate well before he had passed the short stop.
Glad to see nothing bad happen to the Spendid Splinter.

The probable lack of a Korean War means he might have even more eye-popping numbers before he hangs em up.


Glad to see nothing bad happen to the Spendid Splinter.

The probable lack of a Korean War means he might have even more eye-popping numbers before he hangs em up.

I need a reminder of what's changed for the Korean Pennisula and Manchuria. Better success for the Chinese Nationalist vs the Reds?
I need a reminder of what's changed for the Korean Pennisula and Manchuria. Better success for the Chinese Nationalist vs the Reds?
I don't think the Russian are in much of a position to attack Japan. Most of their troops are in Europe and I doubt they will have the time for a massive redeployment. Although I guess it does depend on how long the Japanese hold out.

Without the Russian attack, there is no North Korea and the Chinese Communists do not get all of the surrendered Japanese equipment they got in ITL when the Russians crushed the Kwantung Army in Manchuria.
Because the engineers did not want to get conscripted in the army? A lot of the late war wunderwaffen had a strong element of that in them.
I recall reading something similar in Morita San's autobiography. Was commissioned from university into the navy but worked during the war on radar technology sufficiently bleeding edge that it it was unlikely to find its way onto a ship any time soon - then went on to found Sony after the war.
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Story 2870
Cadiz, Spain May 11, 1945

The small liner departed the harbor. On the aft deck two men looked at the Spanish coast and sighed. They would never be back to this continent. Their families were scheduled to take other liners under other names to Buenes Aires and Rio de Janiero with an intention to eventually meet up in Montevideo where the small stake that could be provided by the pilfered gold and diamonds that had been sent to pay for the remnants of the intelligence networks that had been rolled up in 1943 would allow them to re-establish themselves as refugees from Czechoslovakia and Poland instead of from Brandenburg and Saxony.
Cadiz, Spain May 11, 1945

The small liner departed the harbor. On the aft deck two men looked at the Spanish coast and sighed. They would never be back to this continent. Their families were scheduled to take other liners under other names to Buenes Aires and Rio de Janiero with an intention to eventually meet up in Montevideo where the small stake that could be provided by the pilfered gold and diamonds that had been sent to pay for the remnants of the intelligence networks that had been rolled up in 1943 would allow them to re-establish themselves as refugees from Czechoslovakia and Poland instead of from Brandenburg and Saxony.
Has this guy gone off to Venezuela?
Juan Pujol Garcia.jpg
Would the post war political situation be different enough from OTL that the Americans would be willing to spend diplomatic capital to dissuade any South American governments from sheltering Nazi war criminals? The Soviets won't be as threatening in TTL if I remember the storyline correctly.
Would the post war political situation be different enough from OTL that the Americans would be willing to spend diplomatic capital to dissuade any South American governments from sheltering Nazi war criminals? The Soviets won't be as threatening in TTL if I remember the storyline correctly.
The perceived Communist threat level is similar in TTL and OTL.
Story 2871
London, May 12, 1945

The civil servants kept themselves from smiling. The contract on the table that would be signed by far more senior politicians had been fiercely negotiated over the past three months. The Argentines would receive four new build Battle class destroyers and half a dozen Flower class corvettes. His Majesty's Treasury would receive gold and silver. The Argentines had wanted to pay in either Sterling or barter wheat and beef for the four destroyers but the Treasury had held firm. The corvettes had been thrown in to clinch the deal as the price of a quid for each of the well worn ships that would otherwise be scrapped.

Even as the ink was drying on the primary contract and the representatives were now signing the duplicated contracts, talks for the transfer of at least two relatively modern light cruisers were being scheduled for later in the summer.
London, May 12, 1945

The civil servants kept themselves from smiling. The contract on the table that would be signed by far more senior politicians had been fiercely negotiated over the past three months. The Argentines would receive four new build Battle class destroyers and half a dozen Flower class corvettes. His Majesty's Treasury would receive gold and silver. The Argentines had wanted to pay in either Sterling or barter wheat and beef for the four destroyers but the Treasury had held firm. The corvettes had been thrown in to clinch the deal as the price of a quid for each of the well worn ships that would otherwise be scrapped.

Even as the ink was drying on the primary contract and the representatives were now signing the duplicated contracts, talks for the transfer of at least two relatively modern light cruisers were being scheduled for later in the summer.

Seems like a sweet deal is being made, could it be for the security of the falklands, or perhaps something else?

I lean toward the some kind hint else…
Seems like a sweet deal is being made, could it be for the security of the falklands, or perhaps something else?

I lean toward the some kind hint else…
The Argentinians weren't really that bothered about the Falklands at the time because

1) the RN was literally the second biggest Navy in the world in 1945 and the repurcussions of trying something was too horrendous to consider. The RN would literally put half a dozen battleships off Buenos Aires and shell the place into submission.

2) the obsession over the ownership of the Falklands was more of a later 20th century thing.

This is just the UK treasury trying to translate surplus warships into gold and influence.
The Argentines had wanted to pay in either Sterling or barter wheat and beef for the four destroyers but the Treasury had held firm.
OTL Argentina was one of the richest nations in the world, per capita, in 1943.

Peron soon cured that.
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