how long could fascism last

depends on what you mean.... do you mean how long can fascism (ie Nazi party) last in Germany? Or do you mean how long can it last in any country.

In Germany, the Nazi party would have bankrupted the country with their policies by the mid-40s assuming there was no war... and likely would have been replaced by some other form of government.

If by the question, you are asking how long it can last in any country. Franco was a fascist leader and he stayed in power till his death in the 1970s. So it could last at least till the 1970s, given the right country.

Delta Force

It also depends on the definition of facism. There are some who argue that the DPRK resembles a facist state more than a communist one.
If you mean in Italy, no obvious reason why it couldn't go on into the 1970s as in Spain and Portugal. Maybe longer depending on the butterflies.
wasn't peronism in Argentina related to fascism?

But if you take the original Italian kind of fascism (or like the Spanish one), with the right butterflies it could no doubt survive up till today (most likely in a middle or south-american country)


Depends on your definition of fascism, as well as on the country. No reason why it would have to collapse in, for example, Italy which could go on indefinitely as an oil exporting economy should there be no WWII and oil is discovered in Tripolitania early enough.
If you mean the same sort of corporate fascism Mussolini had, with power concentrated in the hands of a single leader, nationalism, and a philosophy that glorified the state at the expense of the individual I could certainly see countries in the Middle East, Africa, or Latin America being that way today.

The US has ALWAYS been fine with dictators and such so long as they were anti-communist and willing to play ball. If Argentina or Yemen or Angola were 'fascist' but pro US I don't think there would be an issue.

I mean we DID love Saddam Hussein all through the 80's.