Franklin Expedition Succeeds?

In our time, the Erebus and Terror got stuck in the ice near mainland Canada and the expedition ended in disaster. Let's say a path is found in the ice that leads them to the other side of the Canadian Archipelago. What's the result?
not much getting through once is possible. getting through safely many times takes more than luck


It is only in recent years that the north west passage has become ice free during summer due to global warming. It was practically impossible during Franklin's time to accomplish that especially with wooden ships.
Not much more than a footnote in history I would think. The difficulty and more importantly the time required would make the route a no go for future trade.
It was doable... but barely. Ironically, a lot of Arctic exploration was people searching for the Franklin expedition. So I would say the biggest difference would be that it doesn't get explored as thoroughly for another thirty years or so.

Sadly, most of the survivors will have horrific lead poisoning upon their return and their quality of life will be very poor (probably not from the canned food but the water purifier).

John Rae may be a slightly more famous polar explorer... his announcing that the Franklin expedition resorted to cannibalism almost totally scuttled his career.

Lastly, the bad habits of European exploration will linger longer (lack of proper clothing, bringing a ton of pointless gear, general lack of preparation and planning, etc.).