Hollywood AH Challenge: Sheep, not Penguins

Simple. Worse climate change leads to penguins becoming extinct. The new generation of primary customers to such films, the main audience, has never heard of penguins, really, and hearing about their extinction would depress them and drive them away. So, they decide to pick animals at random and get sheep. Voila.
Simple. Worse climate change leads to penguins becoming extinct. The new generation of primary customers to such films, the main audience, has never heard of penguins, really, and hearing about their extinction would depress them and drive them away. So, they decide to pick animals at random and get sheep. Voila.

So, would there be a version of "Babe" with a sheep as a main character? :D
POD. The brittish chose a different rifle. Butterflies flap and some Hollywood executive finds sheeps cool:p