Hitler Dead, Hindenburg Lives!

It is March 5, 1933. Adolf Hitler is starting his third month as Chancellor of Germany and decides to go for a ride through the streets of Weimar, Germany.

He never returns. A failure in the brake line due to it having been cut almost all the way through ensures that his vehicle is unable to stop at an intersection, resulting in it being T-boned by cross street traffic. Hitler and his driver, a minor NAZI party functionary, are severely injured by the crash. When the vehicle catches fire, those nearby rush to pull them out, quickly extracting the driver, but taking almost a minute to pull Hitler out

Aside from their injuries from the crash, both suffer burns. Those on the driver are relatively minor. He will eventually recover after a long stay in the hospital.

Hitler, however was not so lucky. Despite the best efforts of the doctors, Hitler passes away 3 days later as a result of his injuries.

Due to the fire, all evidence of the brake line tampering was destroyed.

What happens now?
The NSDAP was almost broke at this time. Hitler (as always) had gambled, all-or-nothing style. The nazi bigwigs would fight among each other, the conservatives and Hindenburg's camarilla would come to the conclusion that you can't work together with those nutsies, and Hindenburg might abolish democracy and introduce a dictatorship similar to Austria, Spain and/or Portugal.
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