If Greece won the war of '19-'22, could realistically gain Constantinople?

Aside from the interesting TLs read before on the matter, if Greece - avoiding all the mistakes did OTL (above all marching into Anatolia, but also snubbing France and Italy, and finally being more realistic in their ambitions), managed to achieve a victory or at least gaining a favourable momentum against the Turks, they could have pulled a peace treaty able to grant them Constantinople?

If I remember well, there is an opinion here about the Greeks would have gained the city if they accepted to swap it with Smyrne, so accepting to preserve the Anatolian integrity in favour of Turkey - it is still the most logical, favourable condition for Greece? Or there could be a way for the Greeks to achieve a peace able to take both Constantinople and Smyrne?
Seeing how pissed they were when they tried to separate Armenia, I don't see it happening without a lot of bloodshed and resistance.
Greece can definitely get more land in Thrace, as well as Imbros and Tenedos, but Constantinople or a foothold in Anatolia would be very hard to pull off.
The Turks will resist it with all their might and depending on how the super powers react the Greeks may be able to keep the city. The more likely result would be it becoming a sort of Free City like Danzig.
You do realize that Constantinople is under Allied occupation at this time? The Allied Powers had a total number of more than 51,000 soldiers and several hundred machine guns and artillery pieces ready to stop anyone trying to make funny business. The Greeks don't have a chance.
Perhaps the best chance is using the Bosphorus as a dividing line - European Constantinople is Greek, Asian Turkish.
There is a chance but not right away, if Greece keeps eastern thrace then it is very possible that a revancist Turkey could take part in a WW2 analogue,
in this war then it is possible that Greece could take the rest of eastern thrace up to the Bosporus and make it the border between the 2 countries.....

John Farson

There is a chance but not right away, if Greece keeps eastern thrace then it is very possible that a revancist Turkey could take part in a WW2 analogue,
in this war then it is possible that Greece could take the rest of eastern thrace up to the Bosporus and make it the border between the 2 countries.....

Would Athens still be the capital, or would it be moved to Constantinople?