My POD is the survival of Margaret Maid of Norway. She survives and goes to Scotland as was planned, where she receives the same education of the future kings of the time. Once she is 16, she start ruling by herself and her marriage with Edward happens after their coronation as Queen and King Consort of Scotland, in the marriage contract it's established that their first born son will inherit both kingdoms but Scotland and England will stay separated. Margaret and Edward don't love racha other but have a great friendship.

A year later, in 1300, she gives birth to a boy, named Edward, who is raised in Scotland but with the help of english tutors. With Scotland's crown guaranteed, Edward I focuses on Ireland, maybe leading to a more anglicised Ireland? A earlir UK?
In 1301, Margaret gives birth to a girl, Maud, and in 1303, she gives birth to a son, David.

He dies in 1307 as in OTL, and Edward II takes the throne, with 8 years of experience as king and the influence of his wife, maybe he's not so open to Galveston's influence, if he brings him back, maybe Piers will be killed even earlier by Margaret? I don't know If Edward II is really gay, but maybe he will be a little more competent than OTL.

When the Prince of wales is 14, a marriage is established with Isabella of France, who is just 5 years older. When she comes to England her fights with her mother-in-law start, as Margaret is jealous of the influence that Isabella has in her son and the court. A year later, she gives birth to a son, Edward (IV), the pretendent to the french throne.

In 1319, Haakon of Norway dies and Margaret is crowned queen. She decides David will be her heir, cooling her relationship with her firstborn. David travels to Norway to levar their traditions, but even with a good education, David in his 15 years was raised to be the second hand of his brother, being firmly loyal to him and happy to stay in the shadows.

In 1322, Maud marries Ludwig IV of the Holy Roman German Empire, they have:
Albert (1324-1378)
Margaret (1325-1374)
A child born dead in 1327
William (1328-1365)
Beatrice (1331-1388)

In that years, Isabella of France gives birth to two daughters, Elizabeth and Joan, and a boy, Philip. While David marries Ingrid the Queen of Sweden, who was born a boy in OTL. They marry when she is 14, and have a boy, Erik, who will inherit both thrones. Edward II dies in 1327 and Margaret dies in 1335. Edward III is crowned king of England, Scotland and Ireland, he isn't as competent as his equivalent in OTL but he os still very smart and Charming, using his influence in his younger brother to maintain good relations with Norway, while try to reclaim the throne of France to his son.

Edward III dies in 1354 and Edward IV is crowned King of UK, he's smart and a great strategist, making England, Ireland and Scotland more united against France and more anglicised. I don't know who he cold marry, but in 1334 he has a son, Henry and later he has two brothers, Edward, who dies as a baby, John, and a sister, Maud. His reign is very succesful but short, when he dies in 1360. Henry is crowned Henry IV. He marries and has a son, Henry (V) in 1359 and a daughter, Henry V is crowned in 1397.

Erik of Norway and Sweden dies 3 years later, during his life he married Margaret of Denmark, having a son, Olaf, in 1367, who dies with in 1387 without children, and his twin sister, Ingeborg inherits Norway and Sweden.

Henry V who is know for being handsome and charming, visits Norway while Prince of Wales and asks for princess Ingeborg's hand. The marriage happens fast, since the position of Queen of UK is desired by nearly all princess in Europe, and Ingeborg has quickly fallen in love with her spouse. Their problems start when Olaf dies without an heir and Ingeborg is crowned Queen of Norway and Sweden and heir of Denmark, that and the fact that the couple is having trouble to have children, having many miscarriages and stillborns, starting a succession war in Scandinavia while the kingdoms wait anxiously while princess Ingeborg's gives birth to the new heir.

What do you think? I know it's bad but it's just a sketch that I wrote at 1 AM instead of sleeping so I wouldn't forget the main ideas. I still don't know If Edward III should or not be king of Norway from the start and later start marry his son or daughter with the heir of the other Scandinavian thrones, or maybe there could have a war between Edward III and his mother and brother? I'm open to suggestions.

PS: Sorry for any mistake, english is not my First language.
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In 1319, Haakon of Norway dies and Margaret is crowned queen.
I assume this is the Haakon we're talking about here? Why does his niece inherit Norway over his own daughters and/or their children?

OTL, women were barred from the throne of Norway by the succession law of 1280 (this was something that the Scots apparently didn't know when they signed the marriage contract between Margaret of Scotland and Haakon's older brother Eric. The Scots speculated that any daughters born to the couple might be able to inherit Norway, with the qualifier "if that is the custom." Well, it wasn't the custom; when Eric died his brother Haakon became king even though Eric's other daughter Ingeborg was still alive at that time).

When Haakon himself died, there were no sons, brothers, uncles, or nephews to inherit. But even in that case, it was his infant maternal grandson Magnus Ericsson who became the next King of Norway, not his eldest daughter Ingeborg (not to be confused with her similarly named cousin mentioned above).

You're going to do a lot of heavy lifting to get Margaret the Maid of Norway to inherit the Norwegian crown over her many male relatives.
Eu suponho que este é o Haakon que estamos falando aqui? Por que sua sobrinha herda a Noruega sobre suas próprias filhas e/ou seus filhos?

OTL, as mulheres foram impedidas do trono da Noruega pela lei de sucessão de 1280 (isso era algo que os escoceses aparentemente não sabiam quando assinaram o contrato de casamento entre Margaret da Escócia e o irmão mais velho de Haakon, Eric. Os escoceses especularam que quaisquer filhas nascido do casal pode herdar a Noruega, com o qualificador "se esse for o costume " . Tempo).

Quando o próprio Haakon morreu, não havia filhos, irmãos, tios ou sobrinhos para herdar. Mas mesmo nesse caso, foi seu neto materno infantil Magnus Ericsson que se tornou o próximo rei da Noruega, não sua filha mais velha Ingeborg (não deve ser confundido com seu primo de mesmo nome mencionado acima).

Você vai fazer muito trabalho pesado para conseguir que Margaret, a Donzela da Noruega, herde a coroa norueguesa sobre seus muitos parentes do sexo masculino.
Oh, eu não sabia disso, obrigado pela informação, mas o filho de Margaret poderia herdar o trono? Já que ele é neto de Erik? Na sua opinião, quem teria mais direito de ser o rei? Isso levaria a uma guerra de sucessão? And yes, it's Margaret's uncle I was talking about.
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Oh, I didn't know that, thanks for the information, but could Margaret's son inherit the throne? Since he's Erik's grandson? In your opinion, who would have more right to be the king? Would this lead to a war of succession? And yes, it's Margaret's uncle I was talking about.
Yeah, a hypothetical son of Margaret would almost certainly take precedence over his mother. He may face opposition on account of not having been raised Scandinavian by culture (and he may have rivals in the form of maternal grandson(s) of Haakon V later on down the line), but it's a much more plausible scenario than Margaret inheriting outright.
Would Margaret care enough for Norway and vice versa? Because if not I have serious doubts if any of her children have a chance at the Norwegian throne.

Also from what I read it looks like the Norwegian succession had no problems after Margaret's father's death. So there would be no need for Margaret's kids to come on over.
Edward I of England would be fight a war with France Philip iV of France tride to take Gascony from the Plantagenet dynasty and ended the peace that lasted since 1259.

The Kings of Britannica and the kings of France will continue to fight until the kings of Britannica can not hold there lands in France.

As for names the child of Edward II and Queen Margaret would be the King of Britannica they my decide to name him Arthur to symbolise a united kingdom of Britannica.

Also Aruthr like Edward iii of England would be a beacon of military success and chivalry.

Edward I of England was fighting a Welsh Rebellion and Philip iV in the late 1290s and by not fighting in Scotland he would be able bring more resources to Fing the Capations.

Also Edward would not be skint because in otl he was fighting in Gascony, Wales, Flanders and Scotland.

He also my live a few more years he dead at 68 of dysentery.

As for Edward II of England he as just too many personality flaws to be a successful King like king Jon Edward II is the proplem he has no understanding or consideration for his lords or his kingdom which can be seen with his relationships with purse gaveston making his Early of Cornwall and giving too much favour to Hugh despenser.

Edward II of England sons are very likely to depots there father with the support of there mother and the English nobility. Edward II just too much of a flawed person and is not capable of being a good king.
Eric II of Norway (1268-1299) married Margaret of Scotland (1261-1283), brother of Haakon V (1270-1319)

- Margaret Queen Of Scotland, Consort of England (1283-1339) married Edward II of England (1284-1327? Maybe he dies earlier?)

- Arthur of England and Scotland, suitor of the norwegian throne (1299-1360) married Isabella of France (1295-1358)​
- Edward III of England and Scotland and Norway? Suitor of the french throne (1314-1378) married with ?​
- Eleanor of England (1316-?) Married with ?​
- Henry (1319-?)​
- John (1319-?)​
- Joana of England (1321-?)​
- Margaret of England (1301-?) Married ?​
- David of England (1305-1309)​
- Stillborn (1306)​
-. Abortion (1309)​

So, what about it?
Sorry for any mistake, english isn't my first language
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