Hearts of Iron III

I don't know most of my practicals off hand, but I got some high ones. I know the one for IC is in the high 90s, and fighter planes is in the low 60s.

Also how many ships to you get for every destroyer or submarine you build?
How many of each have you built, because if you build a lot of light cruisers and only a few Destroyers and subs the cruisers will be cheaper
Glad to see there's others who play this! I don't have any screenshots right now but I do have some funny stories to share:

1. You think the Canada invasion was crazy? I once influenced Poland into the Axis rather than invading it. A few weeks into the war, while I'm battering down the French front line, I see that Poland has landed in Dunkirk! I was floored. They'd built 6 transports during peace and sent them with their 1 destroyer. It ended up failing and it cost them 100,000 of their men. But it was awesome.

2. My first game as Brazil was nuts. I went Axis and played all the way up till around 1949 before giving it up and moving on. Stalemate with the US and Britain holding the north half of the country and me running out of resources. I got nuked but they chose to nuke a worthless jungle province rather than Sao Paulo or Rio. Gemany and Italy had been long since defeated but Japan was still going strong - they'd conquered China and India and were invading Persia and trying to land in Dubai. Problem with the US and Britain AIs in South America is that they'll dump 250,000 men on you but can only supply a fraction of that, so you get these ridiculous stalemates.

3. Actually did conquer the United States with Germany once, but it was a really epic campaign that I was satisfied with. No war with Russia, Sea Lion successful, long buildup of the navy. Went from taking Iceland to Greenland to Newfoundland to Bermuda. Trying to get from Newfoundland into Canada is a ridiculously hard fight...we were stalemated there for years. Eventually moved into the Caribbean, lost the Tirpitz in the battle for the Panama Canal, got Mexico into the Axis, and landed in Florida and Georgia. Got a few Italian and Polish expeditionary divisions, a few Japanese that landed in California after it fell, and a lot of Mexican help. Ended up dividing very nice at the end - Mexico got all the West and I got all the east. I hate when the borders get messed up.

4. Did an experiment where I stayed out of the war and the Axis altogether as Italy. Just kept building up during the war years. I conquered Yugoslavia and Greece, then eventually moved on to Republican Spain and Portugal. Annexing Portugal is interesting because it gives you Macau and Timor. So I decided I'd go to war with Japan, ended up aligning to Comintern, and brought the Regia Marina over to the Pacific. I managed to grab Bangkok and a little area around it before the rest of Siam fell to Britain, Hainan Island, and liberated the Dutch East Indies (there way no D-day, so all of Europe became Comintern puppets save Britain). Then I tried invading Kyushu twice, ended up driven back into the sea both times. Third time worked however, the Soviets shipped in reinforcements and we got Hokkaido and a northern bit of Honshu before Japan surrendered.

5. The might of the Swedish navy...I played an Axis Sweden game. While the AI was running itself it decided an amphibious invasion of the Orkneys was a solid plan. :eek: It's the American navy, not the Brits, who show up to kill us. I can't get the invasion stopped fast enough and the fights on. Round one...We are victorious? We have lost one heavy cruiser, the Americans lost three battleships! These were the older ones, the Pearl Harbor battleships. Then while I had us retreating we got attacked again. Again, I lost a heavy cruiser, the Americans lost another three battleships. Miraculous victory, but I never trusted the AI to run navies by itself again.

6. Most interesting of my current games is the Anglo-French American War. Used noneutrality to start it in 1936. I'm playing as the French, we're dominating the Caribbean and I've invaded through Houston and New Orleans. Almost linked up the landing sites. Britain's up fighting in the Newfoundland area, as Canada sided with the US, and they've also started sending a few divisions to the beachheads. French navy has taken a beating but we still have superiority with British help. Maginot Line has a skeleton crew; thing is, Germany will still start the war in 1939 per norm, so this was is happening on borrowed time.
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Is there is still the bug if you can call that a bug. I was playing the game as France defeated Germany and they ended up becoming a british pupett insteed when not a single british division ever got on the continent I was so pissed off all those effort wasted.
I have a problem, I've been playing as Poland and purchasing licenses from the USSR to build light tanks. It had been working fine, I'd build them and deploy them to my army, but suddenly they aren't being deployed. I can't deploy them personally and they aren't being deployed automatically. This has also happened in a game as Finland where I was purchasing British airplanes. They would not deploy.

Has anyone had this problem? Does it take anything special to be able to deploy these units?
War goals are broken.

I set a war goal of puppet and install democracy in germany as the US.

The Soviets conquer 2/3 of germany before the krauts surrender.

Germany becomes an American puppet with the NSDAP still in power.

The Soviet army is currently in the middle of Germany. I gave up playing.
War goals are broken.

I set a war goal of puppet and install democracy in germany as the US.

The Soviets conquer 2/3 of germany before the krauts surrender.

Germany becomes an American puppet with the NSDAP still in power.

The Soviet army is currently in the middle of Germany. I gave up playing.

Quirk that reminds me of my German surrender game in HOI2+expansions from years back - I as the British conquered all of Germany proper and much of Western, Central and Eastern Europe. The bulk of the German army was fighting around Moscow, and surrendered to the Soviets, which meant that all un-liberated lands in Western Europe were annexed into the USSR.
I got this game and the first expansion, but haven't installed yet since people say it's so bad. How's it with the latest expansion?

There's alot I want to buy already (AHD and CK2 mostly), is this worth it?
I have a problem, I've been playing as Poland and purchasing licenses from the USSR to build light tanks. It had been working fine, I'd build them and deploy them to my army, but suddenly they aren't being deployed. I can't deploy them personally and they aren't being deployed automatically. This has also happened in a game as Finland where I was purchasing British airplanes. They would not deploy.

Has anyone had this problem? Does it take anything special to be able to deploy these units?

Apparently, to anyone else who had this problem, saving and reloading the game is the solution.
I've got some questions. I'm new in the game and make a watching game with Switzerland. The Soviets conquered Germany and most of Italy( The rest is controlled by The US). Now the US led a Invasion and conquered Japan. So the war should be over. But instead Italy, Japan and Mongolia (all of them have 100% Capitulation(?) (I'm german so i don't know how it is called in english) still are in the Axis and the war goes on. Japan is the only one with provinces, have i to wait until Japan lost everything?

And when does the GDR or FGR cores so the soviets could release them?

I play the normal HOI 3 with the DiDay`s ICE MOD
I bought HoI 3 a couple months ago and quickly lost interest due to the sheer difficulty. However, I've heard it's a much better game with the expansions - should I purchase them and give HoI 3 another chance?
I kind of prefer HOI2 and I fire that up every so often with the Kaiserreich mod. Now that's some fun times. Try to hold America together through the 2nd Civil War.
It's been almost a year since anyone posted in here? :eek: Quite the contrast with the other Paradox game threads. Anyways, I just wrapped up a game with the UK and thought I'd share a little mini-AAR:


On the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month of the twenty-fifth year since the guns of the Western Front had fallen silent, once again the guns of war had silenced their tongues. Beginning as the attempt by two brave Prime Ministers to check the territorial ambitions of a mad German before they could extend to the ends of the Earth, the conflagration had grown into another globe-spanning war. British soldiers had fought from Trondheim to Saigon, from Addis Ababa to Berlin as they struggled to quiet the ambitions of Germany, Italy, and Japan.

Now Germany was partitioned into British, French, and Polish occupation sectors, the Duce of Rome had been strung up by his own people, and Japan was being filled with American boots. Emperor Haile Selassie I had been restored to his throne in Ethiopia, Austria had been reformed, and the Czechs, Belgians, and Dutch restored to self-government. Hungary's government had been replaced by one friendly to British and French interests. The Soviets, having remained neutral up to this point, were racing into a collapsing Manchuria and Inner Mongolia, hoping to seize power for themselves before American or Chinese troops could respond. A Korean government, the first in more than three decades, was being formed before American occupation troops could reach Seoul.

And it was not just the defeated who faced an uncertain future. Britain had gone through three prime ministers in five years of war, and now faced the prospect of an election pitting the victorious Conservative Party against a Labour perhaps more in tune with the post-war mood. Promises had been made to the Indians about the formation of two nations on the subcontinent to secure their support when the war in Europe had started, and events must move towards full independence now that Japan was fallen. As in the previous war, the youth had been bled white checking the ambitions of Germany and Japan, and the country was exhausted by the struggles of war.

France, too, had been hard hit by war; in the darkest hour, Paris had fallen and all seemed lost. Nothing but a few hours of deliberation seemed to stand in the way of an armistice led by the new King in Bordeaux. News that Mussolini had been executed, Italy had switched sides, and British and Italian forces were invading Austria and moving to reinforce French defenders had stiffened the spines of the French government and the French army, but the memory and the scars across half of France remained. The Ruhr and Rhineland were being looted to rebuild French industry and wealth, while the colonies began to clamor for independence.

Even those who had not fought were feeling the aftereffects of war. Burma, Indochina, and the East Indies seethed with restlessness, now that the invincibility of Europeans had been convincingly defeated. The Chinese dragon of Chiang Kai-Shek, laid prostrate by the Japanese sun, now stirred again, racing to seize control of the once-occupied sectors of their country before the Communists could consolidate control. Warlords once again perceived themselves as being able to rule independently of Chongqing. The neutral countries of Europe, facing a Soviet giant untouched by war, with millions of men in its armies and factories churning out tanks, rifles, artillery, huddled together, uncertain of what the future would hold. Yugoslavia, Romania, Bulgaria, Albania, Greece, Turkey, Sweden; these neutrals saw the lessons of Munich, the lessons of poor Finland, a brave fighter nevertheless overwhelmed by the Soviets, and turned towards the victors for security against Communist invasion. Only Spain, rebuilding after Nationalist victory in 1941, and Portugal, on the other side of the continent from the Soviets, remained aloof and neutral.

Of the victors, only the Americans seemed to have benefited. The demand by the French and British for more arms, more fighters, more tanks, more more more had stirred their industry onwards like none of Roosevelt's New Deals had, and they now stood forth rich and powerful, with mighty armies, navies, and air forces. What was uncertain was whether they would remain forth; although their President, Roosevelt, had not said whether he would run for a fourth term, with the war over and the economy booming, few thought he would. While continuing American interest in East Asia seemed certain, no one knew whether the Democratic and Republican parties would continue Roosevelt's promise that the US would be involved in any war launched by the Soviets against Europe...

(I tweaked things a little bit to get rid of some of the sillier bits, like Yugoslavia allying with Japan despite being bordered by Allied Hungary, Italy, Romania, and Bulgaria. Yeah.)
It's been almost a year since anyone posted in here? :eek: Quite the contrast with the other Paradox game threads. Anyways, I just wrapped up a game with the UK and thought I'd share a little mini-AAR:
I was just about to make a general WW2 simulator game thread here to address this deficiency.

In anycase always good to see AARs like that. :)

Im currently playing Arsenal of Democracy with another AH member, with him as UK and me as Japan. Rather worried to say the least, considering im Japan after all, its 1942 and im about to awaken the sleeping giant. Its likely he'll soon be recreating your AAR. :p